In this Timothy Connects you will find
On Mission with Jesus
Acts offers more than history; it reflects the Spirit's ongoing work within the church. We'll examine how early believers faced challenges, built community, and boldly shared the gospel—experiences relevant to us today. 
With a dedicated reading plan, we’ll explore the stories of Peter, Paul, and others, learning how the Holy Spirit empowered them and how He can empower us. We’ll find practical ways to apply these lessons to our lives and become effective witnesses for Christ.
Follow along with our sermon series and weekly Prepare for Worship emails for reading assignments. Let’s be inspired by the early church's courage and faith and ignite a fresh wave of God’s Kingdom.
This week’s reading: Chapter 17-18
The Book of Acts details the early church's dynamic growth, showcasing ordinary people doing extraordinary things through the Holy Spirit. Over 13 weeks, we'll see the birth of a movement that reshaped the world.
Upside Down Reformation
We live in a world that shudders at the thought of being turned upside down. Yet, on this Reformation Sunday, we celebrate a Gospel that did just that. A Message so radical, so counter-cultural, that it shook the world to its core. But let's be honest: the upside-down Kingdom of God isn't always welcomed with open arms. It challenges our comfort, our traditions, and even our understanding of God. Join us as we explore the power of a message that defies expectations. Let's rediscover the revolutionary love of Christ and the courage to share it with a world in desperate need of transformation. Are you ready to embrace the upside-down and experience the life-changing power of the Gospel?
This weekend welcome Guest Pastor Thomas Lange. Pastor Ryan will be leading service.
Call Committee Update
Timothy's Call Committee has been praying diligently for God's guidance in the divine call process, studying candidates' profiles, interviewing candidates, and discussing for hours and hours to discern the gentleman He has already chosen as Timothy's next senior pastor. The committee requests your continued, fervent prayers as the process enters its final stages to present candidates for Voters' Assembly approval within the coming weeks. To God be the glory, and may His will be done. Thank you!
Sunday Contemporary 9:00 am
Sunday Traditional: 10:30 am
301 East Wyatt Road
Holy Communion 1st, 3rd, & 5th Sundays
Worship Attendance
October 20, 2024
9 am 192
10:30 am 109
October 20, 2024:
(Budgeted Weekly General Contributions: $24,038)
Actual General Contributions: $18,156.00
2024 First Fruits Budgeted Goal: $100,000.00 (1st $12,000 to NYG expenses)
Total to date: $61,809.32
Bible Studies
Sunday Morning Adult Bible Study "The Book of Hebrews"; 9:00-10:00 am; Library; led by Fritz Barlag and Dale Russell
Sunday Morning Adult Bible Study "The Real God",10:30-11:30 am; led by Gary Storck and Wayne Diveley. 8 week study
Monday Morning Adult Bible Study 10-11 am, "Book of John"; Pointe of Hope Coffee House; led by George Zimmerschied
(Canceled on November 11th to attend Veteran's Day Assembly at Timothy Lutheran School)
Tuesday Morning Men’s Bible Study "First Corinthians", 6:30-7:30 am, Conference Room;
led by various men
Tuesday Morning Women’s Bible Study "Becoming like Jesus" by Cynthia Heald; 9-10:30 am, Pointe of Hope Library; led by various ladies
Wednesday Night Sr High Revolution 6:30-8 pm; Mobile Classroom 4 (Youth Room)
Wednesday Night Confirmation 6:30 - 8 pm; auditorium and various classrooms
Thursday Night Men's Bible Study "Red Letter Challenge" 7 - 8 pm; Pointe of Hope Church; led by Pastor Rod
A Heartfelt Thank You
Thanks to everyone for the calls, cards, and prayers during my recent injury. So meaningful.
Carol Cronkhite
Staff Highlight This Week
In a world where instant gratification often takes center stage, Mrs. Melissa Hochgrebe shines as a model of dedication, showing that true success comes through perseverance and commitment. Her students and colleagues benefit greatly from these qualities. Fellow teachers describe her as "a hardworking preschool teacher, deeply devoted to her students, their families, our school, and Timothy Lutheran Church." Melissa’s care, patience, knowledge, dedication, compassion, and inspiration go far beyond teaching; she is genuinely touching lives for Jesus, as is evident in everything she does.
TLS students also express their admiration, saying: “She is kind and always plans fun activities for us,” “She loves us no matter what,” “She’s nice,” and “She’s funny—in a good way.”
As a school leader, Mr. Holland deeply appreciates Mrs. Hochgrebe’s commitment to the ministry. Her steadfast faith calls to mind 1 Corinthians 15:58: "Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain." This verse beautifully reflects Melissa’s enduring love for the Timothy Lutheran School Ministry.
Fall Generosity Emphasis
This fall, Timothy’s GIVE Commission is implementing an emphasis to promote Biblical generosity to “fuel” our ministry efforts moving into 2025. During the offering this Sunday, an introductory video will kick off our Fall Generosity Emphasis. Next Sunday, November 3rd, a pledge card inside a plain white envelope will be given to each family unit for its personal prayerful consideration about serving in and funding Timothy’s ministries. The same information will be emailed to families on Monday, Nov. 4. On Nov. 17, 24, & Dec. 1, families will return their 2025 response inside the sealed envelope in the offering plate as a promise between them and their Lord. While the envelopes will be collected, they will not be opened for budgetary or other purposes. The sealed envelope will be returned to the families a year from now for reflection upon their 2025 response to God’s goodness and blessings. We praise God for walking with us on His mission with love, grace, and unlimited generosity. Please pray how you can support Timothy’s growing ministries in 2025, not only through valuable volunteerism of time and talents, but also through a personal financial promise to do all we can to serve and honor Him. Thank you!
October 2024: Celebrating Called Staff Appreciation Month
October is Called Staff Appreciation Month, a perfect time to recognize the hard work and dedication of Timothy's team. We encourage everyone to keep the staff in your thoughts and prayers. A simple word of thanks or encouragement can uplift their spirits and show appreciation for their tireless efforts. Let’s come together as a community to express our gratitude and ensure that our words and actions reflect the respect we have for their contributions. Join us in making this month a memorable celebration of our incredible staff!
TLS Christmas Wonderland Shop
Again this year, the TLS Parent-Teacher League (PTL) is organizing a Christmas Wonderland Shop for TLS students to shop for gifts for their parents.
The congregation is invited to support this project by picking a gift tag from a Christmas tree in the lobby ftoday through November 4th.
The unwrapped gift items may be returned to the bin next to the tree by Nov. 4th so that the Christmas Wonderland Shop can be set up for students to shop the week of Dec. 2nd.
If you know of an individual or family from our congregation or school who might need extra assistance at Christmas, please submit their name, address, and phone number in a sealed envelope labeled as “Christmas family” and leave it on the front desk. The deadline to submit a family is this Sunday, October 27. The trees will go up on Thanksgiving Eve, November 27. Gifts will be distributed to the families, Community Service League, Immanuel Lutheran, and Hillcrest. Thank you for your generous support in the past. We look forward to this year’s gifts of love.
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