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Sunday Contemporary 9:00 am
Sunday  Traditional:   10:30 am
301 East Wyatt Road

Holy Communion 1st, 3rd, & 5th Sundays

 Worship info on Timothy’s website

Come and Follow 

We finally get to the place where Jesus invites us to join Him on this walk. That's one of the amazing things about God. While He could do everything alone, He chooses to bring people along with Him. And so, He reaches out to some unlikely, untrained people, like most of us, to come along. But insufficiency always stands in the way. So, what are you lacking? 

Walk with Jesus!

Do you yearn for a deeper connection with God?
This sentiment of "I can't live without you!" often reflects our deepest longings. But there's only One we truly cannot live without: our Lord, Jesus Christ.
This spring, we dined with Jesus through Lent and Easter. Now, we continue our journey with a brand new sermon series: Walk with Jesus! We'll delve into the Gospel of Luke, following Jesus' footsteps. We'll see Him teaching along the road, answering questions, and transforming moments into powerful lessons.
Just as the disciples walked with Jesus, we too can journey with Him. Through this series, we'll discover new truths, deepen our faith, and draw closer to God. If you desire more of Jesus, join us! Let's walk with Him each week and experience the transformative power of His presence.

Scuba VBS 2024

Get ready to dive into an exciting underwater adventure this summer at Timothy Lutheran Church's Scuba Vacation Bible School! From July 15th to July 19th, children of all ages are invited to join us for a week filled with fun, faith, and exploration.  and check Facebook for updates! Be sure to grab fish from the VBS display Board for needed donations. Thanks for support of this vital ministry.            

VBS Adopt a Student


We need you! Yes, you make VBS an amazing opportunity for our kiddos to learn and grow in their faith. There are many ways to support VBS week July 15th - 19th, but perhaps one of the easiest is to grab an “Adopt a Student” Envelope off our VBS donation wall (look for the hanging scuba diver in the atrium), put whatever amount of $ in there you can, and place it in the offering plate. Every dollar helps as it supports our students' supplies, snacks, t-shirts, and more.


Resource Health pregnancy resource center (formerly Rachel House) gives nearly 5,000 QT gas cards yearly to every person who walks through the door, to enable them to return for needed assistance and education.  Look for the big red gas cans on the table in the narthex on Sunday, June 23 and 30, and help fill the cans with $10 QT gas cards, cash, or checks, payable to Resource Health.  100% of your gifts will go towards assisting the families of those served by RH.  Visit to learn more about this faith-based organization (which Timothy supports with its tithes).  

Mary Martha Circle Gathering

Summer heat doesn't deter Mary Martha members from getting together for some fun  and  fellowship.  Ladies got together early in June for a pontoon ride around Lakewood with tour  guide  Charlie Bock highlighting some noteworthy points of interest!  It was a delightful evening with the opportunity to mingle, relax, snack and just catch up with good Christian friends!

Senior Pastor Congregational Survey

The Senior Pastor Congregational Survey is LIVE, and the Call Committee urges all members, ages 14 & up, to complete it before 11:59 pm on Sunday, June 30. Your voice matters! Responses are anonymous. The MO District gathers and tabulates the data which will be important in creating a new Senior Pastor position description as well as valuable information for prospective candidates to learn about Timothy.
Completing the survey electronically is preferred, but paper copies can be picked up at church and returned to the Senior Pastor Survey Collection Box for Call Committee members to input manually before June 30. Call Committee members will help worshipers complete the survey online on Sunday mornings by using tablets at the table in the lobby. Other methods include clicking on the QR code found on the worship bulletin insert each Sunday in June. The survey is also available on the church website ( under the About Us link (Church Manuals and Reports).
A Senior Pastor Nomination Form is now available for worshipers to complete if they have a Lutheran pastor in mind to nominate as Timothy’s next Senior Pastor. Feel free to pick up a copy in the Nomination Form tray at church and return to its Collection Box by June 30. All nominations will be sent to the District Office for President Hagan to consider as he compiles the list of candidates for Timothy’s consideration.
Please continue to keep this divine call process and the Call Committee in your prayers as we seek God’s Will in finding the shepherd He already has chosen to serve as Timothy’s next Senior Pastor. Thank you!


Children & Youth Ministry Needs Helping Hands

Children & Youth Ministry here at Timothy is rolling, and while things are a bit quiet this summer until VBS (July 15-19), we are prepping and preparing for the upcoming fall season. We need helping hands! Each Sunday, we need a few more hands to assist with the rotation stations during FaithRoots. Can you help one Sunday a month, whether by sharing the Bible story or just helping on the sidelines?  Responsible middle schoolers and older as well as adults are encouraged to volunteer and can even observe a week before committing. Please reach out to Pastor Ryan if you can help. Thank you!

National Youth Gathering

Attention all 8th graders through seniors in high school.
We are already prepping for the 2025 National Youth 
Gathering (NYG) in New Orleans July 19th - 23rd. If you did not attend the info meeting back in March or did not let Pastor Ryan know you might be interested, please reach out ASAP as information is going out, and we want to get you on the email list!

Live Music in the Garden at Colonial Gardens  

All ladies and their friends are invited to gather on Wed., June 26, from 6-8pm at Colonial Gardens to enjoy live music by Gullywasher. Tickets are free but click here "Tickets" to reserve yours before they are snatched up. Farm-to-table food and drinks available for purchase. Come enjoy a relaxing evening of fellowship and go home with a complimentary memento. Contact Women of Hope leadership team members Lois Kuecker (816.868.5500) or Diane Mayfield (816.898.8772) with questions. 

The Pointe On The Patio  

Get ready to boot scootin' because Pointe of Hope Church is kicking off its summer concert series with a rootin' tootin' good time! We're bringing in the country heat with Quarter To December, and it's gonna be an outdoor hootenanny you won't want to miss!
Bring your comfy chairs and a smile, spread out under the summer sky. Pack a picnic basket with your favorite food and drinks (adult beverages are welcome in moderation). ‍‍‍ This is a family-friendly event, so let's ditch the phones and focus on enjoying each other's company! The event is a free community concert.
                                Summer Concert Event info at:  

Pointe of Hope Church 
Saturday, June 29th 
7:30-10 pm

Missionary Visit

On June 30th missionary Barbara Rebentisch will visit us here at Timothy.  Barb serves the Lord in Taiwan. Some of her work includes translating and interpreting between Mandarin and English to facilitate the communication of the Gospel in this part of the world. Timothy currently supports her with part of our tithe, and she would love for you to join her to hear more about what the Lord is doing. Plan to attend the 9 am Bible Study on June 30th to learn and be encouraged about her ministry.  And if you would be willing to host Barb in your home on June 29th for the night, please contact Sandy Gregory ASAP.

2024 Hillcrest Gala

It’s time to mark your calendars to attend the 2024 Hillcrest Gala! This year it will be Saturday, August 24, from 5:30-9pm at the Overland Park Convention Center. Timothy will reserve a table for 10, with the option  of reserving more tables as needed. Tickets are $175 each ($100 of which is covered by Timothy’s Hillcrest fund). Contact Sandy Gregory (816.228.5300 Ext. 8042) to reserve your tickets and for additional information. If anyone would like to donate items for this year’s auction at the gala, the basket themes are Heart of KC, Treat Yourself, KC Sports Fanatic, Hey Bartender, Backyard Oasis, and Get Outta Town. Drop off your donations for any of these baskets to Sandy Gregory at the front desk. Thank you! 

LWML Summer Mission Project

Have you heard about Lutheran Family and Children's Services?  They are located across Missouri and  in 2022, LFCS opened its Kansas City office inside Peace Lutheran Church on Blue Ridge Blvd.  Their program addresses critical needs such as crisis pregnancies, counseling, adoption, and parenting education services.  Mary Martha's LWML Circle adopted this group as their summer project and has begun collecting articles.  We want to allow Timothy members to join us as we collect over the summer to help those adapting to life's changes.  The most needed things are NEW: Newborn and Size 1 diapers, baby wipes, bottles, baby shampoo/soap, and newborn pacifiers.  NEW or GENTLY USED Pack 'n Plays, baby clothes (Size Newborn - 6 months) baby carriers, baby swings, bouncers, women's clothing/maternity clothing of all sizes.  Please leave smaller items by Sandy Gregory's desk or contact Donna Williams at 816-604-7706 for larger items.

Appreciation for Timothy's Tithe

This year Timothy awarded its Church Worker Tithe to Megan Balla, a former member of Timothy and Sandy Gregory’s daughter, who is completing coursework for a graduate certificate in Christian ministry.  Below is Megan’s recent update letter to Timothy:
“Dear Timothy Lutheran Church,
What a joy it has been studying the Books of Romans through Revelation over the past eight weeks in my theological training. I cannot thank you enough for your support, which has made it possible for me to be better equipped to teach and lead women at my church.
I wanted to share a few of the main points that stood out to me from this class. First, as I read through the New Testament Epistles, it became clear how every book provides some reminder or grounding in the Gospel message. This is important because Gospel unites every New Testament writer. My professor highlighted Martin Luther’s insight on this, noting that we forget the Gospel every day and thus need daily reminders of it.
Second, I was surprised to realize how much the New Testament church struggled with sin, just as we do today. This is especially evident in Paul’s letters to the Corinthian church, where he addresses them as “those sanctified” (1 Cor. 1:2). This was a lightbulb moment for me, realizing that God already sees us as righteous and sanctified, even while we continue to fight sin. I also learned another phrase from Luther, “Simul Justus et peccator,” which means “at the same time righteous and sinner.” What a beautiful truth that reminds us of God’s abounding saving grace.
My next class is my first systematic theology course. I look forward to providing another update soon!
In Him,
Megan Balla”

Worship Attendance June 16th , 9am  178, 10:30 am 154

June 16, 2024:
(Budgeted Weekly General Contributions: $24,038)
2024 First Fruits Budgeted Goal: $100,000.00 (1st $12,000 to NYG expenses)

Contributions will be posted in next week's Timothy Connect for June 16, 2024, due to staff being on vacation. 

Family Worship on 5th Sundays!  Hey, Timothy families!  One children’s ministry goal is to have family worship on Sundays.  We know Faithroots provides opportunities for parents and kids to learn at their own levels, but we also know worshipping together is vital for spiritual and family growth. So on 5th Sundays (4 times a year) we are NOT having Faithroots and will begin working toward a unique and more family-friendly environment on those Sundays. June 30th will be our first Sunday.  You may not notice a lot of changes that Sunday, but we are planning more things for September. Please reach out to Pastor Ryan with questions or ideas!

Church and School Office will be closed on Thursday, July 4, but will be open on Friday, July 5.  

Special Voters’ Meeting  There will be a Special Voters’ Meeting on Sunday, July 14, immediately following the 10:30 service to vote on the following motion:  “The Timothy Lutheran School Board, with the support of the Executive Board and Board of Elected Elders, moves to call emeritus teacher Ronda Krekel to fill an open TLS teaching position for the 2024-2025 school year.”  A minimum of 40 congregant members is required for a quorum; this is the only item on the agenda. Please plan to attend! Thank you!

2024 Interest Survey  Thanks to all who have submitted an interest survey! We look forward to getting you connected soon. If you have not submitted yours yet, please click here or pick up a printed copy on the table below the lobby TV. Thank you! 

Thank you for your faithful and most generous support of Resource Health. Thank you for being a church family who treasures the precious lives of the unborn and the souls of their parents. Thank you for helping us change one life, and one family at a time - for God's glory. His for Life, Debbie.
Timothy's Hillcrest Apt Resident appreciates Timothy's prayers and assistance as she works to gain self-sufficiency. A tangible way we can help is by donating disposable diapers (size 2 or 3) or wipes for her 9-mo-old. Please drop off at the front desk during the week or on Sunday mornings. Your help is very much appreciated. Thank you!

Donated Best Choice Labels & Pop Tabs may be dropped off at the front desk anytime. Thank you!

Sunday Morning Adult Bible Study “The Gospel of Luke”; 9-10 am, Library; led by Fritz Barlag & Dale Russell

Monday Morning Adult Bible Study 10-11 am, Book of John; Pointe of Hope Coffee House; led by George Zimmerschied. 

Monday Evening Adult Bible Study (1st & 3rd Mondays) 6:30pm fellowship; 7pm study; Music Room; led by Roxanne Kerwood
Tuesday Morning Men’s Bible Study "Book of Hebrews", 6:30-7:30 am, Music Room; led by various men

Tuesday Morning Women’s Bible Study "Jesus and Women: First Century and Now "(Kristi McLelland); 9-11 am, Pointe of Hope Library; led by various ladies

Wednesday Night Sr High Revolution 6:30-8  Mobile Classroom 4 (Youth Room)

Do You Have A Story To Share?
If you have an article or celebration you would like to share with the members of Timothy, please submit it to Diane Mayfield (click on either) or Mary Taggart. Please send it by Thursday at noon to be published on Friday.
Please keep your submission between 200-250 words. 
Copyright ©  2024 Timothy Lutheran Ministries, All rights reserved.
*Timothy Connects*

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By |2024-06-21T09:34:05-05:00June 21st, 2024|Timothy Connect|0 Comments

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