In this Timothy Connects you will find
VBS Celebration Sunday
Fueled by the life-changing news of Jesus, His followers spread the word after His ascension. Among them was Paul, who tirelessly journeyed across the Mediterranean and Asia. His mission? To share the story of Jesus, God's Son, who died, rose from the dead, and offered eternal life to all believers. This message transcended ethnicities and religions - it was for Jews, Gentiles, and anyone seeking truth. During his travels, Paul met women praying by a river, believers in the one God yearning for more. His words resonated deeply with Lydia, a businesswoman, who fervently requested baptism for herself and her household. Through Paul's message, Lydia became the first Christian convert in Europe, and her home became one of the first churches.
Walk with Jesus!
Do you yearn for a deeper connection with God?
This sentiment of "I can't live without you!" often reflects our deepest longings. But there's only One we truly cannot live without: our Lord, Jesus Christ.
This spring, we dined with Jesus through Lent and Easter. Now, we continue our journey with a brand new sermon series: Walk with Jesus! We now delve into the Gospel of Luke, following Jesus' footsteps. We see Him teaching along the road, answering questions, and transforming moments into powerful lessons.
Just as the disciples walked with Jesus, we too can journey with Him. Through this series, we'll discover new truths, deepen our faith, and draw closer to God. If you desire more of Jesus, join us! Let's walk with Him each week and experience the transformative power of His presence.
2024 Scuba VBS a Rousing Success
Over 145 students and 100 teen and adult volunteers turned Timothy into a Scuba adventure of learning about Jesus and His love for us this week! The "Grand Hall" with all of its decorations never looked so inviting as temps at the beginning of the week soared like normal in mid-July.
Be sure to attend worship this Sunday to hear the kids sing songs they learned this week! This amazing ministry to help kids grow in their faith is not possible each year without dozens of volunteers pulling together as a team to schedule kids into classes, teach Bible stories, lead crafts, serve snacks, lead recreational activities, teach new songs, and foster Christian friendships, among students and adults alike. Thank you, one and all! You know who you are! VBS may have been in a new place this year, but the environment and excitement didn't change. To God Be the Glory!
If you are interested in promoting this ministry, you can place a donation inside the VBS Adopt-a-Student envelope in this week's bulletin or click here to donate online. Your contributions are truly appreciated!
Dive into Friendship with God: VBS Celebration!
Join us for a memorable evening as we wrap up this year’s VBS activities! Dive into fun, fellowship, and friendship with God at our special event.
Date: Sunday, July 21, 2024
Time: 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Location: Grain Valley Community Pool
This is the perfect opportunity to celebrate the wonderful moments we've shared throughout VBS and deepen our connection with God and each other. Bring your family and friends for an evening filled with games, laughter, and a splash of joy!
Mary Martha Circle Celebrates Summer
Summer means time outdoors with good friends! Mary Martha members took advantage of this by gathering at Lois Kuecker's home on July 8 for some appetizers by the pool, topped off with banana splits.
"Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart, and the pleasantness of a friend springs from their heartfelt advice" Proverbs 27:9
Timothy Welcomes New Altar Cross
A new cross adorns Timothy's altar through the generosity of memorials given in memory of Lavona Dittmer and Carol Koenig. The families of both sisters in Christ designated memorials for their loved ones to Timothy's LWML. After consulting with the families and the Board of Elected Elders, LWML approved the purchase of a new cross, constructed of wood and brass, at its May society meeting.
This cross will be a constant tribute to two women of faith and sisters in Christ. Timothy thanks the Dittmer and Koenig families, LWML, and the Board of Elected Elders for working together to honor God.
Picnic for Worship Volunteers
Sunday morning worship is enhanced by so many volunteers every week! We praise God that willing hearts step up to volunteer in ministries like worship assistants, ushers, readers, altar guild, greeters, musicians/choir members, sound techs, Bible Class/FaithRoots/nursery teachers, donut ministry, and golf cart drivers.
The Board of Elected Elders wants to recognize and thank those dozens of volunteers by hosting a catered picnic for them on Saturday, Aug. 24, from 4-8 pm at Blue Springs Park Shelter #1. If you volunteer in any way on Sunday mornings, an email went out Wednesday, July 17th, including RSVP instructions to assist planners of this event.
2024 Hillcrest Gala
It’s time to mark your calendars to attend the 2024 Hillcrest Gala! This year it will be Saturday, August 24, from 5:30-9 pm at the Overland Park Convention Center. Timothy will reserve a table for 10, with the option of reserving more tables as needed. Tickets are $175 each ($100 of which is covered by Timothy’s Hillcrest fund). Contact Sandy Gregory (816.228.5300 Ext. 8042) to reserve your tickets and for additional information.. Thank you!
Storage Building Progress
We are pleased to announce that we have successfully secured the permit to begin construction on our new storage building. This essential milestone allows the church to move forward with plans to enhance its facilities and better serve our congregation. Thank you to Jon & Vicki Kraft and Janet Masters for allowing Timothy to store items on their properties.
Additionally, the Executive Board approved the Property Board’s recommendation to enter a construction agreement with Musselman & Hall. Musselman & Hall is known for their expertise and commitment to quality craftsmanship, will oversee the project of the new storage facility.
Construction will start soon. Timothy Lutheran looks forward to keeping its members and the community informed about the development of this significant addition to its facilities.
Sunday Contemporary 9:00 am
Sunday Traditional: 10:30 am
301 East Wyatt Road
Holy Communion 1st, 3rd, & 5th Sundays
Worship Attendance
July 14, 2024
9 am 203
10:30 am 166
July 14, 2024:
(Budgeted Weekly General Contributions: $24,038)
Actual General Contributions: $20,375.56
2024 First Fruits Budgeted Goal: $100,000.00 (1st $12,000 to NYG expenses)
Total to date: $49,829.32
Thank you, Timothy, for supporting the Resource Health Fill the Gas Can for the Fueling Fathers initiative. A total of $416.50 in QT gift cards and cash was sent to Resource Health (formerly Rachel House). Praise God!
Special Voters' Meeting Update
Last Sunday, 72 voters approved the motion presented by the School Board to call emeritus teacher Ronda Krekel to fill an open TLS kindergarten position for the upcoming school year. She will be installed as part of the Teacher Dedication during the Sun., Aug. 11, worship services. Thanks to all who attended the meeting!
“Summer Slump”
Thank you for supporting Timothy’s ministries with your time, talents, and treasures. While vacations, summer breaks, and weekend getaways create refreshment for our busy lives, the ministry Jesus has called us to at Timothy continues to unfold as we seek to transform lives through Christ. Our church continues to house ministries, worship, meetings, and other gatherings. Our staff continues to put in the hours to help us be successful. So if Timothy is your home and a place where you have grown in faith and learned what it means to join Jesus on His mission, remember to continue your worship and thanksgiving to the Lord by supporting Jesus’ work through Timothy throughout the year.
If now is a good time to enroll in online giving, please click the button below to go to the Give link on Timothy’s website. Feel free to contact Financial Coordinator Chris Krenz if you have questions. To God Be the Glory!
Food Donations
Thank you for continuing to support this vital ministry for those who are in need of food! Donations during July will be delivered to Hillcrest Transitional Housing in Lee’s Summit. Donations may be placed in the grocery cart which sits in the Church lobby just to the right (east) of the south entry doors. Their requested non-perishable food items are canned meats or canned fruits, sugar, flour, beans, cooking oil, diapers (any size), paper towels, pancake mix, and syrup, but any non-perishable food items will be greatly appreciated. Thanks again for your food donations!
Timothy Lutheran Preschool Seeks 2 Part-Time Teachers
Timothy Lutheran Preschool is currently seeking a dedicated individual to join our team as a part-time preschool teacher. This position offers 24 hours per week, Monday through Friday, providing an excellent opportunity for those passionate about early childhood education. The salary will be based on the candidate's experience and qualifications. For a detailed job description and to apply, please visit link to job description. Interested candidates may also contact Ken Holland at 816-847-8015 for more information.
Donated Best Choice Labels & Pop Tabs
Please drop them off at the front desk anytime. Thank you!
Interest Survey
Thanks to all who have submitted an interest survey! We look forward to getting you connected soon. If you have not submitted yours yet, please click here or pick up a printed copy on the table below the lobby TV. Thank you!
Volunteer Opportunity
Timothy’s baptismal banner ministry is seeking new volunteers to make the baptismal manner given to children at their baptism. If interested, please contact the church office for more information.
Please Help Update the Church Directory
Timothy Lutheran still uses the Instant Church Directory as a source for members to keep connected. We also use our app through our Church Shelby (MinsitryOne App) System. We would love to update both with all your current information and photos. Please click the link below to submit your current information and photos. Click Here to update info
Pastor Jon Nicolaus 40 years Messiah Lutheran Church
With prayers of thankfulness, we invite you to join us for a reception recognizing Pastor Jon Nicolaus and his 40 years of faithful service at Messiah Lutheran Church. Pastor Nicolaus was ordained on June 10, 1984, and installed as a pastor at Messiah that same year. Messiah members past and present are immensely grateful for Pastor Nicolaus and his dedication to Christ and His people. Reception following our 9am worship service led by Pastor Nicolaus, Sunday, July 28, 2024, 10:15 AM, at Messiah Lutheran Church, 613 S Main St., Independence, MO 64050.
Bible Studies
Sunday Morning Adult Bible Study "The Book of Hebrews"; 9:00-10:00 am; Library; led by Fritz Barlag and Dale Russell
Monday Morning Adult Bible Study 10-11 am, Book of John; Pointe of Hope Coffee House; led by George Zimmerschied.
Tuesday Morning Men’s Bible Study "Book of Hebrews", 6:30-7:30 am, Music Room; led by various men
Tuesday Morning Women’s Bible Study "Becoming a Woman of Simplicity" by Cynthia Heald; 9-11 am, Pointe of Hope Library; led by various ladies
Wednesday Night Sr High Revolution 6:30-8 Mobile Classroom 4 (Youth Room)
Do You Have A Story To Share?
If you have an article or celebration you would like to share with the members of Timothy, please submit it to Diane Mayfield (click on either) or Mary Taggart. Please send it by Thursday at noon to be published on Friday.
Please keep your submission between 200-250 words.
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