Sunday 9:00 am, RD Mize Campus
Sunday 10am, Wyatt Campus

Worship info on Timothy’s website
( )
Live Stream worship on YouTube – Sundays 10am
Recorded Worship Services at RD Mize

As We Gather for Worship This Weekend
While We Wait: Live Responsibly

Last week, we were reminded that we live expectantly. We look forward to the day when Jesus will return. But what does that look like in practical terms? It means living responsibly. God has entrusted us with so much: our time, our talents, and our treasures. We invest those in ways that will have a return for the Kingdom of God. While we wait, we lie responsibly.

Devotion: “Sheep and Childlike Faith”

The other day, I was greeted by my 4-year-old granddaughter in a wool dress, who grabbed her hem and very joyfully announced to me, “This dress is made of SHEEP.”

Something in me clicked back to that childlike joy and I said to her, “Really??”

She smiled and said, “YES.”

This was big news. This was good news. This was fun news. And we talked about how neat it is that a sheep has wool, and we can turn it into things like her purple dress.

I don’t have conversations like that with my friends in small group. I know that wool exists, but I don’t go telling people how it’s made. To children, everything is interesting and everything has a bigger headline. You can make a dress out of sheep!

At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heavenMatthew 18:1-3 

Become like children. Uninhibited. Free. Not holding back or wondering what people will think. Perhaps Jesus is inviting us to not overthink and just slow down and ask questions. To notice the very obvious and celebrate the very ordinary. Because the Kingdom is for all of us, even those who can’t quite read, and when we invite their joy and wonder and delight into our lives, we see the Kingdom better.

Middle and Senior High Video Scavenger Hunt!

Our Middle and Senior High kiddos took to the streets for our 3rd annual video scavenger hunt.  They completed odd tasks like singing the national anthem at a baseball field, saying “hi” to 10 strangers in the park, and finding weird books in the library.  There was an abundance of laughter, but only one team took home the coveted trophies!  Thanks for supporting our youth as we transform lives through Christ!

Hillcrest Apartment Update

The new resident in Timothy’s Hillcrest apartment, Cordell Wright, is settling in nicely. Timothy’s Hillcrest team leaders, Dan & Pam Sbisa, visited with Cordell recently and report that he is a very nice, grateful young man. He was living in his car but now enjoys a nice apartment and can focus on working out some of his financial challenges. He works the afternoon/night shift at Lee’s Summit Price Chopper. He is doing everything he can to work with his budget counselor to save money to get some things in order. He was grateful for the prepared meal and supplies and is very impressed with the Hillcrest food pantry.

Please keep Cordell in your prayers and feel free to send a card to him at 501 SW Mission Rd. Apt. 507C, LSMO 64063. Thanks to the congregation and the Hillcrest Team for its ongoing support of this valuable ministry. We praise God for the opportunity to serve!

LWML Annual Nut & Candy Sale

It’s that time of year to stock up on nuts & candy for your holiday celebrations and gifts! Stop by the LWML table in either lobby this weekend for an order form or order online on Timothy’s website (  Click on Events).  Filled orders can be picked up the week following placement of the order. This year, proceeds will be designated for mission mites (10%) and security & safety upgrades at Wyatt (90%). This year’s sale runs until next Sunday, Nov. 26, so time is running out! Thank you!

TLS Trivia Night  “Let’s Make History!”

Make plans to attend the annual TLS Trivia Night TONIGHT, Nov. 17, beginning at 6pm at Elks Lodge, 100 SE Brizendine Rd. for a fun evening of trivia that benefits the TLS Scholarship Fund! You don’t want to miss it! You are guaranteed plenty of laughs and a chance for prizes, such as Winning Trivia Team, Best Themed Costumes & Table Decorations, and Last Place Team! Cost is $20 per person or $150 for table of 8. You do not need to form a team—organizers will match you with other players! It’s a great way to get to know other Timothy families. A food truck will be on site as well as desserts available for purchase (proceeds support 7th & 8th grade class trip). A cash bar will be open inside the lodge. Be sure to bring cash to purchase extra Mulligans (9 for $20) and Block-Your-Neighbor tokens (2 for $10—limit one per team). Childcare will be available at TLS for freewill donation (proceeds also support 7th & 8th grade class trip)—drop off at 5:30pm, pick up 30 min after trivia ends. Seats are limited, so be sure to grab your tickets at before they are history! Call the school office with additional questions (816.228.5300 Ext. 8017).

Thanksgiving Eve Service

Make plans to attend the Thanksgiving Eve Service on Wed, Nov. 22, at 6pm at RD Mize. Holy Communion will be celebrated. As is traditional at Timothy, the offering that evening is designated for Timothy’s Emergency Assistance Fund. Thank you for your ongoing generosity.

Giving Trees for Journey to the Manger

Timothy’s annual Journey to the Manger ministry will occur in both services on Sunday, Dec. 10. Starting Wednesday, Nov. 22, worshipers may select gift tags from the Giving Trees at both campuses to support families in need as identified by Community Services League, Hillcrest Transitional Housing, and Our Redeemer Lutheran in KC. The tags may be selected from either tree until Dec. 9. Please check your gift tag to determine if the gift should be wrapped or unwrapped. This year, there will not be a registry to log givers’ names with specific gift tags.  Thank you for returning your gift(s), with tag(s) attached, on Sunday, Dec. 10! Please contact Sandy Gregory (816.228.5300 Ext. 8042) with questions.

Support TLS While Christmas Shopping

Would you like to support TLS while Christmas shopping? Purchase a card at face value through Scrip, and a portion of the proceeds is given back to the school for its Scholarship Fund. Pretty cool!

  • If your budget is $450 for Amazon, order an Amazon gift card for $450 from the school to use for placing your order.
  • Do you know where you shop on Black Friday? Buy a gift card to use at those stores.
  • Plan to use gift cards as Christmas presents and stocking stuffers? Order from the school.

The list of retailers includes places like Amazon, Home Depot, Walmart, Ulta, Panera, Casey’s, and so many more. Check out the complete list of participating retailers at .

To place your order, contact Kristen Anderson at 816-228-5300 ext. 8017 or at Orders will be placed weekly, depending on the number of orders that come in! Delivery time is about a week. Thank you for supporting our school!

Giving Tuesday & Timothy

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Because of his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead…”  1 Peter 1:3

Giving Tuesday 2023 falls on November 28th. It is a wonderful opportunity to join others across our nation in giving hope through financial donations. You can provide real hope by making a special #Giving Tuesday donation to Timothy to support its mission of Transforming Lives through Christ. Timothy has been sharing the hope we have in Jesus throughout the community for over 60 years. We are thankful and praise God for all the prayers and support given through our congregation.

Would you prayerfully consider giving a special #Giving Tuesday donation to help us continue sharing the HOPE we have in Jesus while meeting our budgetary needs? The need is real, and we trust that God will provide through our brothers and sisters in Christ. Please watch for email on November 27th and help Timothy continue to share HOPE. Thank you for your support!

A Prayer Evening

All Timothy ladies and their friends are invited to the annual Women of Hope “A Prayer Evening” on Friday, December 1, from 6-8pm in the Fellowship Hall at RD Mize.

We welcome guest speaker Jennifer Huecker who will share insights and reflections associated with two books, Holy Moments and God Winks. A member of Zion Lutheran in Lone Elm, MO, Jennifer is an active member in LWML where she has served many faith-filled women as MO District LWML President, LWML Vice-President of Christian Life, and preparer of many Bible studies, conferences, and conventions. Diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease in 2014 and recently completed chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation for breast cancer, she has been blessed with the outpouring of God’s love through so many sisters and brothers in Christ.

Ladies will enjoy broccoli cheese soup, vegetable soup, pinwheels, and Christmas sugar cookies. Please RSVP by Nov. 22 by calling church office (816.228.5300), or clicking this link ( to help organizers in planning.

TLS Christmas Wonderland Shop

Again this year, the TLS Parent-Teacher League (PTL) is organizing a Christmas Wonderland Shop for TLS students to shop for gifts for their parents.

The congregation is invited to support this project by picking a gift tag from a Christmas tree in each lobby through THIS SUNDAY, November 19.

The unwrapped gift items may be returned to the bin next to the tree before Nov. 19 so that the Christmas Wonderland Shop can be set up for students to shop the week of Dec. 4th. Thank you for your support!

CSL “Christmas Barrels”

An additional opportunity to benefit those in need, as identified by Community Service League, is the Christmas Barrels. Barrels are set up at both lobbies with lists of possible items. These should be returned unwrapped to the barrels anytime before December 15. Please note: This is a separate opportunity Christmas Giving Trees for the annual Journey to the Manger. Thank you for your generosity.

Volunteering at CSL

The Blue Springs Community Services League at 200 SW 10th Street in Downtown Blue Springs is accepting 3-4 volunteers to assist shoppers at its Christmas Store on Dec. 21st from 12:40-4pm. In addition to helping the community members “shop,” the volunteers may help with light clean-up at conclusion of the shift. Perhaps a family or other small group would enjoy this as a holiday project for community service in seeing how our donated items are appreciated by the community shoppers. There is also a need for someone with a truck to return shopping carts to Price Chopper & HyVee. Please contact Diane Mayfield (816.228.5300 Ext. 8040) by Nov. 21st  if you can help with this project on Dec. 21st. Thank you!

OASIS Family Ministry

Timothy’s family ministry has hit the ground running as the first three events had over 100 folks (!!!) join us for a meal, fellowship, and time with Jesus! As this new OASIS program keeps rolling, we need some help! We are looking for groups or individuals willing and able to serve a meal and clean up. The meal is catered, so the clean-up is minimal. Volunteers need to show up about 5:45pm to get ready, and the meal is served from 6-6:30pm. Then you should be out of there by 7pm. OASIS in the new year is the second Wednesday in January, April, and May in Wyatt Auditorium. If you’d be willing to help one or more nights, contact Pastor Ryan  (816.228.5300 Ext. 8046) or Clancy (816.228.5300 Ext. 8047).
“Thankful & Grateful”
Timothy’s GATHER Commission encourages you to consider the many ways in which God blesses you, your family, and your friends. At either campus during November, feel free to stop by the interactive Grateful backdrop in the lobby and grab a leaf to write something you are thankful for. Then hang it up on the backdrop! The backdrops will be displayed through Thanksgiving. Thanks!

Consolidation Update

Please plan to attend the second Town Hall Meeting on Sunday, Dec. 3rd, at 11:30am in the Wyatt Auditorium to hear the latest updates since the first Town Hall. Questions are still encouraged and can be directed to the same link on Timothy’s website by clicking on Church, then Next Generation, or by clicking here

Leadership is seeking individuals with knowledge and expertise regarding flooring options for the Wyatt stage. Please contact Louie Wilbers (816.988.6059). Thanks!

Worshipers who mail correspondence or contributions to the RD Mize address should send to Wyatt address, effective January 1, 2024. That address is 301 E Wyatt Road, BSMO 64014. Please also contact any financial institutions asap who may regularly mail in your contributions. Thank you!

Worship Attendance November 12:  RD Mize 181, Wyatt 166  

Nov. 12
Weekly General Contributions:  Actual $17,899.08 vs Budgeted $28,868
Weekly First Fruits Contributions:  Actual  $2,230.00 vs Budgeted $2,075

Church Office will be closed Nov. 23-24 for Thanksgiving.
TLS will be closed Nov.22-24 for Thanksgiving.

TLS Dinner Night Out Tuesday, Nov. 28, Blue Springs Culver’s, North Highway 7, 5-8pm.  Mention TLS when ordering for portion of sale returned to TLS Scholarship Fund. Thank you!

Timothy is invited to celebrate with Amazing Grace Lutheran Church in Pleasant Hill, MO, for their 25th anniversary of ministry on Sunday, Dec. 3, at 10am. A light luncheon reception will follow the service. Please RSVP by Nov. 21 to or leave a message at 816.540.5150.

Staff Appreciation Gift for Christmas We again look forward to presenting a monetary Christmas gift to Timothy’s staff, who will be acknowledged during worship services on Dec. 10th.
Please consider one of the following ways to contribute by NEXT Sunday, November 26th:

  • Placing a pew envelope or ordinary envelope clearly marked “Staff Appreciation Gift” in the offering plate through November 26th.
  • Dropping off or mailing to the church office (425 NW RD Mize Rd., Blue Springs, MO 64014) before November 26th, clearly printing “Staff Appreciation Gift” on memo line of check
  • Submitting electronically by visiting Timothy’s website (, clicking on “Give,” and following the listed instructions

Thank you for prayerfully considering your gift to these dedicated servants. They work tirelessly to make Timothy Lutheran Ministries the incredible House of God that it is. Your gifts are appreciated!

Town Hall Meeting Sunday, Dec. 3, 11:30, at Wyatt Auditorium.

Annual Voters’ Assembly Meeting Jan. 7, 2024, following second service, Wyatt Auditorium.

DivorceCare meets Mondays, 6:30-8 pm at RD Mize, Room 102.

GriefShare Thursdays, 6:30-8 pm, at RD Mize, Fireplace Room.

Donations Requested: Clean plastic bags and reusable cloth or plastic bags, if available, are appreciated for the staff at Lutheran Urban Mission Agency Auxiliary(LUMAA) to package food for its clients. Please place donations in clear tub in RD Mize mailbox area. Thank you very much!

Food Donations November As has been a tradition for quite some years, Timothy can help provide food for a holiday meal for recipients  at Jesu El Buen Pastor (The Lutheran Church of Jesus the Good Shepherd) in Kansas City.  Brown grocery sacks with attached food list are available in the grocery cart in the lobby at each site.  Filled sacks can be returned on any Sunday in November.  THANK YOU for sharing with those in need.

Sunday Morning Adult Bible Study “The Gospel of Luke”; 10:15-11:15am, Fireplace Room (302), RD Mize; led by Fritz Barlag & Dale Russell

Monday Evening Adult Bible Study (1st & 3rd Mondays) 6:30pm fellowship; 7pm study; Fellowship Hall, RD Mize; led by Roxanne Kerwood

Tuesday Morning Men’s Bible Study “The Gospel of Mark”, 6:30-7:30am, Fireplace Room (302); led by various men

Tuesday Morning Women’s Bible Study Joshua: Winning the Worry Battle; 9-11 am, Room 111, RD Mize; led by various ladies

Tuesday Morning Adult Bible Study “Book of Jonah”; 10-11am, Fellowship Hall, RD Mize; led by Pastor John

Wednesday Night Sr High; Youth Room(506); 6:30-8 pm; Confirmation; 6:30 -8 pm; Room 501
Note: No classes on Nov.22.

Thursday Evening Women’s Bible Study (Women of Thursday) Book study; 6:30-8pm; Youth room (506), led by Miriam Lindemann

Saturday Morning Moms Bible Study (1st & 3rd Saturdays) 9-10am, 4 G’s Wyatt; led by Kaye Gray

Do You Have A Story To Share?
If you have an article or celebration you would like to share with the members of Timothy, please submit it to
Diane Mayfield (click on either) or
Doug Fleck 

Please keep your submission between 200-250 words.