Sunday 9:00 am, RD Mize Campus
Sunday 10am, Wyatt Campus

Worship info on Timothy’s website
( )
Live Stream worship on YouTube – Sundays 10am
Recorded Worship Services at RD Mize

As We Gather for Worship This Weekend:
The Breath of Forgiveness

In the middle of the stories about Easter and Doubting Thomas, we have this odd little detail of Jesus breathing on His disciples and sending them out to forgive people their sins. But this is a powerful moment! It means that God’s people are given the opportunity to show and share God’s own forgiveness with others so that they, too, many know Easter joy!

Men’s Bible Study

The book of 1 Peter | Life by God’s Word

Wouldn’t it be great to be free of trouble? That’s what we sometimes think. But 1 Peter shows us that difficulties and hardships don’t have to wear us down. In fact, this letter teaches us that God can use difficulties to strengthen us. Knowing this can bring hope and reassurance that eternal life is God’s ultimate purpose. Read 1 Peter to discover how faith, refined by suffering, can help us see the Lord more clearly. This is valuable advice for holding firm in difficult times.
Peter, the apostle, saw that increasing hardship and persecution had caused some Christians to wonder if God had abandoned them. He wrote to encourage these believers, offering them hope and meaning in the midst of their suffering. Come and experience life by God’s Word.
Visit for more information. Open to all guys 16 and older. Led by Pastor Rod Lindemann.
Men’s Bible Study
2nd and 4th Saturday – 8am-9am
RD Mize Campus – Fellowship Hall
Starts Saturday, May 13th

Upcoming Discovery Class

The next Discovery Class will start This Sunday, April 16, 6:30-8 pm in the Fellowship Hall at RD Mize and continue through Sunday, May 21, led by Pastor John. Childcare is provided in the nursery. Those interested in attending are encouraged to register online at (Click on I’m New). Contact Pastor John (click) with questions.

Youth Fun
Youth ministry had a great couple of weeks leading up to Holy Week. Approximately 100 total people attended Rink Ratz skate party on March 26th. An amazing Easter event on April 1st also saw over 100 kids attend. They had an opportunity to learn about the important days of Holy Week with fun activities, such as a servant event, and then, of course, a rowdy Easter Egg hunt. Thanks to all who helped, attended, and supported our youth!
Immersive Prayer Journey Rescheduled

The GROW Commission has rescheduled Timothy’s Immersive Prayer Journey for Saturday, May 13, from 9am-4pm at the RD Mize Campus.

Through a path of nine self-guided stations of the petitions of the Lord’s Prayer, you will engage in prayer and reflection, Scripture readings, and simple activities, all intended to deepen your connection with our Savior, so make plans to come experience the prayer Jesus Himself taught us to pray.

The prayer journey will take approximately 30-45 minutes to complete, but the pace is up to you. Couples and families with small children are welcome to take the journey together, if desired. Sign-ups are necessary for people to move smoothly through the journey. We are excited about the impact this will have on our lives.

Please go to this “PRAYER LINK”  or church app (Events) to sign up for one slot per family. If there are more than three in the group, please sign up for an additional slot.  Thank you! And please keep this experience in your prayers!

Let’s Rally Around Jesus

What is Jesus already up to in the lives of people around you?  What is He up to in your own life?  What good can you do in the lives and community around you?  

I don’t know if you know this, but the Kingdom of God is at hand!  Which means God has already begun His restoring and redeeming process in the world we live.  How do I know that?  Jesus Himself told us when He walked on this earth (Mark 1:15). God’s incredible kingdom and work is happening right now all around us, and God is not calling us to be salesmen to sell the gospel.  Instead, He’s calling us to simply join Him with what He is already doing!

You’ve been hearing it over the past few weeks. Our focus here at Timothy is going to be walking together, learning how to JOIN JESUS ON HIS MISSION every day. We have begun this journey by diving into Pastor Greg Finke’s book Joining Jesus on His Mission. If you haven’t had a chance but would like to, we’d love for you to read this with us. You can contact Pastor Ryan for a copy or go to Amazon.  But, beyond that, we are inviting you, members of Timothy, to join us on April 29th from 9-noon at Pointe of Hope Lutheran Church in Blue Springs (PLEASE REGISTER BY APRIL 14th).  Pastor Greg Finke will be with us to encourage us and remind us that living and sharing our faith doesn’t require going to foreign countries, nor does it mean awkwardly going door to door asking people if they know Jesus.  We would love for you to join your church family for this one-day, morning event as we seek being brighter lights for Christ wherever we are.  Here are a few questions that have been asked with answers:

Why is it at Pointe of Hope Lutheran Church?  Timothy has teamed up with other Lutheran Churches, including Pointe of Hope, St. Paul’s, Messiah, Our Redeemer, and others so that this event could make a greater impact in the Kansas City area.  Collectively, the pastors decided Pointe of Hope would host at their site.

Is there nursery/childcare available? There will be staffed nursery available at Pointe of Hope for kiddos 0-3yrs old. If you need care for older children older than 3, please let us know and we can make arrangements.

Who is the event for? It is available to all Timothy Lutheran Church members and guests who would like to attend.  (St. Paul’s, Pointe of Hope, Messiah, Our Redeemer, etc. members will also be invited)

What will we do at the event? We will have time to hear from Pastor Greg throughout the morning as he helps us refocus our attention on what God is already doing all around us and how we can naturally and organically be a part of that work by simply getting to know our neighbors/coworkers and caring about them with the heart of Christ.  There may be some discussions at our tables as well.

Is it just 9am-noon? Yes, the event itself with Pastor Greg will be from 9am-noon.  There are some OPTIONAL additional events if you choose to arrive early.  Breakfast snacks starting at 8am and a brief worship service at 8:30am will be available.  Again, these two portions are optional.

How and when do I need to register? Register on our website by APRIL 14th:

We can’t wait to spend this time with you and see how God will use it.  If you have any questions, contact Pastor Ryan @

Join us for our Joining Jesus Event!
Watch the video to learn more about Joining Jesus on His Mission. 
Baby STEPs Ministry
Supporting Timothy’s Expectant Parents

Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; before you were born, I set you apart. Jeremiah 1:5

Is your family growing? Or do you know someone whose family is growing? Timothy’s LWML Elizabeth Circle organizes the Baby STEPs ministry which supports and celebrates the new life with which God blesses our Timothy families.
Volunteers offer personal contact through phone calls, cards, and prayers. The homecoming of a new infant is also celebrated with a home visit and meals provided by “meals for Moms” volunteers. Each Timothy baby receives a new pair of white booties, handmade by a volunteer, as a keepsake from the church, symbolizing being washed clean and made God’s child at baptism.
If you would like to be a Baby Steps recipient or volunteer, please contact Kaye
Gray at 816.585.6530 or

2023 Live Well Community Fair

Plan now to attend the 5th annual Live Well Community Fair at RD Mize Campus, on Saturday, May 6th, 10am-2pm,. This free event with more than 30 community organizations provides resources to enhance physical, spiritual, and mental wellness. Be sure to check out all the giveaways from the organizations as well as freebies to local businesses. Watch for a listing of participating organizations next week.

Next Generation Update

Timothy learned this week that delivery of entire HVAC units, not just parts, are significantly delayed from all suppliers.  We continue to pray for as speedy delivery as possible as well as continued operation of our existing units. Three organizations “walked through” the RD Mize Campus this week. Roland Hoffman of Hoffman Appraisals started the appraisal process on Wednesday and expects to be completed within a couple weeks. Staff and leadership continue conversations about moving forward. If you are interested in volunteering on the Site-and-Space Task Force or the Site-to-Site Task Force, please call the church office. Thank you!

Worship Attendance April 9:  RD Mize 467, Wyatt 348
Maundy Thursday: 276
Good Friday: 296

Weekly General Contributions:  Actual $ 30,790.41 vs. Budgeted $28,868
Weekly First Fruits Contributions:  Actual  $  170.00 vs. Budgeted $2,075

Volunteers Needed Can you offer some time on Sat., May 6th, to be a Timothy Ambassador for the annual Live Well Community Fair at RD Mize. Tasks include sharing the love of Jesus by greeting the public, escorting vendors/organizations to their table in the Family Life Center, directing visitors to various areas inside the building (lower floor only) and outside the building (food trucks & emergency vehicles), answering questions, helping with set-up or clean-up, etc. The event is from 10am-2pm. Available shifts include 9-11am, 10-noon, 11am-1pm, 1-3pm.  Contact Sandy Gregory ( or Diane Mayfield ( if you can help. Your help is greatly appreciated! Thank you very much!

Coffee Fundraiser: April 16th & 23rd. Come try coffee from Giving Bean Company in the Family Life Center at RD Mize, and 4G area Wyatt Rd. PTL will be there to take your orders. Cost is $16 per bag.

National Day of Prayer– May 4th.  RD Mize Sanctuary & Prayer Room will be available to the public.

SHINE: Join us as we gather to help Agape Pamoja share in fellowship and express the love of Jesus with students THIS Saturday, April 15th, 1 pm – 5pm, Meet at Timothy Wyatt Campus.
For more information and to register visit

LADIES, SAVE THE DATE:  Sunday afternoon, May 7..  LWML has planned a fun event.  More info coming

LWML MO District KC South Zone Spring Rally NEXT Sat., Apr. 22, Calvary Lutheran, 7500 Oak, KCMO. Theme: “Mite y Medicine.” Program: Mission trip to Tanzania by Jane Mayden & Robin Egggerman. Gifts from the Heart: monetary donations for the Mercy Medical Care for Tanzania Program. Registration 9am; opening 9:30am; $5 includes lunch. RSVP: Rita Bryant (913.488.2855 or TODAY.

Pairs & Spares Seniors Ministry meets again on Tuesday, April 18, 11:30 am, Family Life Center, RD Mize. Bring a dish to share for the potluck luncheon and enjoy fellowship with friends. Contact Janet Masters ( with questions.

RD Mize Greeters Timothy’s GATHER Commission is organizing a Greeters Ministry for the RD Mize worship service. It’s easy and fun! Contact Karron Wands ( or 816.616.6502 if you’re interested in learning how to get connected as a greeter.

Donations Requested Clean plastic bags and reusable cloth or plastic bags, if available, are appreciated for the staff at Lutheran Urban Mission Agency Auxiliary(LUMAA) to package food for its clients. Please place donations in clear tote in RD Mize mailbox area. Thank you very much!

OPPORTUNITY: The Timothy Lutheran School Board has openings for this upcoming school year. If you have an interest in serving our school in this capacity, please reach out to Christy Yager at 816.820.4730 or to talk about the process, qualifications and expectations.

Food Donations during April will be delivered to Hillcrest.  Cereal, pasta, Hamburger Helper, jello, pudding, cake mix, and  pancake mix are always appreciated..  The need for food continues to be great.  Thank you, Timothy, for continuing to be generous.

GriefShare meets on Thursdays, 6:30-8pm, RD Mize

DivorceCare meets on Mondays, 6:30-8pm, RD Mize

Card Club meets second Fridays, 7pm, Fellowship Hall, RD Mize. Next date is TONIGHT, APRIL 14th. Contact Art MacLean (660.641.1974) with questions.

Sunday Morning Adult Bible Study “The Book of Acts—The Birth of Christianity”; 10:15-11:15am, Fireplace Room (302), RD Mize; led by Fritz Barlag & Dale Russell

Monday Evening Adult Bible Study (1st & 3rd Mondays) 6:30pm fellowship; 7pm study; Fellowship Hall, RD Mize; led by Roxanne Kerwood

Monday Evening Women’s Bible Study NEW  BOOK Joshua: Winning the Worry Battle; 6:30-8pm, Room 111, RD Mize; led by various ladies

Tuesday Morning Men’s Bible Study The Book of Luke; 6:30-7:30am, Fireplace Room (302); led by various men

Tuesday Morning Adult Bible Study “Confirmation Review”; 10-11am, Fellowship Hall, RD Mize; led by Pastor John

Thursday Evening Women’s Bible Study (Women of Thursday) Book study; 6:30-8pm, Room 109, RD Mize; led by Miriam Lindemann & Becky Blatt; contact Becky for current book

Saturday Morning Moms Bible Study (1st & 3rd Saturdays) 9-10am, 4 G’s Wyatt; led by Kaye Gray

Do You Have A Story To Share?
If you have an article or celebration you would like to share with the members of Timothy, please submit it to
Diane Mayfield (click on either) or
Doug Fleck 

Please keep your submission between 200-250 words.