Worship Attendance April 9: RD Mize 467, Wyatt 348
Maundy Thursday: 276
Good Friday: 296
Weekly General Contributions: Actual $ 30,790.41 vs. Budgeted $28,868
Weekly First Fruits Contributions: Actual $ 170.00 vs. Budgeted $2,075
Volunteers Needed Can you offer some time on Sat., May 6th, to be a Timothy Ambassador for the annual Live Well Community Fair at RD Mize. Tasks include sharing the love of Jesus by greeting the public, escorting vendors/organizations to their table in the Family Life Center, directing visitors to various areas inside the building (lower floor only) and outside the building (food trucks & emergency vehicles), answering questions, helping with set-up or clean-up, etc. The event is from 10am-2pm. Available shifts include 9-11am, 10-noon, 11am-1pm, 1-3pm. Contact Sandy Gregory (sandyg@timothylutheran.com) or Diane Mayfield (dianem@timothylutheran.com) if you can help. Your help is greatly appreciated! Thank you very much!
Coffee Fundraiser: April 16th & 23rd. Come try coffee from Giving Bean Company in the Family Life Center at RD Mize, and 4G area Wyatt Rd. PTL will be there to take your orders. Cost is $16 per bag.
National Day of Prayer– May 4th. RD Mize Sanctuary & Prayer Room will be available to the public.
SHINE: Join us as we gather to help Agape Pamoja share in fellowship and express the love of Jesus with students THIS Saturday, April 15th, 1 pm – 5pm, Meet at Timothy Wyatt Campus.
For more information and to register visit http://www.TimothyLutheran.com/shine
LADIES, SAVE THE DATE: Sunday afternoon, May 7.. LWML has planned a fun event. More info coming
LWML MO District KC South Zone Spring Rally NEXT Sat., Apr. 22, Calvary Lutheran, 7500 Oak, KCMO. Theme: “Mite y Medicine.” Program: Mission trip to Tanzania by Jane Mayden & Robin Egggerman. Gifts from the Heart: monetary donations for the Mercy Medical Care for Tanzania Program. Registration 9am; opening 9:30am; $5 includes lunch. RSVP: Rita Bryant (913.488.2855 or mbryant5@kc.rr.com TODAY.
Pairs & Spares Seniors Ministry meets again on Tuesday, April 18, 11:30 am, Family Life Center, RD Mize. Bring a dish to share for the potluck luncheon and enjoy fellowship with friends. Contact Janet Masters (jlmasters44@gmail.com) with questions.
RD Mize Greeters Timothy’s GATHER Commission is organizing a Greeters Ministry for the RD Mize worship service. It’s easy and fun! Contact Karron Wands (bbklwands@gmail.com) or 816.616.6502 if you’re interested in learning how to get connected as a greeter.
Donations Requested Clean plastic bags and reusable cloth or plastic bags, if available, are appreciated for the staff at Lutheran Urban Mission Agency Auxiliary(LUMAA) to package food for its clients. Please place donations in clear tote in RD Mize mailbox area. Thank you very much!
OPPORTUNITY: The Timothy Lutheran School Board has openings for this upcoming school year. If you have an interest in serving our school in this capacity, please reach out to Christy Yager at 816.820.4730 or Christy.yager@edwardjones.com to talk about the process, qualifications and expectations.
Food Donations during April will be delivered to Hillcrest. Cereal, pasta, Hamburger Helper, jello, pudding, cake mix, and pancake mix are always appreciated.. The need for food continues to be great. Thank you, Timothy, for continuing to be generous.
GriefShare meets on Thursdays, 6:30-8pm, RD Mize
DivorceCare meets on Mondays, 6:30-8pm, RD Mize
Card Club meets second Fridays, 7pm, Fellowship Hall, RD Mize. Next date is TONIGHT, APRIL 14th. Contact Art MacLean (660.641.1974) with questions.
Sunday Morning Adult Bible Study “The Book of Acts—The Birth of Christianity”; 10:15-11:15am, Fireplace Room (302), RD Mize; led by Fritz Barlag & Dale Russell
Monday Evening Adult Bible Study (1st & 3rd Mondays) 6:30pm fellowship; 7pm study; Fellowship Hall, RD Mize; led by Roxanne Kerwood
Monday Evening Women’s Bible Study NEW BOOK Joshua: Winning the Worry Battle; 6:30-8pm, Room 111, RD Mize; led by various ladies
Tuesday Morning Men’s Bible Study The Book of Luke; 6:30-7:30am, Fireplace Room (302); led by various men
Tuesday Morning Adult Bible Study “Confirmation Review”; 10-11am, Fellowship Hall, RD Mize; led by Pastor John
Thursday Evening Women’s Bible Study (Women of Thursday) Book study; 6:30-8pm, Room 109, RD Mize; led by Miriam Lindemann & Becky Blatt; contact Becky for current book
Saturday Morning Moms Bible Study (1st & 3rd Saturdays) 9-10am, 4 G’s Wyatt; led by Kaye Gray |
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