Timothy Lutheran Next Generation
Core Values & Goals As Adopted By The Congregation
Core Value 1. We value reaching the lost by remaining open, innovative, and flexible, using all means to save some.
Core Value 2. We value godly servant leadership and service.
Goal 1. Create a plan to reduce current debt. (reduced debt by selling RD Mize Campus December 2023)
Goal 2. Assess current property for disposition and/or end-use. (Sold RD Mize December 2023)
Goal 3. Create a transition plan for one campus ministry on Wyatt Rd. (Completed January 2024 – GOD is good!!!)
The staff, leaders and members of Timothy will create an environment that encourages people to GATHER to worship and develop relationships to build up the body of Christ so that they will:
Goal 4. take the next best step to increase worship frequency
Goal 5. take the next best step to increase participation in fellowship opportunities