Call Committee Updates
Call for Senior Pastor
“… then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.” — Philippians 2:2-4
Introducing the Call Committee
Senior Pastor Congregational Survey
Thank you to everyone who took the Senior Pastor Congregational Survey. Please continue to pray for the Call Committee during the next steps of the process.
Timothy’s Call Committee met on Aug. 27. The final draft of the new Senior Pastor position description was approved and referred to the Executive Board for its review and to the Board of Executive Elders for its approval. Prior to the meeting, Call Committee members individually ranked the 15 candidates and submitted their rankings for a composite score of all rankings. From that process, the Committee selected its top six candidates to interview soon, based on solidarity and clear choice to meet Timothy’s needs. Virtual interviews are scheduled to start the week of Sept. 9, depending upon candidates’ availability. The next Call Committee meeting will be Sept. 3 to summarize and organize interview questions to meet Timothy’s needs as derived from the recent congregational survey as well as the candidates’ experiences and qualifications.
Please continue to keep the Call Committee and call process in your prayers as we seek to find the man God has already chosen as Timothy’s next senior pastor. Thank you!
Timothy’s Call Committee met on July 23, after individually spending the previous two weeks analyzing the congregational survey results in preparation for creating a new position description for Timothy’s next Senior Pastor. A few highlights of the survey results include the following:
• 275 surveys (171 female, 102 male, 2 no response) were submitted, of which the 65-74 age group submitted the most (71) and the 19-24 age group submitted the least (2). The committee noted the 25-34 age group (19) needs further study
• 147 respondents have attended Timothy 20 or more years; 68 have attended 11-19 years
• Respondents listed the most important tasks for Timothy’s Senior Pastor, in addition to preaching, as: 1) Vision & Leadership; 2) Administration; 3) Worship Planning; 4) Counseling; 5) Teaching; 6) Supporting Lutheran Education.
• Respondents listed the desired Senior Pastor personality traits as: 1) Leadership; 2) People Skills; 3) Cooperation; 4) Initiative; 5) Innovation; 6) Creativity.
• Based upon the survey, Timothy’s greatest strengths are 1) School Ministry; 2) Dedicated volunteers 3)Traditional worship 4) Children’s Ministry 5) Contemporary Worship 6) Welcoming & Inviting 7) Bible Study 8) Lay Leadership 9) Music Ministry
• Based upon the survey, Timothy needs the most improvement in 1) Unity & Harmony 2) Facilities 3) Financial Generosity 4) Welcoming & Inviting 5) Outreach 6) Young Adult Ministry
7) Bible Study 8) Youth Ministry 9) Evangelism
• Based upon the survey, Timothy should most focus on, in addition to worship: 1) Meeting the Needs of Members; 2) Equipping Christians to Share Their Faith; 3) Creating disciples; 4) Church Fellowship Activities; 5) Support for Families; 6) Community Service.
• The optional write-in questions yielded the most comments in the following areas: 1) What do you most appreciate about Timothy? The people, pastors (specifically Pastor Ryan), pastors, the school, teaches LCMS doctrine, what is being taught, and sermons. 2) What’s one thing that could make Timothy better? Build a sanctuary, a Senior Pastor, financial stability, and more volunteers. 3) Is there anything else you would like for the Call Committee to consider during the call process? Want a people person, want the pastor to be a good leader, want someone to complement Pastor Ryan, want good sermons, want someone with solid knowledge of Lutheran doctrine.
If you would like to see detailed results of the entire survey, please contact the church office.
The Call Committee created a first draft of the Senior Pastor position description, based upon the survey results, which will be further reviewed between now and the next meeting on Aug. 14, if not before. The MO District Office is also currently creating a list of candidates for Timothy’s consideration, based on the survey results and knowledge of Timothy’s needs.
Please continue to keep this divine call process and Timothy’s Call Committee in your prayers as we move forward to discern God’s Will in sending the man he’s already chosen to serve as Timothy’s next Senior Pastor. Thank you!
The Senior Pastor Congregational Survey is LIVE, and the Call Committee urges all members, ages 14 & up, to complete it before 11:59 pm on Sunday, June 30. Your voice matters! Responses are anonymous. The MO District gathers and tabulates the data which will be important in creating a new Senior Pastor position description as well as valuable information for prospective candidates to learn about Timothy.
Completing the survey electronically is preferred, but paper copies can be picked up at church and returned to the Senior Pastor Survey Collection Box for Call Committee members to input manually before June 30. Call Committee members will help worshipers complete the survey online on Sunday mornings by using tablets at the table in the lobby. Other methods include clicking on the QR code found on the worship bulletin insert each Sunday in June. The survey is also available on the church website ( under the About Us link (Church Manuals and Reports).
Timothy’s Call Committee met on May 28 to review the rough draft of the Senior Pastor Congregational Survey. After suggested revisions are incorporated by the MO District personnel, the survey will be available for the congregation to complete between 12:01 am Sunday, June 9, and 11:59 pm Sunday, June 30, 2024.
The congregation is urged to complete the congregational survey online for ease and timeliness of recording of data. If anyone requests help with this process, Call Committee members will be available at a table in the lobby at church on June 9, 16, 23, & 30 for that purpose. A limited number of hard copies will also be available at the Call Committee table which must be returned by June 30 for Call Committee members to manually input the responses online, a collection box for which will be on the Call Committee table in the lobby on Sundays or on the round table at the entrance to Auditorium during the week. The MO District will use Survey Monkey to gather and record data from the congregational surveys. All responses will be anonymous.
Timothy’s Call Committee is currently preparing the Senior Pastor Congregational Survey. After final draft is prepared by the MO District personnel, this survey will be available for the congregation to complete, either online or print copy, from June 9 – 30. Thank you for continuing to keep the Call Committee and the entire call process in your prayers.
President Hagan directed the committee’s attention to a one-page overview of the divine call process steps in calling a senior pastor. Before leading extensive discussion and answering follow-up questions concerning these steps, he outlined three options for the committee’s focus: 1) calling a current Timothy associate pastor; 2) not calling a current Timothy associate pastor; and 3) calling a pastor from outside the congregation.
A preliminary approximate timeline for the total process was considered, the focus of which will be clearer after the committee’s visit with Pastor Peter Kirby on Thursday, May 16, when the committee will be guided through the development of a congregational survey. A concerted effort will be followed to “hear every voice” at Timothy.
The Call Committee will be commissioned this Sunday, at the end of the 9 am service and at the beginning of the 10:30 service. MO District President Hagan will meet with the committee on May 9th. The Call Committee will meet also on May, 16th to learn about creating the congregational survey. The congregation is encouraged to check Timothy’s website regularly for updates as well as in Timothy Connects and on Sundays, as time allows.
Please keep the Call Committee and the call process in your prayers, that His will be done to find the next man to serve as Timothy’s Senior Pastor.
The Senior Pastor Call Committee met on April 23 for organizational purposes, introducing the members and reviewing the steps in the divine call process. Any voting members interested in serving as the chair or secretary of this committee will contact Tary Krahenbuhl by today, April 26. On April 24th, the committee learned that MO District President Hagan will meet with the committee on May 9th. The congregation is encouraged to check Timothy’s website regularly for updates as well as in Timothy Connects and on Sundays, as time allows.
Please continue to keep the Call Committee and the call process in your prayers, that His will be done to find the next man to serve as Timothy’s Senior Pastor.
After much prayer and discussion, the Board of Elders has approved the Senior Pastor Call Committee roster to begin the divine call process of following God’s direction to find the man He has already chosen as Timothy’s next Senior Pastor. While every effort was made to follow MO District President Hagan’s recommendation to keep the committee from seven to nine members, a stronger consideration to provide a broad demographic representation brought the total to ten voting members with four additional members serving as non-voting advisors/consultants.
The voting committee members are Charlie Bock, Charlie Cronkhite, Sam Downs, Mel Falk, Rachel Honig, Tary Krahenbuhl, Kate Kuecker, Diane Mayfield, Rachel Pierce, and Tyler Shaffer. Non-voting committee advisors/consultants are Pastor Ryan, Pastor Rod, Nancy Nowiszewski, and Steve Schild. Circuit Pastor Gary Stolle will assist the committee as a representative from the MO District.
Next steps include an initial meeting of Timothy’s Call Committee within the next two weeks, followed by a meeting with President Hagan. Congregational input will be essential throughout the entire process. Please keep this process and the Call Committee in your prayers as we seek God’s will to be done.
Steps in the Process
Steps in the Missouri District Call Process Overview
1. Call Committee is formed according to the congregation’s Constitution and Bylaws. (04/12/2024)
2. District President and Circuit Visitor meet with Call Committee. (05/09/2024)
3. Call Committee conducts an all-congregation survey with assistance of Pastor Peter Kirby. Survey will assist the committee in development of Senior Pastor position description. (05/16/2024)
4. Call Committee discusses care of church workers and their families with District staff.
5. Congregation leaders complete “Pastor Profile Ranking” assessment. Call Committee collects the assessments, followed by calculating and averaging results which are then sent to District President.
6. Board of Elders develops/changes/adopts the Ministry Description after input from the survey and Call Committee. Ministry Description is sent to the District President to assist in development of the call list of candidates.
7. Call Committee receives nominations from the congregation for 2-4 weeks.
8. Nominations from the congregation are submitted to the District President.
9. District President develops call list for the congregation.
10. Call Committee receives call list with Personal Information Forms (PIFs) and Self-Evaluation Tools (SETs) on each candidate.
11. Call Committee evaluates PIFs and SETs and determines which candidates to interview.
12. Call Committee conducts phone/video interviews.
13. Call Committee presents candidates to Voters’ Assembly according to directives of the Constitution and Bylaws.
14. Congregation votes to issue a call.
15. Call Committee/congregation invites pastor and his family to visit as part of his deliberation.
16. If call is accepted, pastor is installed. If call is declined, congregation may continue with previous list or request additional names from District President.