About Doug Fleck

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December 2023

Timothy Connects December 22nd, 2023

By |2023-12-22T11:36:47-06:00December 22nd, 2023|Timothy Connects|


Sunday, December 24, 10:00 am, RD Mize Campus
Worship info on Timothy’s website

(www.timothylutheran.com/worship/ )

Recorded Worship Services at RD Mize

Christmas Services

Come and Worship at Timothy

Sunday, December 24:

  • 10am at RD Mize with Holy Communion
  • 4pm at Wyatt—Live Worship and live-streamed on YouTube
  • 5:30pm at RD Mize
  • 7:30pm at RD Mize
  • 9pm at RD Mize, Candlelight Service with Holy Communion

The 4pm, 5:30pm, 7:30pm, and 9m services will include candles as a part of the worship.

There are several special opportunities to worship at Timothy!

As We Gather for Worship This Weekend
“Joining Jesus: Prepared

There are so many preparations that go into Christmas.  But we seem to spend far more time preparing for the festivities than for the work of God. So on this Christmas Eve morning, we will spend some time preparing to celebrate the unexpected work of God at Christmas and beyond. Come and worship.

Devotion: “The Promise of Joy”

It’s Christmas! How is that strength holding out? With the challenges of balancing life, looking expectantly toward a time off, but having to prepare for that, too. Then the craziness of baking, wrapping, cleaning, planning… When I feel delirious from over commitment I think to myself, “The joy of the Lord is your strength” (Nehemiah 8:10 ), and His Spirit reminds me of what I needed — joy and strength, in that order.

“The joy of the Lord is your strength” is written by a guy building a wall, doing backbreaking work to secure his people from the enemy. God’s truth revealed to the people their true selves and their sin, and that they couldn’t rely on themselves, but the grace of God was more than enough. That called for joy.

True joy can only come from the Lord. It’s of Him. In turn, we are strengthened. We can have joy because we have Jesus. Joy is a miracle. Only the Holy Spirit can create it. Let us not grow weary or lose heart. The joy of the Lord truly can give us the strength we need to continue no matter the situation, not only fueling us to continue but allowing us to receive the true joy, peace, and hope our souls so desperately long for. To God be the glory in the beauty and the suffering.

Hope to see you at worship;
Christmas Eve Day 10 am (RD Mize only) with Holy Communion
Christmas Eve  4pm (Wyatt), – Will be live-streamed
                            5:30 pm (RD Mize)
                            7:30 pm (RD Mize)
                            9 pm Candlelight with Holy Communion (RD Mize)

Christmas Day 10am (RD Mize) with Holy Communion

Celebration Service

Sunday, December 31:

  • Celebration Service, 10am with Holy Communion, RD Mize
  • Contemporary Service, 10am with Holy Communion, Wyatt

The Celebration Service at RD Mize on Sunday, December 31, at 10am will remember the many ways in which God has blessed Timothy at the RD Mize Campus and to look forward to the many ways He will bless Timothy in moving forward at Wyatt as one campus. Former Pastors Lieb and Steensma will assist with Scripture readings and Holy Communion. Special music by choirs, handbells, solos & duets will enhance worship as well.

Following the service, the congregation is invited to a light lunch and additional time for fellowship in the Family Life Center.

Expected – Pink Tie Sunday

She was expected, but the plan changed. Now she is a memory. Our perfect little Maddy was expected, and now is a memory that we never want to forget. That is why you might see some pink ties on Sunday, December 31st. Pink ties, pink dresses, maybe even pink socks.

We celebrate PINK TIE SUNDAY the last Sunday of the year. It is a way to remember those little ones called to our heavenly home too soon. They were not with us long, but we longed for them, and on Pink Tie Sunday, we remember those little expectations that were with us for only a short time. Join Pink Tie Sunday if you have felt the loss of a little one through miscarriage, still birth or those who were with us for such a short time by wearing pink. Remembering those expected.

Thanks for joining us! -Pastor Rod and Miriam Lindeman


Generosity Through Charitable Giving 

As the year winds down, are you trying to think creatively as a generous charitable donor to move Timothy ministries forward? If you own an IRA, do you still need to meet your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) for the year? Are you considering a year-end contribution to Timothy or other qualified charity? If you do it the smart way, you will save tax dollars and benefit your church.

The IRS allows you to make contributions directly from your IRA to a charity, and that contribution is NOT income to you, if your trustee writes the check directly to the charity. Your trustee knows how to do it correctly—just ask—and get a real tax break. You can make all contributions this way and save even more next year. Thank you for keeping Timothy in your prayers and plans as you consider these tax-saving opportunities!

MO Scholars Promotes Private Education 

MO Scholars was established in 2021 by the Missouri General Assembly to provide educational opportunities and resources to Missouri students and families. The program provides options for eligible families to seek an array of alternative educational services ranging from private or Christian schools, like Timothy Lutheran School, to therapeutic services. The law provides state tax credits for contributions to approved, non-profit Educational Assistance Organizations, such as the LCMS MO District, to award scholarships to Missouri students with Individual Education Plans (IEP’s) and students living in low-income households. Parents are encouraged to contact TLS Administrator Ken Holland to learn more about this program.

How can every Timothy member participate in this program? If you pay Missouri income taxes, you are eligible to participate and help low-income parents send their children to TLS. Visit mo.lcms.org/mo-scholars and complete the prompts, selecting “The Missouri District” for the EAO.  Mail your confirmation page and check to Missouri District, 660 Mason Ridge Center Dr., Suite 100, St. Louis, MO 63141. Questions? Contact Leah at 314.590.6211 or leah.sieveking@mo.lcms.org. You must send in your contribution within 30 days of applying for Tax Credits. It will be a tax credit on your Missouri state income tax return. Feel free to also direct questions to TLS Administrator Ken Holland (816.228.5300 Ext. 8015), Stewardship Committee Member Mel Falk (816.686.6616) or TLS School Board President Christy Yager (816.820.4730).

Consolidation Update

*** Volunteers to pack Bibles and hymnals from the sanctuary pew racks on Tuesday, January 2, would be appreciated. Please call church office if you can help. Thank you! **

Worshipers who mail correspondence or contributions to the RD Mize address should send to Wyatt address, effective January 1, 2024. That address is 301 E Wyatt Road, BSMO 64014. Please also contact any financial institutions asap who may regularly mail in your contributions. USPS will forward RD Mize – addressed mail to Wyatt address beginning Jan. 1, 2024.

There is a need to store the Festival Committee freezer truck in covered storage until the new storage building is constructed. If you can help, please contact Louie Wilbers (816.988.6059).

Additional moving will occur during Christmas week (Dec. 26-29) for last-minute items. Leadership understands the timing of this is precarious with family celebrations and unknown weather conditions. If you can offer some hours anytime that week, please call the church office with your availability.

Annual Voters’ Assembly Meeting

The congregation is urged to attend the Annual Voters’ Assembly Meeting on Sunday, January 14, 2024, at 11:45 am in the Auditorium. A minimum of 40 congregants is required to conduct business.

The agenda includes the following: proposed slate of lay leaders (click here for slate); 2024 proposed operating budget; extending call to Ken Holland as LCMS-rostered principal of TLS; and 2024-2028 Strategic Plan.  A review and update about consolidation efforts will also be included.

Please plan to attend! Thank you!

WE ARE CHURCH – Volunteers Are Priceless!

The congregation is invited to again stop by the tables in either lobby this Sunday to visit with Elders about the transition to one campus. This is also another chance to learn more about volunteer opportunities to help with this transition. Have you ever thought about serving as an usher either as an individual or a family? Perhaps as a worship assistant on Sunday to serve alongside the pastor, or maybe a front-desk volunteer during the weekdays? You may go to Timothy’s app or website to click on Volunteer or click on this link.
The Elders have scheduled a training session for all current and new worship assistants and ushers wishing to serve in either service moving forward on Tuesday, Jan. 2, at 6:30pm in the AuditoriumAttendance is strongly encouraged to learn procedures that will impact both services, such as distribution of Holy Communion, collecting offering & attendance cards, and welcoming people to worship.

LERT Training

Have you ever desired to assist victims of national disasters, such as the recent tornadoes in Tennessee? Are you willing to go to such areas but feel ill-equipped? On Saturday, Jan. 27, St. Matthew Lutheran Church in Lee’s Summit will host a Disaster Response Training workshop from LERT (Lutheran Emergency Responsive Teams) from 9am-3pm. LERT teams respond to local and national disasters. Once training is completed, you’ll be FEMA-badged and certified to serve in any community hit by a disaster in the United States. Please understand that serving doesn’t mean you are necessarily relegated to manual labor. A portion of the training will identify other ways to serve on the teams. LERT also provides numerous opportunities to serve your neighborhood in need during non-disaster times as well, such a building wheelchair ramps, updating homes for more accessible bathrooms, and much more. If interested in learning more, please visit https://www.lcms-lert.org/need/detail/?need id=869609. Please register by January 10, 2024, if possible. Questions can be directed to Tom Keel (816.213.5665 or twk500@gmail.com).

Worship Attendance December 17:  RD Mize 213, Wyatt 182 

Dec. 17
Weekly General Contributions:
 Actual $47,603.04 vs  Budgeted $28,868
Weekly First Fruits Contributions: Actual $3,020.00  vs  Budgeted $2,075

New address beginning January 2024: 301 East Wyatt Road, Blue Springs, MO 64014

OASIS in 2024 Seeking volunteers to help serve catered meal from 6-6:30pm on January 10, April 9, and May 14. Minimal clean-up. Contact Pastor Ryan (816.228.5300 Ext. 8046) or Clancy Heisel (816.228.5300 Ext. 8047) with questions.

GriefShare Last meeting of current session on Dec. 28, 6:30-8 pm, RD Mize, Fireplace Room. Next session starts Feb. 2024

Donations Requested: Clean plastic bags and reusable cloth or plastic bags, if available, are appreciated for the staff at Lutheran Urban Mission Agency Auxiliary(LUMAA) to package food for its clients. Please place donations in clear tub in RD Mize mailbox area. Thank you very much!

Sunday Morning Adult Bible Study “The Gospel of Luke”; 10:15-11:15am, Fireplace Room (302), RD Mize; led by Fritz Barlag & Dale Russell; No class Dec.24 or December 31; Resumes January 7, Library 9am

Monday Evening Adult Bible Study (1st & 3rd Mondays) 6:30pm fellowship; 7pm study; Fellowship Hall, RD Mize; led by Roxanne Kerwood; Next class Jan 15, Music Room

Tuesday Morning Men’s Bible Study “The Gospel of Mark”, 6:30-7:30am, Fireplace Room (302); led by various men; No class December 26; Resume January 2nd, 4G’s

Tuesday Morning Women’s Bible Study Joshua: Winning the Worry Battle; 9-11 am, Room 111, RD Mize; led by various ladies; No class December 26 or January 2; Resumes January 9 at Pointe of Hope

Tuesday Morning Adult Bible Study “Book of Jonah”; 10-11am, Fellowship Hall, RD Mize; led by Pastor John; No class December 26, January 2, or January 9; Resumes January 16 at Pointe of Hope

Wednesday Night Sr High; Youth Room(506); 6:30-8 pm; Confirmation; 6:30 -8 pm; Room 501; No class December 20, December 27; Classes resume January 10

Thursday Evening Women’s Bible Study (Women of Thursday) Book study; 6:30-8pm; Youth room (506), led by Miriam Lindemann; No class Dec 21 or 28; Resumes January 4, Conference Room

Saturday Morning Moms Bible Study (1st & 3rd Saturdays) 9-10am, 4 G’s Wyatt; led by Kaye Gray; Next class January 6, 4 G’s

Do You Have A Story To Share?
If you have an article or celebration you would like to share with the members of Timothy, please submit it to
Diane Mayfield (click on either) or
Doug Fleck 

Please keep your submission between 200-250 words.

Timothy Connects December 15, 2023

By |2023-12-15T12:13:46-06:00December 15th, 2023|Timothy Connects|


Sunday 9:00 am, RD Mize Campus
Sunday 10am, Wyatt Campus

Worship info on Timothy’s website
(www.timothylutheran.com/worship/ )
Live Stream worship on YouTube – Sundays 10am
Recorded Worship Services at RD Mize

As We Gather for Worship This Weekend
“Joining Jesus: The Coming Christ Calls Us to Follow

As God’s amazing work of restoration begins with the coming of Christ, we also know it does not come to completion until He comes again. And there is a lot of work to be done.  So God calls and equips people to follow Him in this work.  We see this throughout the Christmas season as the Lord uses various people, including John, to “prepare the way.” So how is God calling each of us to follow not just during the holidays but daily?

Devotion: “Seeds at Christmas”

I have enjoyed spending time with a woman who has three small children. I remember those days in the middle of raising a house full of little ones and just trying to survive. Life felt chaotic, but I knew deep in my soul that there was nothing more valuable than knowing God myself and helping my kids to know who He really is and to connect to the heart of God — His character and His power in their lives.

God is working directly in our lives and in the lives of our families. This Christmas season as we spend time with the extended family God has given us, think about sharing our faith when the opportunity arises, no matter how ill prepared we feel. Scripture is full of beautiful examples of God calling and equipping flawed people, from Moses to David to the twelve disciples. In 2 Corinthians 12:9, Paul writes, “But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”

As we go throughout our holidays, remember: God calls us to plant and water the seeds of our family, but it is He and He alone who grows. So, take the pressure off yourself. God is doing a good work in your lives; just share it and He will use even our smallest seeds!

Christmas Services

Christmas Eve Day Sunday service will be at 10am in sanctuary at RD Mize with Holy Communion. There is no service at Wyatt on Sunday morning, Dec. 24.

Christmas Eve Evening Worship, Sunday, December 24: 
Wyatt Rd Campus – 4 pm
RD Mize Road Campus – 5:30 & 7:30 pm
RD Mize Road Campus – 9 pm with Holy Communion

Christmas Day Worship, Monday, December 25:
RD Mize Road Campus – 10 am with Holy Communion

Expected – Pink Tie Sunday

She was expected, but the plan changed. Now she is a memory. Our perfect little Maddy was expected, and now is a memory that we never want to forget. That is why you might see some pink ties on Sunday, December 31st. Pink ties, pink dresses, maybe even pink socks.

We celebrate PINK TIE SUNDAY the last Sunday of the year. It is a way to remember those little ones called to our heavenly home too soon. They were not with us long, but we longed for them, and on Pink Tie Sunday, we remember those little expectations that were with us for only a short time. Join Pink Tie Sunday if you have felt the loss of a little one through miscarriage, still birth or those who were with us for such a short time by wearing pink. Remembering those expected.

Thanks for joining us! -Pastor Rod and Miriam Lindeman

Celebration Service – REMEMBER

The congregation and friends are invited to a special Celebration Service at the RD Mize Campus on Sunday, December 31, at 10am (please note different worship time). As we move into 2024, Timothy will not only look back at the many blessings God has showered on our congregation at this campus in the past but also prayerfully look ahead in anticipation of His many blessings still to come in our next chapter as a church family.

The service will include Holy Communion as well as special musical selections performed by choirs, organ/piano duets, and flute solos. Pastors Lieb and Steensma will assist with scripture readings and Holy Communion.

Following the service, the congregation is invited to gather in the Family Life Center for a light lunch and additional time for fellowship.

Timothy’s contemporary service will occur at normal time (10am) at Wyatt on Dec. 31st. Holy Communion will be celebrated.

LWML Ruth Circle Celebrates Birth of Jesus

Timothy’s Ruth Circle gathered yesterday for its annual Christmas celebration, catered meal, and silent auction. Over $100 was donated for Community Services League, and over $600 was raised from the silent auction to benefit Timothy’s ministries, as determined in the new year.  Praise be to God for the opportunity to gather with Christian sisters in Christ!
Another Successful Journey to the Manger
Thanks, Timothy, for your generous support of the Giving Tree and Journey to the Manger ministry. Once again, as the photo shows, the wrapped gifts and various monetary donations are heart-warming and very much appreciated as we Join Jesus on His Mission to transform lives. Thank you!

 Generosity Through Charitable Giving 

As the year winds down, are you trying to think creatively as a generous charitable donor to move Timothy ministries forward? If you own an IRA, do you still need to meet your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) for the year? Are you considering a year-end contribution to Timothy or other qualified charity? If you do it the smart way, you will save tax dollars and benefit your church.

The IRS allows you to make contributions directly from your IRA to a charity, and that contribution is NOT income to you, if your trustee writes the check directly to the charity. Your trustee knows how to do it correctly—just ask—and get a real tax break. You can make all contributions this way and save even more next year. Thank you for keeping Timothy in your prayers and plans as you consider these tax-saving opportunities!


MO Scholars Promotes Private Education 

MO Scholars was established in 2021 by the Missouri General Assembly to provide educational opportunities and resources to Missouri students and families. The program provides options for eligible families to seek an array of alternative educational services ranging from private or Christian schools, like Timothy Lutheran School, to therapeutic services. The law provides state tax credits for contributions to approved, non-profit Educational Assistance Organizations, such as the LCMS MO District, to award scholarships to Missouri students with Individual Education Plans (IEP’s) and students living in low-income households. Parents are encouraged to contact TLS Administrator Ken Holland to learn more about this program.

How can every Timothy member participate in this program? If you pay Missouri income taxes, you are eligible to participate and help low-income parents send their children to TLS. Visit mo.lcms.org/mo-scholars and complete the prompts, selecting “The Missouri District” for the EAO.  Mail your confirmation page and check to Missouri District, 660 Mason Ridge Center Dr., Suite 100, St. Louis, MO 63141. Questions? Contact Leah at 314.590.6211 or leah.sieveking@mo.lcms.org. You must send in your contribution within 30 days of applying for Tax Credits. It will be a tax credit on your Missouri state income tax return. Feel free to also direct questions to TLS Administrator Ken Holland (816.228.5300 Ext. 8015), Stewardship Committee Member Mel Falk (816.686.6616) or TLS School Board President Christy Yager (816.820.4730).

Consolidation Update

Worshipers who mail correspondence or contributions to the RD Mize address should send to Wyatt address, effective January 1, 2024. That address is 301 E Wyatt Road, BSMO 64014. Please also contact any financial institutions asap who may regularly mail in your contributions. USPS will forward RD Mize – addressed mail to Wyatt address beginning Jan. 1, 2024.

Leadership is seeking help with flooring options for the Wyatt stage. There is also a need to store the Festival Committee freezer truck in covered storage until the new storage building is constructed. If you can help with either, please contact Louie Wilbers (816.988.6059).

Additional moving will occur during Christmas week (Dec. 26-29) for last-minute items. Leadership understands the timing of this is precarious with family celebrations and unknown weather conditions. If you can offer some hours anytime that week, please call the church office with your availability.

Please note that the Annual Voters’ Assembly Meeting will be Sunday, January 14, rather than the 7th. This will allow worshipers time to fellowship and take in some of the “newness” of two services under one roof again rather than gathering for a church business meeting.

WE ARE CHURCH – Volunteers Are Priceless!

The congregation is invited to again stop by the tables in either lobby this Sunday to visit with Elders about the transition to one campus. This is also another chance to learn more about volunteer opportunities to help with this transition. Have you ever thought about serving as an usher either as an individual or a family? Perhaps as a worship assistant on Sunday to serve alongside the pastor, or maybe a front-desk volunteer during the weekdays? You may go to Timothy’s app or website to click on Volunteer or click on this link.
The Elders have scheduled a training session for all current and new worship assistants and ushers wishing to serve in either service moving forward on Tuesday, Jan. 2, at 6:30pm in the AuditoriumAttendance is strongly encouraged to learn procedures that will impact both services, such as distribution of Holy Communion, collecting offering & attendance cards, and welcoming people to worship.

LERT Training

Have you ever desired to assist victims of national disasters, such as the recent tornadoes in Tennessee? Are you willing to go to such areas but feel ill-equipped? On Saturday, Jan. 27, St. Matthew Lutheran Church in Lee’s Summit will host a Disaster Response Training workshop from LERT (Lutheran Emergency Responsive Teams) from 9am-3pm. LERT teams respond to local and national disasters. Once training is completed, you’ll be FEMA-badged and certified to serve in any community hit by a disaster in the United States. Please understand that serving doesn’t mean you are necessarily relegated to manual labor. A portion of the training will identify other ways to serve on the teams. LERT also provides numerous opportunities to serve your neighborhood in need during non-disaster times as well, such a building wheelchair ramps, updating homes for more accessible bathrooms, and much more. If interested in learning more, please visit https://www.lcms-lert.org/need/detail/?need id=869609. Please register by January 10, 2024, if possible. Questions can be directed to Tom Keel (816.213.5665 or twk500@gmail.com).

Worship Attendance December 10:  RD Mize 217, Wyatt  243
Worship Attendance December 6: RD Mize 64

Dec. 10
Weekly General Contributions:
 Actual $25,263.17 vs  Budgeted $28,868
Weekly First Fruits Contributions: Actual $5,418.95  vs  Budgeted $2,075

New address beginning January 2024: 301 East Wyatt Road, Blue Springs, MO 64014

Concordia Music Conservatory in Concordia, MO, is offering lessons in piano, organ, strings, winds, brass, guitar, and voice for all ages & levels of experience; group ensembles for children in guitar, handbells, and choir; and summer day camps for choir & orchestra. All led by highly qualified music instructors. For more info, visit cmc-music.org.

OASIS in 2024 Seeking volunteers to help serve catered meal from 6-6:30pm on January 10, April 9, and May 14. Minimal clean-up. Contact Pastor Ryan (816.228.5300 Ext. 8046) or Clancy Heisel (816.228.5300 Ext. 8047) with questions.

GriefShare Thursdays, 6:30-8 pm, at RD Mize, Fireplace Room.

Donations Requested: Clean plastic bags and reusable cloth or plastic bags, if available, are appreciated for the staff at Lutheran Urban Mission Agency Auxiliary(LUMAA) to package food for its clients. Please place donations in clear tub in RD Mize mailbox area. Thank you very much!

Sunday Morning Adult Bible Study “The Gospel of Luke”; 10:15-11:15am, Fireplace Room (302), RD Mize; led by Fritz Barlag & Dale Russell; No class Dec.24 or December 31. Resumes January 7, Library 9am

Monday Evening Adult Bible Study (1st & 3rd Mondays) 6:30pm fellowship; 7pm study; Fellowship Hall, RD Mize; led by Roxanne Kerwood

Tuesday Morning Men’s Bible Study “The Gospel of Mark”, 6:30-7:30am, Fireplace Room (302); led by various men; No class December 26; Resume January 2nd, 4G’s.

Tuesday Morning Women’s Bible Study Joshua: Winning the Worry Battle; 9-11 am, Room 111, RD Mize; led by various ladies; No class December 26 or January 2; January 9 at Pointe of Hope

Tuesday Morning Adult Bible Study “Book of Jonah”; 10-11am, Fellowship Hall, RD Mize; led by Pastor John; No class December 26, January 2, or January 9; Resumes January 16 Pointe of Hope.

Wednesday Night Sr High; Youth Room(506); 6:30-8 pm; Confirmation; 6:30 -8 pm; Room 501; No class December 20 or December 27; Classes resume January, 10

Thursday Evening Women’s Bible Study (Women of Thursday) Book study; 6:30-8pm; Youth room (506), led by Miriam Lindemann; No class Dec 21 or 28. Resumes January 4, Conference Room

Saturday Morning Moms Bible Study (1st & 3rd Saturdays) 9-10am, 4 G’s Wyatt; led by Kaye Gray

Do You Have A Story To Share?
If you have an article or celebration you would like to share with the members of Timothy, please submit it to
Diane Mayfield (click on either) or
Doug Fleck 

Please keep your submission between 200-250 words.

Timothy Connects Friday, December 8th, 2023

By |2023-12-08T13:10:56-06:00December 8th, 2023|Timothy Connects|


Sunday 9:00 am, RD Mize Campus
Sunday 10am, Wyatt Campus

Worship info on Timothy’s website
(www.timothylutheran.com/worship/ )
Live Stream worship on YouTube – Sundays 10am
Recorded Worship Services at RD Mize

As We Gather for Worship This Weekend
“Joining Jesus: Jesus Comes with Restoration

Last week we saw the power and prestige of the coming Savior, but many were disappointed with the simplicity of this man named Jesus. He didn’t gather an army, nor did He always do what the people wanted Him to. No, Jesus came to do what His Father promised He would do and that is to restore and redeem all that had been lost because of sin. Today we see how Jesus perfectly fulfilled the promise God gave to His people long ago and why we rejoice that He comes to restore.

Devotion: “How to Hear Him Better This Advent”

In the cool, crisp evenings, when the house is quiet and dark, I sneak out on the deck to listen to the silence and see the Christmas lights of our neighborhood flash in the shadows. These are sacred moments. The light of my phone and the voices competing for my attention are traded for the yellow light of the moon and hushed stillness. I sigh in relief. I feel small, and I remember One who made Himself small. Jesus, who, “became flesh and made His dwelling among us” (John 1:14 ). I can hear Him better sitting in this stillness. I wait in anticipation.

This Advent season, we ask Him to come: Emmanuel, God with Us, come fill this season and our hearts. We sweep out the clutter — setting our phone’s notifications to “Off” and logging out of all those accounts that distract us for what is important. We want to hear Him so we can be like Him.

Less of us and more of Him. Less looking at our phones and more looking at our family’s eyes. Less “what we want” and more “how can we serve?”

It all begins in the stillness. “He made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.” Phil. 2:7

Advent Services

As you prepare to celebrate the birth of the Christ Child, make plans to join your Timothy family at this year’s Advent Services. The last service on Wednesday, Dec. 13 will be in the Wyatt Auditorium at 6:30pm in conjunction with the TLS 1st through 8th grade Christmas program.

Journey to the Manger

Timothy’s annual Journey to the Manger will be this Sunday, Dec. 10 at both services Please bring your donated gifts with tags attached. Thank you for once again supporting families identified by Community Services League, Hillcrest Transitional Housing and Our Redeemer Lutheran Church in KC.

CSL Christmas Barrels

An additional opportunity to benefit those in need, as identified by Community Service League, is the Christmas Barrels. Barrels are set up at both lobbies with lists of possible items. These should be returned unwrapped to the barrels anytime before December 15. Thank you for your generosity.

Christmas Services

Christmas Eve Day Sunday service will be at 10am in sanctuary at RD Mize with Holy Communion. There is no service at Wyatt on Sunday morning, Dec. 24.

Christmas Eve Evening Worship, Sunday, December 24: 
Wyatt Rd Campus – 4 pm
RD Mize Road Campus – 5:30 & 7:30 pm
RD Mize Road Campus – 9 pm with Holy Communion

Christmas Day Worship, Monday December 25:
RD Mize Road Campus – 10 am with Holy Communion


Make plans to attend a special Celebration Service at the RD Mize Campus on Sunday, December 31, at 10am (please note different time). As we move into 2024, Timothy will not only look back at the many blessings God has showered on our congregation at this campus in the past but also prayerfully look ahead in anticipation of His many blessings still to come in our next chapter as a church family. Holy Communion will be celebrated. More details soon!

The Wyatt regular service will be at 10 am .

 Generosity Through Charitable Giving 

As the year winds down, are you trying to think creatively as a generous charitable donor to move Timothy ministries forward? If you own an IRA, do you still need to meet your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) for the year? Are you considering a year-end contribution to Timothy or other qualified charity? If you do it the smart way, you will save tax dollars and benefit your church.

The IRS allows you to make contributions directly from your IRA to a charity, and that contribution is NOT income to you, if your trustee writes the check directly to the charity. Your trustee knows how to do it correctly—just ask—and get a real tax break. You can make all contributions this way and save even more next year. Thank you for keeping Timothy in your prayers and plans as you consider these tax-saving opportunities!

Expected – Pink Tie Sunday

She was expected, but the plan changed. Now she is a memory. Our perfect little Maddy was expected, and now is a memory that we never want to forget. That is why you might see some pink ties on Sunday, December 31st. Pink ties, pink dresses, maybe even pink socks.

We celebrate PINK TIE SUNDAY the last Sunday of the year. It is a way to remember those little ones called to our heavenly home too soon. They were not with us long, but we longed for them, and on Pink Tie Sunday, we remember those little expectations that were with us for only a short time. Join Pink Tie Sunday if you have felt the loss of a little one through miscarriage, still birth or those who were with us for such a short time by wearing pink. Remembering those expected.

Thanks for joining us! -Pastor Rod and Miriam Lindemann

Consolidation Update

Thanks to all who attended the Town Hall last Sunday. If you were not able to attend or if you would like to review any of the approximately 90-minute discussion, please click here Town Hall meeting Dec 3 .You can also find the video of the meeting on the home page of Timothy’s website (www.timothylutheran.com).

As follow-up to the Town Hall last Sunday, please note that Timothy’s elected elders will be in the lobby at each campus this Sunday, Dec. 10, to answer additional questions from the congregation.

Worshipers who mail correspondence or contributions to the RD Mize address should send to Wyatt address, effective January 1, 2024. That address is 301 E Wyatt Road, BSMO 64014. Please also contact any financial institutions asap who may regularly mail in your contributions. USPS will forward RD Mize – addressed mail to Wyatt address beginning Jan. 1, 2024.

Leadership is seeking help with flooring options for the Wyatt stage. There is also a need to store the Festival Committee freezer truck in covered storage until the new storage building is constructed. If you can help with either, please contact Louie Wilbers (816.988.6059).

Additional moving will occur during Christmas week (Dec. 26-29) for last-minute items. Leadership understands the timing of this is precarious with family celebrations and unknown weather conditions. If you can offer some hours anytime that week, please call the church office with your availability.

Please note that the Annual Voters’ Assembly Meeting will be Sunday, January 14, rather than the 7th. This will allow worshipers time to fellowship and take in some of the “newness” of two services under one roof again rather than gathering for a church business meeting.

The following questions were submitted this week:

1.  Will the nursery at Wyatt be staffed for both services now?
Response:  Yes.

2.  Pastor John stated at the end of the Town Hall Meeting that everything possible was being done to enhance the upcoming traditional service at Wyatt. The organ has been the standard musical instrument for this service, and the sound cannot be duplicated with the current set-up at Wyatt. Many of us value the organ sound as well as the support for congregational singing. Also, every indication is that the organ (an expensive instrument) would be able to be moved and would be just as playable at Wyatt. We also understand that the organ is not part of the sale of RD Mize. If we are doing everything possible to enhance the traditional service at Wyatt, why is the organ not a part of the current moving process or at least being put into temporary storage for further consideration?
Response: The organ at RD Mize was new when the sanctuary was added to the campus in 1979. Forty-five years later, Timothy’s musicians have indicated that, while it is in good condition for its age, concerns include its safety on the stage at Wyatt, the feasibility of plugging the current organ console into the Wyatt sound system, the need for it to be more mobile than in the RD Mize balcony, and the lack of stage space for all of Timothy’s worship instruments currently at both campuses (organ, baby grand piano, keyboards, drum set) as well as altar, lectern, candles, baptismal font, and banners). Timothy’s organists have indicated that the organ-like keyboard at Wyatt not only produces a good organ sound but also is much more mobile. Storage considerations must include places that are heat, cold, and humidity controlled, none of which are available in the temporary storage containers or new storage building. (Timothy’s items temporarily stored in the Kraft barn (which is heated and cooled) will move to the new storage building upon its completion.) If, during evaluation within the first 3-6 months of 2024, Timothy determines that an organ console is necessary, it can be investigated like other changes which may be suggested as we move forward.

WE ARE CHURCH – Volunteers Are Priceless!

Volunteers are priceless, and Timothy needs you as we transition to one campus. Have you ever thought about serving as an usher either as an individual or a family? Perhaps as a worship assistant on Sunday to serve alongside the pastor, or maybe a front-desk volunteer during the weekdays? You are invited to stay after worship THIS Sunday, Dec. 10, at either campus for information and an opportunity to ask questions. You may also go to Timothy’s app and church website and click on Volunteer or click on this linkPlease watch for other volunteer opportunities soon. Thanks for your support!

Worship Attendance December 3:  RD Mize 204, Wyatt  186
Worship Attendance December 6: RD Mize 64

Dec. 3
Weekly General Contributions:
 Actual $46,746.21  vs  Budgeted $28,868
Weekly First Fruits Contributions: Actual $620.00   vs  Budgeted $2,075

As of Dec 3:
Timothy’s Emergency Assistance Fund  $1,785.00
Giving Tuesday $2,725.00

Winter Coat Swap Last Sunday, a Wyatt worshiper and/or Town Hall attendee went home with someone else’s black winter coat (men’s), and that someone unknowingly probably went home with the wrong coat as well. If you have discovered that your current coat belongs to someone else and are looking for yours, please call the church office (816.228.5300).

TLS Christmas Programs The congregation is invited to enjoy 3 programs at TLS next week:
Mon, Dec 11 – Pre-K & Kindergarten
Tues, Dec 12 – Band Concert
Wed, Dec. 13 – 1st-8th Grades

Card Club will meet TODAY at 1 pm. Mary Burge is our hostess. Please bring a snack to share. If you have any questions, please contact Art MacLean (660-641-1974). See you there!

Concordia Music Conservatory in Concordia, MO, is offering lessons in piano, organ, strings, winds, brass, guitar, and voice for all ages & levels of experience; group ensembles for children in guitar, handbells, and choir; and summer day camps for choir & orchestra. All led by highly qualified music instructors. For more info, visit cmc-music.org.

Middle School Indoor Snowball (Marshmallow) Fight TOMORROW, Dec. 9, 5:30-8pm; RD Mize. All middle schoolers and their friends are invited to enjoy the craziness, fellowship, and devotion. Contact Clancy Heisel (816.830.1582) with questions.

Pairs & Spares Senior Adult Ministry invites all seniors and their friends to a  luncheon on Tuesday, Dec., 12, 11:30am in the Family Life Center. Bring a dish to share and enjoy the fellowship. This will be the last gathering until Mar. 2024.

OASIS in 2024 Seeking volunteers to help serve catered meal from 6-6:30pm on January 10, April 9, and May 14. Minimal clean-up. Contact Pastor Ryan (816.228.5300 Ext. 8046) or Clancy Heisel (816.228.5300 Ext. 8047) with questions.

DivorceCare meets Mondays, 6:30-8 pm at RD Mize, Room 102.

GriefShare Thursdays, 6:30-8 pm, at RD Mize, Fireplace Room.

KC Lutheran High School Middle School Ugly Sweater Dance Sat., Dec. 16, 6:30-9pm, at 12411 Wornall Rd, KCMO 64145; for 6th-8th graders; cost $5; prizes for the fluffliest, ugliest, funniest, itchiest sweaters; call KCLHS office with questions.

Donations Requested: Clean plastic bags and reusable cloth or plastic bags, if available, are appreciated for the staff at Lutheran Urban Mission Agency Auxiliary(LUMAA) to package food for its clients. Please place donations in clear tub in RD Mize mailbox area. Thank you very much!

Sunday Morning Adult Bible Study “The Gospel of Luke”; 10:15-11:15am, Fireplace Room (302), RD Mize; led by Fritz Barlag & Dale Russell

Monday Evening Adult Bible Study (1st & 3rd Mondays) 6:30pm fellowship; 7pm study; Fellowship Hall, RD Mize; led by Roxanne Kerwood

Tuesday Morning Men’s Bible Study “The Gospel of Mark”, 6:30-7:30am, Fireplace Room (302); led by various men

Tuesday Morning Women’s Bible Study Joshua: Winning the Worry Battle; 9-11 am, Room 111, RD Mize; led by various ladies

Tuesday Morning Adult Bible Study “Book of Jonah”; 10-11am, Fellowship Hall, RD Mize; led by Pastor John

Wednesday Night Sr High; Youth Room(506); 6:30-8 pm; Confirmation; 6:30 -8 pm; Room 501

Thursday Evening Women’s Bible Study (Women of Thursday) Book study; 6:30-8pm; Youth room (506), led by Miriam Lindemann

Saturday Morning Moms Bible Study (1st & 3rd Saturdays) 9-10am, 4 G’s Wyatt; led by Kaye Gray

Do You Have A Story To Share?
If you have an article or celebration you would like to share with the members of Timothy, please submit it to
Diane Mayfield (click on either) or
Doug Fleck 

Please keep your submission between 200-250 words.

Timothy Connects Friday, December 1st, 2023

By |2023-12-01T13:32:28-06:00December 1st, 2023|Timothy Connects|


Sunday 9:00 am, RD Mize Campus
Sunday 10am, Wyatt Campus

Worship info on Timothy’s website
(www.timothylutheran.com/worship/ )
Live Stream worship on YouTube – Sundays 10am
Recorded Worship Services at RD Mize

As We Gather for Worship This Weekend
“Joining Jesus: Jesus Comes on a Mission

Advent is a time to think about the coming of Jesus. But there’s more to the story than a cute little baby wrapped in swaddling cloths. After all, the manger didn’t draw that much attention.  However, the coming of Jesus was part of God’s great plan.  And we see in our readings today how the people longed for God to come and for His mission to commence because they knew it would change everything.

Devotion: “Don’t Discount Your Influence”

I remember the first time someone told me I was a leader. I looked at her in disbelief. I could think of at least a dozen reasons why she was wrong. But leading an organization or a ministry isn’t what makes me a leader. What makes me a leader is the calling Jesus placed on my life, when He commissioned me to go and make disciples.

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matt. 28:19-20

Let me tell you right now, you are a leader. Don’t discount your sphere of influence. You know and spend time with people who need to hear about Jesus. People who are longing for greater meaning, freedom, and truth in their lives. The answer to their longing is Jesus. The fields are ripe and ready for harvest. Jesus said so Himself. They just need some workers.

We need to live a life worthy of the calling Jesus has given us: to go and make disciples, to partner with what the Holy Spirit is already doing, and to help lead people right back to Jesus.

Advent Services

As part of your preparation for celebrating the birth of the Christ Child, make plans to join your Timothy family at this year’s Advent Services. The service on Wednesday, Dec. 6 will be in the sanctuary at 6pm. The Dec. 13 Advent service will be in the Wyatt Auditorium at 6:30pm in conjunction with the TLS 1st through 8th grade Christmas program.

Giving Trees for Journey to the Manger

You are invited to select gift tags from Timothy’s Giving Trees in the lobbies for the annual Journey to the Manger ministry, which will occur on Sunday, Dec. 10. This year, we will support families as identified by Community Services League, Hillcrest Transitional Housing, and Our Redeemer Lutheran Church in KC. The tags may be selected until Dec. 9, with all gifts, with tag attached, returned on December 10th during either worship service. Please check your gift tag to determine if the gift should be wrapped or unwrapped. Please note that there will be no inventory list identifying donor’s name with a certain gift tag.

CSL “Christmas Barrels”

An additional opportunity to benefit those in need, as identified by Community Service League, is the Christmas Barrels. Barrels are set up at both lobbies with lists of possible items. These should be returned unwrapped to the barrels anytime before December 15. Please note: This is a separate opportunity from Christmas Giving Trees for the annual Journey to the Manger. Thank you for your generosity.

Consolidation Update

Please plan to attend the second Town Hall Meeting THIS Sunday, Dec. 3rd, at 11:30am in the Wyatt Auditorium to hear the latest updates since the first Town Hall. Questions are still encouraged and can be directed to the same link on Timothy’s website by clicking on Church, then Next Generation, or by clicking here The meeting will be recorded and placed on church website on Monday, Dec 4th.

Leadership is seeking individuals with knowledge and expertise regarding flooring options for the Wyatt stage. Please contact Louie Wilbers (816.988.6059). Thanks!

Worshipers who mail correspondence or contributions to the RD Mize address should send to Wyatt address, effective January 1, 2024. That address is 301 E Wyatt Road, BSMO 64014. Please also contact any financial institutions asap who may regularly mail in your contributions. USPS will forward RD Mize – addressed mail to Wyatt address beginning Jan. 1, 2024.

Closing with Harvest Baptist Church is scheduled to occur between Jan. 4-12.

The following questions were submitted this week:
  1.  Can you elaborate more on the setup that will need to take place that is pushing the traditional service to 10:30? We believe that during this transition we will be susceptible to member attrition and that further disrupting the schedule has been followed for many years (contemporary following traditional since we started attending 15 years ago) will lead to lower church attendance. Our fear is that implementing this change, then reviewing in the first six months will be too late.  Response:  It usually takes worship staff 30 minutes prior to the arrival of the musicians and worship team to clean the stage floor. The tech people arrive early to get the sound system up and running. Then mics and belt packs are set out, as well as whatever else the musicians/vocalists need to prepare for the service, followed by a sound check with musicians and vocalists to ensure balance among them. Finally, the rehearsal starts, as this is usually the only rehearsal with musicians, and then any final corrections just in time for the start of the service. On Communion Sundays, the team assists with the table and cloth so altar guild volunteers can prepare the communion ware. The entire process takes 90 minutes.
  1. Shouldn’t we consider paying off more debt instead of building a large shed or hiring another employee when we don’t know the future direction God will take us? Response:  A Wyatt storage building is required to provide a safe and secure location for existing church property, equipment and supplies currently in the storage buildings at RD Mize and Timothy members’ homes. Stored equipment and supplies include building and lawn maintenance, snow removal, tools, cleaning equipment, Fall Festival equipment, church seasonal items, ministry supplies, and youth/school equipment and supplies. Reducing even more debt after the sale of RD Mize will be part of a debt reduction plan established by the Executive Board.
  1. Instead of renting locations to hold Bible studies, have we thought about using members’ homes? Response: Timothy is blessed to partner with our sister Lutheran church, Pointe of Hope, on North 7 Highway for three gatherings (Tuesday AM weekly Adult Bible Study, Tuesday AM weekly Women’s Bible Study, and Ruth Circle on 2nd Thursday). All other Timothy activities do not need off-site scheduling because they can occur at Wyatt. The Adult Bible Study and Ruth Circle gathering are too large to meet in members’ homes. The smaller Women’s Bible Study investigated meeting in members’ homes, but the presence of steps, both inside and outside the homes, is not workable for several women.
  1. Has there or will there be any round tables or small group gatherings to help plan the future of Timothy as this is such a large church and will most likely change the culture of the church? Response: The current expansion plan will be revisited since God led a buyer to purchase the RD Mize Campus sooner than expected. These discussions will likely be included in the 2024-2028 Strategic Plan process. This plan will be shared with leadership in December and then shared with the congregation at the Annual Voters’ Meeting on January 7, after which the congregation will be encouraged to participate.
  1. Will we begin the call for a Senior Pastor or reach out to our current pastors now that we will be at one location and that might be more suitable to someone? Response:  The 2024-2028 Strategic Plan includes a focus on staffing, the goal being to develop and implement a staffing plan, which includes calling a senior pastor, by first identifying and establishing a funding source as well as identifying and establishing a new Call Committee in 2024.

WE ARE CHURCH – Volunteers Are Priceless!

Volunteers are priceless, and Timothy needs you as we transition to one campus. Have you ever thought about serving as an usher either as an individual or a family? Perhaps as a worship assistant on Sunday to serve alongside the pastor, or maybe a front-desk volunteer during the weekdays? You are invited to stay after worship next Sunday, Dec. 10, at either campus for information and an opportunity to ask questions. You may also go to Timothy’s app and church website and click on Volunteer or click on this linkPlease watch for other volunteer opportunities soon. Thanks for your support!

Worship Attendance November 22:  RD Mize 162
Worship Attendance November 26:  RD Mize 122, Wyatt 143
Worship Attendance November 29:  RD Mize 61 

Nov. 19
Weekly General Contributions:
 Actual $31,198.20  vs  Budgeted $28,868
Weekly First Fruits Contributions: Actual $165.00   vs  Budgeted $2,075

As of Nov. 29:
Nov. 22 Timothy’s Emergency Assistance Fund  $1,785.00
Nov. 28 Giving Tuesday $105.00

Nov. 26
Weekly General Contributions:
 Actual $11,586.00  vs  Budgeted $28,868
Weekly First Fruits Contributions: Actual $145.00   vs  Budgeted $2,075

Dec. 11 – Pre-k & Kindergarten TLS Christmas Program starting 6 pm.

Dec. 12 TLS Band Christmas Concert starting at 6 pm.

Card Club will meet Friday, December 8th at 1 pm. Mary Burge is our hostess. Please bring a snack to share. If you have any questions, please contact Art MacLean (660-641-1974). See you there!

Concordia Music Conservatory in Concordia, MO, is offering lessons in piano, organ, strings, winds, brass, guitar, and voice for all ages & levels of experience; group ensembles for children in guitar, handbells, and choir; and summer day camps for choir & orchestra. All led by highly qualified music instructors. For more info, visit cmc-music.org.

Timothy is invited to celebrate with Amazing Grace Lutheran Church in Pleasant Hill, MO, for their 25th anniversary of ministry on Sunday, Dec. 3, at 10am. A light luncheon reception will follow the service. Please RSVP by Nov. 21 to amazinggraceph@embarqmail.com or leave a
message at 816.540.5150.

Middle School Indoor Snowball (Marshmallow) Fight Sat., Dec. 9, 5:30-8pm; RD Mize. All middle schoolers and their friends are invited to enjoy the craziness, fellowship, and devotion. Contact Clancy Heisel (816.830.1582) with questions.

Pairs & Spares Senior Adult Ministry invites all seniors and their friends to a  Luncheon on Tuesday, Dec., 12, 11:30am in the Family Life Center. Bring a dish to share and enjoy the fellowship. This will be the last gathering until Mar. 2024.

LWML Nut & Candy Sale THIS Sunday, Dec. 3rd is final day for pickup. This year’s proceeds are designated for mission mites (10%) and security & safety upgrades at Wyatt (90%). Thank you for your support!

Support TLS Through Scrip Cards Contact Kristen Anderson (816.228.5300 Ext. 8017 or kristena@timothylutheran.com) if you are interested in purchasing Scrip cards for a wide variety of retailers. A portion of the sale is given back to TLS Scholarship Fund.

OASIS in 2024 Seeking volunteers to help serve catered meal from 6-6:30pm on January 10, April 9, and May 14. Minimal clean-up. Contact Pastor Ryan (816.228.5300 Ext. 8046) or Clancy Heisel (816.228.5300 Ext. 8047) with questions.

LHS Performance The congregation is invited to Lutheran High’s production of Aladdin Jr on Dec.1 & 2 at 7pm at the school (12411 Wornall Rd, KCMO). This spectacular 60-minute musical is based on the 1992 Disney film and the 2014 Broadway adaptation. Tickets are $5/students and $12/adults. LHS Boosters will sell concessions both nights.

Town Hall Meeting THIS Sunday, Dec. 3, 11:30, at Wyatt Auditorium.

Annual Voters’ Assembly Meeting Jan. 7, 2024, following second service, Wyatt Auditorium.

DivorceCare meets Mondays, 6:30-8 pm at RD Mize, Room 102.

GriefShare Thursdays, 6:30-8 pm, at RD Mize, Fireplace Room.

KC Lutheran High School Middle School Ugly Sweater Dance Sat., Dec. 16, 6:30-9pm, at 12411 Wornall Rd, KCMO 64145; for 6th-8th graders; cost $5; prizes for the fluffliest, ugliest, funniest, itchiest sweaters; call KCLHS office with questions.

Donations Requested: Clean plastic bags and reusable cloth or plastic bags, if available, are appreciated for the staff at Lutheran Urban Mission Agency Auxiliary(LUMAA) to package food for its clients. Please place donations in clear tub in RD Mize mailbox area. Thank you very much!

Food Donations in December THANK YOU, Timothy, for the generous response to the brown bag food donations.  You have helped provide meals for the needy during this holiday season.    You may still donate food this weekend.  Community Services Leagues has been our regular December food drive, and thankfully because Blue Springs responded heartily during Community Unity Week, they are well stocked for this month. So, because of our impending church move to Wyatt, Timothy will NOT be collecting groceries in the grocery carts during December.

Sunday Morning Adult Bible Study “The Gospel of Luke”; 10:15-11:15am, Fireplace Room (302), RD Mize; led by Fritz Barlag & Dale Russell

Monday Evening Adult Bible Study (1st & 3rd Mondays) 6:30pm fellowship; 7pm study; Fellowship Hall, RD Mize; led by Roxanne Kerwood

Tuesday Morning Men’s Bible Study “The Gospel of Mark”, 6:30-7:30am, Fireplace Room (302); led by various men

Tuesday Morning Women’s Bible Study Joshua: Winning the Worry Battle; 9-11 am, Room 111, RD Mize; led by various ladies

Tuesday Morning Adult Bible Study “Book of Jonah”; 10-11am, Fellowship Hall, RD Mize; led by Pastor John

Wednesday Night Sr High; Youth Room(506); 6:30-8 pm; Confirmation; 6:30 -8 pm; Room 501
Note: No classes on Nov.22.

Thursday Evening Women’s Bible Study (Women of Thursday) Book study; 6:30-8pm; Youth room (506), led by Miriam Lindemann

Saturday Morning Moms Bible Study (1st & 3rd Saturdays) 9-10am, 4 G’s Wyatt; led by Kaye Gray

Do You Have A Story To Share?
If you have an article or celebration you would like to share with the members of Timothy, please submit it to
Diane Mayfield (click on either) or
Doug Fleck 

Please keep your submission between 200-250 words.

November 2023

Timothy Connects November 22nd, 2023

By |2023-11-22T12:23:08-06:00November 22nd, 2023|Timothy Connects|


Sunday 9:00 am, RD Mize Campus
Sunday 10am, Wyatt Campus

Worship info on Timothy’s website
(www.timothylutheran.com/worship/ )
Live Stream worship on YouTube – Sundays 10am
Recorded Worship Services at RD Mize

As We Gather for Worship This Weekend
“While We Wait: Live Compassionately”

As we wait for Jesus to return, we live expectantly, keeping His promised return centered in our minds. As we wait for Jesus to return, we live responsibly, using what God has entrusted to us to serve Him. But we can’t lose track of one last “how.” While we wait for Jesus, we live compassionately. We reflect His love for others into the lives of those we know, treating them as if they were Jesus Himself.

Devotion: “Things to Remember If You’re
Struggling to Be Thankful”

Thanksgiving has always been one of my favorite days of the year because it brings together people I love, spectacular food, and a tradition rooted in gratitude. But, this year, the world feels a bit unsettling. Trials and tribulations don’t respect when it’s time to celebrate a holiday. When life brings big and hard things, all that demand our attention, we tend to take our eyes off God and focus on the circumstances around us. Then we sink just like Peter did when he took his eyes off Jesus.

So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid, and beginning to sink he cried out, “Lord, save me.” Jesus immediately reached out his hand and took hold of him… Matthew 14:29b-31a When Peter’s focus shifted from Jesus to his circumstances, he sank. But Jesus was right there to rescue him. What a relief that He does the same thing for you and me!

Struggling to be thankful is normal for most of us at some point in our lives. But because of Jesus and what He’s done for us, we have the tools to overcome this challenge. By remembering God’s unchanging character, His past faithfulness, and our eternal inheritance in Christ, we can cultivate a heart of gratitude. In doing so, we not only honor God but can also find peace, joy, and strength to navigate life’s difficulties with heartfelt thankfulness. And not just the week of Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving Eve Service

Tonight is Timothy’s special Thanksgiving Eve service at 6pm in the Rd Mize sanctuary. Holy Communion will be celebrated. Tonight’s offering is designated for Timothy’s Emergency Assistance Fund. God’s blessings as you prepare for Thanksgiving celebrations with your family and as well as with your Timothy family and friends.

Advent Services

As part of your preparation for celebrating the birth of the Christ Child, make plans to join your Timothy family at this year’s Advent Services. The services on Wednesday, Nov. 29,  and Wednesday, Dec. 6 will be in the sanctuary at 6pm. The Dec. 13 Advent service will be in the Wyatt Auditorium at 6:30pm in conjunction with the TLS Kindergarten-8th grade Christmas program.

Giving Trees for Journey to the Manger

Tonight is your first opportunity to select gift tags from Timothy’s Giving Trees in the lobbies for the annual Journey to the Manger ministry, which will occur on Sunday, Dec. 10. This year, we will support families as identified by Community Services League, Hillcrest Transitional Housing, and Our Redeemer Lutheran Church in KC. The tags may be selected until Dec. 9, with all gifts, with tag attached, returned on December 10th during either worship service. Please check your gift tag to determine if the gift should be wrapped or unwrapped. Please note that there will be no inventory list identifying donor’s name with a certain gift tag.

Giving Tuesday & Timothy

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Because of his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead…”  1 Peter 1:3

Giving Tuesday 2023 falls on November 28th. It is a wonderful opportunity to join others across our nation in giving hope through financial donations. You can provide real hope by making a special #Giving Tuesday donation to Timothy to support its mission of Transforming Lives through Christ. Timothy has been sharing the hope we have in Jesus throughout the community for over 60 years. We are thankful and praise God for all the prayers and support given through our congregation.

Would you prayerfully consider giving a special #Giving Tuesday donation to help us continue sharing the HOPE we have in Jesus while meeting our budgetary needs? The need is real, and we trust that God will provide through our brothers and sisters in Christ. Please watch for email on November 27th and help Timothy continue to share HOPE. Thank you for your support!

A Prayer Evening

All Timothy ladies and their friends are invited to the annual Women of Hope “A Prayer Evening” on Friday, December 1, from 6-8pm in the Fellowship Hall at RD Mize.

We welcome guest speaker Jennifer Huecker who will share insights and reflections associated with two books, Holy Moments and God Winks. A member of Zion Lutheran in Lone Elm, MO, Jennifer is an active member in LWML where she has served many faith-filled women as MO District LWML President, LWML Vice-President of Christian Life, and preparer of many Bible studies, conferences, and conventions. Diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease in 2014 and recently completed chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation for breast cancer, she has been blessed with the outpouring of God’s love through so many sisters and brothers in Christ.

Ladies will enjoy broccoli cheese soup, vegetable soup, pinwheels, and Christmas sugar cookies. Please RSVP by Nov. 22 by calling church office (816.228.5300), or clicking this link (https://timothylutheran.shelbynextchms.com/external/form/27283b98-56e1-41e4-b624-09a4ba79d332) to help organizers in planning.

Blessed to Tithe

During this Thanksgiving season, Timothy’s leadershjp thanks the church for its faithful financial commitments to the church’s operating fund so that the church can continue to support its approved tithes. A tithe (10%) of weekly general contributions benefits several types of missions, both near and far.  From January through October 2023, the following mission opportunities received the amounts listed below (alphabetical) from Timothy:
Apple of His Eye (Jews sharing the good news of Jesus)   1,078.00
Community Services League (Eastern Jackson County)   4,111.00
Heit’s Point (Lutheran camp at Lake of Ozarks)   2,258.00
Hillcrest Ministry (Timothy’s Transitional Housing apt.)   5,392.00
ongong Hong Kong Missionary (Carol Halter)   2,157.00
Kansas City Lutheran High School   6,471.00
LAMP Ministry (Lutheran Assoc.of Missionaries & Pilots in remote areas of Canada)   2,157.00
Lutheran Bible Translators   2,157.00
LUMA ministry (Lutheran Urban Missionary Agency)   3,235.00
Lutherans for Life   1,078.00
Taiwan Missionary (Barb Rebentisch)   3,235.00
LCMS MO District (supporting national & international missions) 32,962.00
Mother’s Refuge (shelter/education homeless, pregnant young women)   3,235.00
Our Redeemer Lutheran Church (KC inner city)   5,392.00
POBLO (People of the Book Lutheran Outreach, an international society reaching out to Muslims & other ethnicities)   1,078.00
Resource Health (supporting pregnant teens & young women)   3,235.00
Shepherd of the Hills (Haiti—vocational training for women to share skills & faith in Jesus to villagers)   2,157.00
St. Paul Lutheran High School—Concordia, Mo   2,931.00

Thank you for supporting these many opportunities to transform lives through Christ!

Recent Tithe Acknowledgments

Timothy regularly receives thank-you notes & letters from its tithing organizations. Below are excerpts from recent notes & letters:

From Resource Health (formerly Rachel House):
“Thank you for your most generous and faithful support of Resource Health. We are grateful for all our church partnerships. Your partnership means so much—to us, to those we serve and to our Lord and Savior.”

From Lutheran Bible Translators:
“Hope is found when God’s language people can understand. Thank you for sharing the light of Scripture through Lutheran Bible Translators. Your gift invests in the Bible translation movement around the world. It is more than words. Thank you for putting God’s Word in their hands.”

From Hillcrest Transitional Housing:
“Thank you so much for your support of Hillcrest Transitional Housing. For more than 40 years, Hillcrest has helped families get back on their feet. Your gift enables us to provide homeless individuals, families, and youth with the skills and tools to lead self-sufficient lives and to leave the cycle of homelessness.”

From St. Paul Lutheran High School:
“St. Paul Lutheran High School would not exist today had it not been for the love of God that has blessed this ministry from the very beginning. We continue to be blessed through people like you who give of their treasures. We thank you for your faithful tithe which will help continue that legacy for this next generation of saints.”

From Missionary Barb Rebentisch:
“Thank you for your gift toward my work in Taiwan. I am very grateful for your faithful partnership in reaching the Mandarin speaking world with the good news of Jesus. We walk in the Hope that many in Taiwan and around the Chinese world will come to know Jesus.”

Blessed by Estate Distribution

Timothy is blessed and humbled to be a recipient of a portion of a former member’s estate.
Barton Prather worshiped regularly at Timothy prior to 2018 when he moved to Camdenton,
MO, to be nearer to family as his health declined. After Bart’s passing this past April, his
nephew notified Timothy that Mr. Prather’s estate planning included a significant distribution to Timothy.

Some members recall that this extremely generous man was very pleasant and upbeat,
always sat in first pew in front of pulpit, and typically walked a mile a minute! His nephew
shared that Bart considered Timothy a very special place to hear God’s Word and form positive relationships. We give thanks to God for the transformational work through Christ which impacted Mr. Prather so much at Timothy.

To date, Timothy has received $200,000 from Mr. Prather’s estate, with additional funds
anticipated before the end of December. The Executive Board is discussing how best to use
this special gift that will both glorify the Lord and continue the transformational efforts evident
in Bart’s life. The total amount received will be shared with the congregation once the
estate is finalized.

CSL “Christmas Barrels”

An additional opportunity to benefit those in need, as identified by Community Service League, is the Christmas Barrels. Barrels are set up at both lobbies with lists of possible items. These should be returned unwrapped to the barrels anytime before December 15. Please note: This is a separate opportunity from Christmas Giving Trees for the annual Journey to the Manger. Thank you for your generosity.

“Thankful & Grateful”

Timothy’s GATHER Commission encourages you to consider the many ways in which God blesses you, your family, and your friends. At either campus during November, feel free to stop by the interactive Grateful backdrop in the lobby and grab a leaf to write something you are thankful for. Then hang it up on the backdrop! The backdrops will be displayed through Thanksgiving. Thanks!

Consolidation Update

Please plan to attend the second Town Hall Meeting on Sunday, Dec. 3rd, at 11:30am in the Wyatt Auditorium to hear the latest updates since the first Town Hall. Questions are still encouraged and can be directed to the same link on Timothy’s website by clicking on Church, then Next Generation, or by clicking here The meeting will be recorded and placed on church website on Monday, Dec 4th.

Leadership is seeking individuals with knowledge and expertise regarding flooring options for the Wyatt stage. Please contact Louie Wilbers (816.988.6059). Thanks!

Worshipers who mail correspondence or contributions to the RD Mize address should send to Wyatt address, effective January 1, 2024. That address is 301 E Wyatt Road, BSMO 64014. Please also contact any financial institutions asap who may regularly mail in your contributions. Thank you!

Closing with Harvest Baptist Church is scheduled to occur between Jan. 4-12.

Worship Attendance November 19:  RD Mize 224, Wyatt 202  

Nov. 19 Contributions will be announced next week.

Church Office will be closed Nov. 23-24 for Thanksgiving.
TLS will be closed Nov.22-24 for Thanksgiving.

TLS Dinner Night Out Tuesday, Nov. 28, Blue Springs Culver’s, North Highway 7, 5-8pm.  Mention TLS when ordering for portion of sale returned to TLS Scholarship Fund. Thank you!

Timothy is invited to celebrate with Amazing Grace Lutheran Church in Pleasant Hill, MO, for their 25th anniversary of ministry on Sunday, Dec. 3, at 10am. A light luncheon reception will follow the service. Please RSVP by Nov. 21 to amazinggraceph@embarqmail.com or leave a message at 816.540.5150.

Staff Appreciation Gift for Christmas We again look forward to presenting a monetary Christmas gift to Timothy’s staff, who will be acknowledged during worship services on Dec. 10th.
Please consider one of the following ways to contribute by NEXT Sunday, November 26th:

  • Placing a pew envelope or ordinary envelope clearly marked “Staff Appreciation Gift” in the offering plate through November 26th.
  • Dropping off or mailing to the church office (425 NW RD Mize Rd., Blue Springs, MO 64014) before November 26th, clearly printing “Staff Appreciation Gift” on memo line of check
  • Submitting electronically by visiting Timothy’s website (www.timothylutheran.com), clicking on “Give,” and following the listed instructions

Thank you for prayerfully considering your gift to these dedicated servants. They work tirelessly to make Timothy Lutheran Ministries the incredible House of God that it is. Your gifts are appreciated!

Pairs & Spares Senior Adult Ministry invites all seniors and their friends to a  Luncheon on Tuesday, Dec., 12, 11:30am in the Family Life Center. Bring a dish to share and enjoy the fellowship. This will be the last gathering until Mar. 2024.

LWML Nut & Candy Sale THIS SUNDAY,  Nov. 26, is the final day to place orders for the annual LWML Nut & Candy Sale; complete printed order form at table in either lobby or order online at www.timothylutheran.com (Events). Sunday, Dec. 3rd is final day for pickup. This year’s proceeds are designated for mission mites (10%) and security & safety upgrades at Wyatt. Thank you for your support!

Support TLS Through Scrip Cards Contact Kristen Anderson (816.228.5300 Ext. 8017 or kristena@timothylutheran.com) if you are interested in purchasing Scrip cards for a wide variety of retailers. A portion of the sale is given back to TLS Scholarship Fund.

OASIS in 2024 Seeking volunteers to help serve catered meal from 6-6:30pm on January 10, April 9, and May 14. Minimal clean-up. Contact Pastor Ryan (816.228.5300 Ext. 8046) or Clancy Heisel (816.228.5300 Ext. 8047) with questions.

LHS Performance The congregation is invited to Lutheran High’s production of Aladdin Jr on Dec.1 & 2 at 7pm at the school (12411 Wornall Rd, KCMO). This spectacular 60-minute musical is based on the 1992 Disney film and the 2014 Broadway adaptation. Tickets are $5/students and $12/adults. LHS Boosters will sell concessions both nights.

Town Hall Meeting Sunday, Dec. 3, 11:30, at Wyatt Auditorium.

Annual Voters’ Assembly Meeting Jan. 7, 2024, following second service, Wyatt Auditorium.

DivorceCare meets Mondays, 6:30-8 pm at RD Mize, Room 102.

GriefShare Thursdays, 6:30-8 pm, at RD Mize, Fireplace Room.

Donations Requested: Clean plastic bags and reusable cloth or plastic bags, if available, are appreciated for the staff at Lutheran Urban Mission Agency Auxiliary(LUMAA) to package food for its clients. Please place donations in clear tub in RD Mize mailbox area. Thank you very much!

Food Donations November As has been a tradition for quite some years, Timothy can help provide food for a holiday meal for recipients  at Jesu El Buen Pastor (The Lutheran Church of Jesus the Good Shepherd) in Kansas City.  Brown grocery sacks with attached food list are available in the grocery cart in the lobby at each site.  Filled sacks can be returned on any Sunday in November.  THANK YOU for sharing with those in need.

Sunday Morning Adult Bible Study “The Gospel of Luke”; 10:15-11:15am, Fireplace Room (302), RD Mize; led by Fritz Barlag & Dale Russell

Monday Evening Adult Bible Study (1st & 3rd Mondays) 6:30pm fellowship; 7pm study; Fellowship Hall, RD Mize; led by Roxanne Kerwood

Tuesday Morning Men’s Bible Study “The Gospel of Mark”, 6:30-7:30am, Fireplace Room (302); led by various men

Tuesday Morning Women’s Bible Study Joshua: Winning the Worry Battle; 9-11 am, Room 111, RD Mize; led by various ladies

Tuesday Morning Adult Bible Study “Book of Jonah”; 10-11am, Fellowship Hall, RD Mize; led by Pastor John

Wednesday Night Sr High; Youth Room(506); 6:30-8 pm; Confirmation; 6:30 -8 pm; Room 501
Note: No classes on Nov.22.

Thursday Evening Women’s Bible Study (Women of Thursday) Book study; 6:30-8pm; Youth room (506), led by Miriam Lindemann

Saturday Morning Moms Bible Study (1st & 3rd Saturdays) 9-10am, 4 G’s Wyatt; led by Kaye Gray

Do You Have A Story To Share?
If you have an article or celebration you would like to share with the members of Timothy, please submit it to
Diane Mayfield (click on either) or
Doug Fleck 

Please keep your submission between 200-250 words.

Timothy Connects Friday Nov. 17th 2023

By |2023-11-17T14:50:58-06:00November 17th, 2023|Timothy Connects|


Sunday 9:00 am, RD Mize Campus
Sunday 10am, Wyatt Campus

Worship info on Timothy’s website
(www.timothylutheran.com/worship/ )
Live Stream worship on YouTube – Sundays 10am
Recorded Worship Services at RD Mize

As We Gather for Worship This Weekend
While We Wait: Live Responsibly

Last week, we were reminded that we live expectantly. We look forward to the day when Jesus will return. But what does that look like in practical terms? It means living responsibly. God has entrusted us with so much: our time, our talents, and our treasures. We invest those in ways that will have a return for the Kingdom of God. While we wait, we lie responsibly.

Devotion: “Sheep and Childlike Faith”

The other day, I was greeted by my 4-year-old granddaughter in a wool dress, who grabbed her hem and very joyfully announced to me, “This dress is made of SHEEP.”

Something in me clicked back to that childlike joy and I said to her, “Really??”

She smiled and said, “YES.”

This was big news. This was good news. This was fun news. And we talked about how neat it is that a sheep has wool, and we can turn it into things like her purple dress.

I don’t have conversations like that with my friends in small group. I know that wool exists, but I don’t go telling people how it’s made. To children, everything is interesting and everything has a bigger headline. You can make a dress out of sheep!

At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heavenMatthew 18:1-3 

Become like children. Uninhibited. Free. Not holding back or wondering what people will think. Perhaps Jesus is inviting us to not overthink and just slow down and ask questions. To notice the very obvious and celebrate the very ordinary. Because the Kingdom is for all of us, even those who can’t quite read, and when we invite their joy and wonder and delight into our lives, we see the Kingdom better.

Middle and Senior High Video Scavenger Hunt!

Our Middle and Senior High kiddos took to the streets for our 3rd annual video scavenger hunt.  They completed odd tasks like singing the national anthem at a baseball field, saying “hi” to 10 strangers in the park, and finding weird books in the library.  There was an abundance of laughter, but only one team took home the coveted trophies!  Thanks for supporting our youth as we transform lives through Christ!

Hillcrest Apartment Update

The new resident in Timothy’s Hillcrest apartment, Cordell Wright, is settling in nicely. Timothy’s Hillcrest team leaders, Dan & Pam Sbisa, visited with Cordell recently and report that he is a very nice, grateful young man. He was living in his car but now enjoys a nice apartment and can focus on working out some of his financial challenges. He works the afternoon/night shift at Lee’s Summit Price Chopper. He is doing everything he can to work with his budget counselor to save money to get some things in order. He was grateful for the prepared meal and supplies and is very impressed with the Hillcrest food pantry.

Please keep Cordell in your prayers and feel free to send a card to him at 501 SW Mission Rd. Apt. 507C, LSMO 64063. Thanks to the congregation and the Hillcrest Team for its ongoing support of this valuable ministry. We praise God for the opportunity to serve!

LWML Annual Nut & Candy Sale

It’s that time of year to stock up on nuts & candy for your holiday celebrations and gifts! Stop by the LWML table in either lobby this weekend for an order form or order online on Timothy’s website (www.timothylutheran.com  Click on Events).  Filled orders can be picked up the week following placement of the order. This year, proceeds will be designated for mission mites (10%) and security & safety upgrades at Wyatt (90%). This year’s sale runs until next Sunday, Nov. 26, so time is running out! Thank you!

TLS Trivia Night  “Let’s Make History!”

Make plans to attend the annual TLS Trivia Night TONIGHT, Nov. 17, beginning at 6pm at Elks Lodge, 100 SE Brizendine Rd. for a fun evening of trivia that benefits the TLS Scholarship Fund! You don’t want to miss it! You are guaranteed plenty of laughs and a chance for prizes, such as Winning Trivia Team, Best Themed Costumes & Table Decorations, and Last Place Team! Cost is $20 per person or $150 for table of 8. You do not need to form a team—organizers will match you with other players! It’s a great way to get to know other Timothy families. A food truck will be on site as well as desserts available for purchase (proceeds support 7th & 8th grade class trip). A cash bar will be open inside the lodge. Be sure to bring cash to purchase extra Mulligans (9 for $20) and Block-Your-Neighbor tokens (2 for $10—limit one per team). Childcare will be available at TLS for freewill donation (proceeds also support 7th & 8th grade class trip)—drop off at 5:30pm, pick up 30 min after trivia ends. Seats are limited, so be sure to grab your tickets at https://timothylutheranschool.com/trivia-night/ before they are history! Call the school office with additional questions (816.228.5300 Ext. 8017).

Thanksgiving Eve Service

Make plans to attend the Thanksgiving Eve Service on Wed, Nov. 22, at 6pm at RD Mize. Holy Communion will be celebrated. As is traditional at Timothy, the offering that evening is designated for Timothy’s Emergency Assistance Fund. Thank you for your ongoing generosity.

Giving Trees for Journey to the Manger

Timothy’s annual Journey to the Manger ministry will occur in both services on Sunday, Dec. 10. Starting Wednesday, Nov. 22, worshipers may select gift tags from the Giving Trees at both campuses to support families in need as identified by Community Services League, Hillcrest Transitional Housing, and Our Redeemer Lutheran in KC. The tags may be selected from either tree until Dec. 9. Please check your gift tag to determine if the gift should be wrapped or unwrapped. This year, there will not be a registry to log givers’ names with specific gift tags.  Thank you for returning your gift(s), with tag(s) attached, on Sunday, Dec. 10! Please contact Sandy Gregory (816.228.5300 Ext. 8042) with questions.

Support TLS While Christmas Shopping

Would you like to support TLS while Christmas shopping? Purchase a card at face value through Scrip, and a portion of the proceeds is given back to the school for its Scholarship Fund. Pretty cool!

  • If your budget is $450 for Amazon, order an Amazon gift card for $450 from the school to use for placing your order.
  • Do you know where you shop on Black Friday? Buy a gift card to use at those stores.
  • Plan to use gift cards as Christmas presents and stocking stuffers? Order from the school.

The list of retailers includes places like Amazon, Home Depot, Walmart, Ulta, Panera, Casey’s, and so many more. Check out the complete list of participating retailers at https://www.raiseright.com/brands .

To place your order, contact Kristen Anderson at 816-228-5300 ext. 8017 or at kristena@timothylutheran.com. Orders will be placed weekly, depending on the number of orders that come in! Delivery time is about a week. Thank you for supporting our school!

Giving Tuesday & Timothy

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Because of his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead…”  1 Peter 1:3

Giving Tuesday 2023 falls on November 28th. It is a wonderful opportunity to join others across our nation in giving hope through financial donations. You can provide real hope by making a special #Giving Tuesday donation to Timothy to support its mission of Transforming Lives through Christ. Timothy has been sharing the hope we have in Jesus throughout the community for over 60 years. We are thankful and praise God for all the prayers and support given through our congregation.

Would you prayerfully consider giving a special #Giving Tuesday donation to help us continue sharing the HOPE we have in Jesus while meeting our budgetary needs? The need is real, and we trust that God will provide through our brothers and sisters in Christ. Please watch for email on November 27th and help Timothy continue to share HOPE. Thank you for your support!

A Prayer Evening

All Timothy ladies and their friends are invited to the annual Women of Hope “A Prayer Evening” on Friday, December 1, from 6-8pm in the Fellowship Hall at RD Mize.

We welcome guest speaker Jennifer Huecker who will share insights and reflections associated with two books, Holy Moments and God Winks. A member of Zion Lutheran in Lone Elm, MO, Jennifer is an active member in LWML where she has served many faith-filled women as MO District LWML President, LWML Vice-President of Christian Life, and preparer of many Bible studies, conferences, and conventions. Diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease in 2014 and recently completed chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation for breast cancer, she has been blessed with the outpouring of God’s love through so many sisters and brothers in Christ.

Ladies will enjoy broccoli cheese soup, vegetable soup, pinwheels, and Christmas sugar cookies. Please RSVP by Nov. 22 by calling church office (816.228.5300), or clicking this link (https://timothylutheran.shelbynextchms.com/external/form/27283b98-56e1-41e4-b624-09a4ba79d332) to help organizers in planning.

TLS Christmas Wonderland Shop

Again this year, the TLS Parent-Teacher League (PTL) is organizing a Christmas Wonderland Shop for TLS students to shop for gifts for their parents.

The congregation is invited to support this project by picking a gift tag from a Christmas tree in each lobby through THIS SUNDAY, November 19.

The unwrapped gift items may be returned to the bin next to the tree before Nov. 19 so that the Christmas Wonderland Shop can be set up for students to shop the week of Dec. 4th. Thank you for your support!

CSL “Christmas Barrels”

An additional opportunity to benefit those in need, as identified by Community Service League, is the Christmas Barrels. Barrels are set up at both lobbies with lists of possible items. These should be returned unwrapped to the barrels anytime before December 15. Please note: This is a separate opportunity Christmas Giving Trees for the annual Journey to the Manger. Thank you for your generosity.

Volunteering at CSL

The Blue Springs Community Services League at 200 SW 10th Street in Downtown Blue Springs is accepting 3-4 volunteers to assist shoppers at its Christmas Store on Dec. 21st from 12:40-4pm. In addition to helping the community members “shop,” the volunteers may help with light clean-up at conclusion of the shift. Perhaps a family or other small group would enjoy this as a holiday project for community service in seeing how our donated items are appreciated by the community shoppers. There is also a need for someone with a truck to return shopping carts to Price Chopper & HyVee. Please contact Diane Mayfield (816.228.5300 Ext. 8040) by Nov. 21st  if you can help with this project on Dec. 21st. Thank you!

OASIS Family Ministry

Timothy’s family ministry has hit the ground running as the first three events had over 100 folks (!!!) join us for a meal, fellowship, and time with Jesus! As this new OASIS program keeps rolling, we need some help! We are looking for groups or individuals willing and able to serve a meal and clean up. The meal is catered, so the clean-up is minimal. Volunteers need to show up about 5:45pm to get ready, and the meal is served from 6-6:30pm. Then you should be out of there by 7pm. OASIS in the new year is the second Wednesday in January, April, and May in Wyatt Auditorium. If you’d be willing to help one or more nights, contact Pastor Ryan  (816.228.5300 Ext. 8046) or Clancy (816.228.5300 Ext. 8047).
“Thankful & Grateful”
Timothy’s GATHER Commission encourages you to consider the many ways in which God blesses you, your family, and your friends. At either campus during November, feel free to stop by the interactive Grateful backdrop in the lobby and grab a leaf to write something you are thankful for. Then hang it up on the backdrop! The backdrops will be displayed through Thanksgiving. Thanks!

Consolidation Update

Please plan to attend the second Town Hall Meeting on Sunday, Dec. 3rd, at 11:30am in the Wyatt Auditorium to hear the latest updates since the first Town Hall. Questions are still encouraged and can be directed to the same link on Timothy’s website by clicking on Church, then Next Generation, or by clicking here

Leadership is seeking individuals with knowledge and expertise regarding flooring options for the Wyatt stage. Please contact Louie Wilbers (816.988.6059). Thanks!

Worshipers who mail correspondence or contributions to the RD Mize address should send to Wyatt address, effective January 1, 2024. That address is 301 E Wyatt Road, BSMO 64014. Please also contact any financial institutions asap who may regularly mail in your contributions. Thank you!

Worship Attendance November 12:  RD Mize 181, Wyatt 166  

Nov. 12
Weekly General Contributions:  Actual $17,899.08 vs Budgeted $28,868
Weekly First Fruits Contributions:  Actual  $2,230.00 vs Budgeted $2,075

Church Office will be closed Nov. 23-24 for Thanksgiving.
TLS will be closed Nov.22-24 for Thanksgiving.

TLS Dinner Night Out Tuesday, Nov. 28, Blue Springs Culver’s, North Highway 7, 5-8pm.  Mention TLS when ordering for portion of sale returned to TLS Scholarship Fund. Thank you!

Timothy is invited to celebrate with Amazing Grace Lutheran Church in Pleasant Hill, MO, for their 25th anniversary of ministry on Sunday, Dec. 3, at 10am. A light luncheon reception will follow the service. Please RSVP by Nov. 21 to amazinggraceph@embarqmail.com or leave a message at 816.540.5150.

Staff Appreciation Gift for Christmas We again look forward to presenting a monetary Christmas gift to Timothy’s staff, who will be acknowledged during worship services on Dec. 10th.
Please consider one of the following ways to contribute by NEXT Sunday, November 26th:

  • Placing a pew envelope or ordinary envelope clearly marked “Staff Appreciation Gift” in the offering plate through November 26th.
  • Dropping off or mailing to the church office (425 NW RD Mize Rd., Blue Springs, MO 64014) before November 26th, clearly printing “Staff Appreciation Gift” on memo line of check
  • Submitting electronically by visiting Timothy’s website (www.timothylutheran.com), clicking on “Give,” and following the listed instructions

Thank you for prayerfully considering your gift to these dedicated servants. They work tirelessly to make Timothy Lutheran Ministries the incredible House of God that it is. Your gifts are appreciated!

Town Hall Meeting Sunday, Dec. 3, 11:30, at Wyatt Auditorium.

Annual Voters’ Assembly Meeting Jan. 7, 2024, following second service, Wyatt Auditorium.

DivorceCare meets Mondays, 6:30-8 pm at RD Mize, Room 102.

GriefShare Thursdays, 6:30-8 pm, at RD Mize, Fireplace Room.

Donations Requested: Clean plastic bags and reusable cloth or plastic bags, if available, are appreciated for the staff at Lutheran Urban Mission Agency Auxiliary(LUMAA) to package food for its clients. Please place donations in clear tub in RD Mize mailbox area. Thank you very much!

Food Donations November As has been a tradition for quite some years, Timothy can help provide food for a holiday meal for recipients  at Jesu El Buen Pastor (The Lutheran Church of Jesus the Good Shepherd) in Kansas City.  Brown grocery sacks with attached food list are available in the grocery cart in the lobby at each site.  Filled sacks can be returned on any Sunday in November.  THANK YOU for sharing with those in need.

Sunday Morning Adult Bible Study “The Gospel of Luke”; 10:15-11:15am, Fireplace Room (302), RD Mize; led by Fritz Barlag & Dale Russell

Monday Evening Adult Bible Study (1st & 3rd Mondays) 6:30pm fellowship; 7pm study; Fellowship Hall, RD Mize; led by Roxanne Kerwood

Tuesday Morning Men’s Bible Study “The Gospel of Mark”, 6:30-7:30am, Fireplace Room (302); led by various men

Tuesday Morning Women’s Bible Study Joshua: Winning the Worry Battle; 9-11 am, Room 111, RD Mize; led by various ladies

Tuesday Morning Adult Bible Study “Book of Jonah”; 10-11am, Fellowship Hall, RD Mize; led by Pastor John

Wednesday Night Sr High; Youth Room(506); 6:30-8 pm; Confirmation; 6:30 -8 pm; Room 501
Note: No classes on Nov.22.

Thursday Evening Women’s Bible Study (Women of Thursday) Book study; 6:30-8pm; Youth room (506), led by Miriam Lindemann

Saturday Morning Moms Bible Study (1st & 3rd Saturdays) 9-10am, 4 G’s Wyatt; led by Kaye Gray

Do You Have A Story To Share?
If you have an article or celebration you would like to share with the members of Timothy, please submit it to
Diane Mayfield (click on either) or
Doug Fleck 

Please keep your submission between 200-250 words.

Timothy Connects November 10th, 2023

By |2023-11-10T10:40:40-06:00November 10th, 2023|Timothy Connects|


Sunday 9:00 am, RD Mize Campus
Sunday 10am, Wyatt Campus

Worship info on Timothy’s website
(www.timothylutheran.com/worship/ )
Live Stream worship on YouTube – Sundays 10am
Recorded Worship Services at RD Mize

As We Gather for Worship This Weekend
” While We Wait: Live Expectantly”

As we wrap up the end of another Church year, our gaze naturally turns toward the end of the world. We know that Jesus has promised to return in glory, but we don’t know the when. So how should we live? While we wait, what do Christians do? In Matthew 25, Jesus tells three parables that show what Christian waiting looks like. We start by reminding ourselves that while we wait, we live expectantly.

Devotion: “Don’t Squash Jesus’ Love”

Last night, a couple of grandchildren stopped by for dinner. I had prepared acorn squash, but my grandkids were not so sure about it. It’s not always easy to receive the hospitality of food around other people’s tables, is it? The theology of table fellowship – in which the people of God are to break bread together for the sake of oneness – is clear throughout the New Testament, and yet it is a command that is easier said than done. Put simply: we don’t always like each other’s foods.

And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. Acts2:42

The gift of table fellowship was a powerful lesson that one of Jesus’ disciples, Peter, had to learn the hard way. In Acts 10, Peter is called to go to the house of a Gentile, a Roman centurion named Cornelius, to share the gospel. While there, he is also invited to eat with the family, which requires eating a new kind of meat. In the past, Peter would have never dreamed of touching a meat that he considered “unclean.” But God speaks to him in a vision and commands him to dine with this Roman family as a way to show God’s grace and love.

Sharing a meal, food and fellowship allows people to see Christ through our efforts. This is the kind of humble love-in-action. The more we embrace people’s foods, the more we show them that we embrace the fullness of their humanity the way God does. Trying things that are new and getting out of our comfort zones are hard, but for the sake of the gospel is always worth it.

Staff Appreciation Gift for Christmas

Dear Timothy Family and Friends,

Once again, as the Advent and Christmas seasons approach, we rejoice in the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. It is also appropriate to thank and praise God for Timothy’s wonderful staff as they shepherd and assist us in all facets of our faith walk. We again look forward to presenting a monetary Christmas gift to Timothy’s staff, who will be acknowledged during worship services on Dec. 10th.

The Board of Elected Elders and Executive Board appreciate your participation in this opportunity. Please consider one of the following ways to contribute by Sunday, November 26th:

  • Placing a pew envelope or ordinary envelope clearly marked “Staff Appreciation Gift” in the offering plate through November 26th.
  • Dropping off or mailing to the church office (425 NW RD Mize Rd., Blue Springs, MO 64014) before November 26th, clearly printing “Staff Appreciation Gift” on memo line of check
  • Submitting electronically by visiting Timothy’s website (www.timothylutheran.com), clicking on “Give,” and following the listed instructions

Thank you for prayerfully considering your gift to these dedicated servants. They work tirelessly to make Timothy Lutheran Ministries the incredible House of God that it is. Your gifts are appreciated!

Serving Him,
Tary Krahenbuhl
Acting Director, Board of Elected Elders

Diane Mayfield
Congregational President

Click Here to give online

LWML Annual Nut & Candy Sale

It’s that time of year to stock up on nuts & candy for your holiday celebrations and gifts! Stop by the LWML table in either lobby this weekend for an order form or order online on Timothy’s website (www.timothylutheran.com  Click on Events).  Filled orders can be picked up the week following placement of the order. This year, proceeds will be designated for mission mites (10%) and security & safety upgrades at Wyatt (90%). This year’s sale runs until Sunday, Nov. 26, so do not delay! Thank you!

Support TLS While Christmas Shopping

Would you like to support TLS while Christmas shopping? Purchase a card at face value through Scrip, and a portion of the proceeds is given back to the school for its Scholarship Fund. Pretty cool!

  • If your budget is $450 for Amazon, order an Amazon gift card for $450 from the school to use for placing your order.
  • Do you know where you shop on Black Friday? Buy a gift card to use at those stores.
  • Plan to use gift cards as Christmas presents and stocking stuffers? Order from the school.

The list of retailers includes places like Amazon, Home Depot, Walmart, Ulta, Panera, Casey’s, and so many more. Check out the complete list of participating retailers at https://www.raiseright.com/brands .

To place your order, contact Kristen Anderson at 816-228-5300 ext. 8017 or at kristena@timothylutheran.com. Orders will be placed weekly, depending on the number of orders that come in! Delivery time is about a week. Thank you for supporting our school!

TLS Trivia Night    “Let’s Make History!”

Make plans to attend the annual TLS Trivia Night next Friday, Nov. 17, beginning at 6pm at Elks Lodge, 100 SE Brizendine Rd. for a fun evening of trivia that benefits the TLS Scholarship Fund! You don’t want to miss it! You are guaranteed plenty of laughs and a chance for a prizes, such as Winning Trivia Team, Best Themed Costumes & Table Decorations, and Last Place Team! Cost is $20 per person or $150 for table of 8. You do not need to form a team—organizers will match you with other players! It’s a great way to get to know other Timothy families. A food truck will be on site as well as desserts available for purchase (proceeds support 7th & 8th grade class trip). A cash bar will be open inside the lodge. Be sure to bring cash to purchase extra Mulligans (9 for $20) and Block-Your-Neighbor tokens (2 for $10—limit one per team). Childcare will be available at TLS for freewill donation (proceeds also support 7th & 8th grade class trip)—drop off at 5:30pm, pick up 30 min after trivia ends. Seats are limited, so be sure to grab your tickets at https://timothylutheranschool.com/trivia-night/ before they are history! Call the school office with additional questions (816.228.5300 Ext. 8017).

Thanksgiving Eve Service

Make plans to attend the Thanksgiving Eve Service on Wed, Nov. 22, at 6pm at RD Mize. As is traditional at Timothy, the offering that evening is designated for Timothy’s Emergency Assistance Fund. Thank you for your ongoing generosity.
Holy Communion will be celebrated.

Sabbatical Update

Pastor John will return from his three-month sabbatical on Monday, November 13th! Keep him, all of Timothy’s staff, and Timothy Church in your prayers as he assimilates back into ministry at Timothy.

Women’s Book Club

All Timothy women and friends are invited to Timothy Women’s Book Club next Thursday, Nov. 16, at 6pm at Novel Place (1001 South 7 Highway—just west of South Price Chopper). Did you know this opportunity is monthly on the third Thursday, September through May? Let Barb Kalbfleisch know you’re coming (816.807-7575). The group welcomes your ideas for book selections in 2024. Hope to see you there!

Giving Tuesday & Timothy

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Because of his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead…”  1 Peter 1:3

Giving Tuesday 2023 falls on November 28th. It is a wonderful opportunity to join others across our nation in giving hope through financial donations. You can provide real hope by making a special #Giving Tuesday donation to Timothy to support its mission of Transforming Lives through Christ. Timothy has been sharing the hope we have in Jesus throughout the community for over 60 years. We are thankful and praise God for all the prayers and support given through our congregation.

Would you prayerfully consider giving a special #Giving Tuesday donation to help us continue sharing the HOPE we have in Jesus while meeting our budgetary needs? The need is real, and we trust that God will provide through our brothers and sisters in Christ. Please watch for our email on November 28th and help Timothy continue to share HOPE. Thank you for your support!

A Prayer Evening

All Timothy ladies and their friends are invited to the annual Women of Hope “A Prayer Evening” on Friday, December 1, from 6-8pm in the Fellowship Hall at RD Mize.

We welcome guest speaker Jennifer Huecker who will share insights and reflections associated with two books, Holy Moments and God’s Winks. A member of Zion Lutheran in Lone Elm, MO, Jennifer is an active member in LWML where she has served many faith-filled women as MO District LWML President, LWML Vice-President of Christian Life, and preparer of many Bible studies, conferences, and conventions. Diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease in 2014 and recently completed chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation for breast cancer, she has been blessed with the outpouring of God’s love through so many sisters and brothers in Christ.

Ladies will enjoy broccoli cheese soup, vegetable soup, pinwheels, and Christmas sugar cookies. Please RSVP by Nov. 22 by calling church office (816.228.5300), or clicking this link (https://timothylutheran.shelbynextchms.com/external/form/27283b98-56e1-41e4-b624-09a4ba79d332) to help organizers in planning.

TLS Christmas Wonderland Shop

Again this year, the TLS Parent-Teacher League (PTL) is organizing a Christmas Wonderland Shop for TLS students to shop for gifts for their parents.

The congregation is invited to support this project by picking a gift tag from a Christmas tree in each lobby through November 19.

The unwrapped gift items may be returned to the bin next to the tree before Nov. 19 so that the Christmas Wonderland Shop can be set up for students to shop the week of Dec. 4th. Thank you for your support!

CSL “Christmas Barrels”

An additional opportunity to benefit those in need, as identified by Community Service League, is the Christmas Barrels. Barrels are set up at both lobbies with lists of possible items. These should be returned unwrapped to the barrels anytime before December 15. Please note: This is a separate opportunity Christmas Giving Trees for the annual Journey to the Manger. Thank you for your generosity.

Volunteering at CSL

The Blue Springs Community Services League at 200 SW 10th Street in Downtown Blue Springs is accepting 3-4 volunteers to assist shoppers at its Christmas Store on Dec. 21st from 12:40-4pm. In addition to helping the community members “shop,” the volunteers may help with light clean-up at conclusion of the shift. Perhaps a family or other small group would enjoy this as a holiday project for community service in seeing how our donated items are appreciated by the community shoppers. There is also a need for someone with a truck to return shopping carts to Price Chopper & HyVee. Please contact Diane Mayfield (816.228.5300 Ext. 8040) by Nov. 21st  if you can help with this project on Dec. 21st. Thank you!

OASIS Family Ministry

Timothy’s family ministry has hit the ground running as the first three events had over 100 folks (!!!) join us for a meal, fellowship, and time with Jesus! As this new OASIS program keeps rolling, we need some help! We are looking for groups or individuals willing and able to serve a meal and clean up. The meal is catered, so the clean-up is minimal. Volunteers need to show up about 5:45pm to get ready, and the meal is served from 6-6:30pm. Then you should be out of there by 7pm. OASIS in the new year is the second Wednesday in January, April, and May in Wyatt Auditorium. If you’d be willing to help one or more nights, contact Pastor Ryan  (816.228.5300 Ext. 8046) or Clancy (816.228.5300 Ext. 8047).

Surviving the Holidays:  DivorceCare

Timothy’s DivorceCare support group invites members and their friends to the annual Surviving the Holidays: DivorceCare session on Monday, Nov. 13, from 6:30-8pm in the Fireplace Room at RD Mize, led by Kathy Wildschuetz and Christine Shaffer. This session will include practical suggestions and encouragement for managing the holidays after separation or divorce. Topics include What to Do with Your Holiday Emotions; Having a Plan; and Tips for Surviving a Social Event.

For more information, contact Sandy Gregory in the church office (816.228.5300 Ext. 8040) or go to Divorcecare website at divorcecare.org/holidays. You can register online at https://www.divorcecare.org/holidays/events/46737

“Thankful & Grateful”

Timothy’s GATHER Commission encourages you to consider the many ways in which God blesses you, your family, and your friends. At either campus during November, feel free to stop by the interactive Grateful backdrop in the lobby and grab a leaf to write something you are thankful for. Then hang it up on the backdrop! The backdrops will be displayed through Thanksgiving. Thanks!

Consolidation Update

A huge thank you to the 30 members who pitched in last Saturday at the All-Church Workday to move many things to storage in the two outdoor containers at Wyatt, which were delivered on Oct. 27, or inside the barn on Jon & Vicki Kraft’s property! Thanks also to the many volunteers who helped in recent weeks to get plastic tubs filled for the workday. Many trips in members’ trucks, trailers, SUV’s, and cars followed an organized process to ensure not only finishing by noon, but even ahead of schedule! Stay tuned for the next opportunity to move last-minute items later in December. Thank you!

Leadership asks if anyone at Timothy has knowledge, expertise, and access to materials to improve the flooring on Wyatt stage to contact Louie Wilbers (816.988.6059) if you can help.  Thanks!

Worship Attendance November 5:  RD Mize 251, Wyatt  108

Nov. 5
Weekly General Contributions:  Actual $28,014.93 vs Budgeted $28,868
Weekly First Fruits Contributions:  Actual  $170.00 vs Budgeted $2,075

Timothy is invited to celebrate with Amazing Grace Lutheran Church in Pleasant Hill, MO, for their 25th anniversary of ministry on Sunday, Dec. 3, at 10am. A light luncheon reception will follow the service. Please RSVP by Nov. 21 to amazinggraceph@embarqmail.com or leave a message at 816.540.5150.

Card Club will meet at Janeatte Robbins’ house from 1pm to 3pm TODAY, November 10, 2023.  Please bring a snack to share. Hope to see you there.

Bleachers Dedication in memory of Pastor Ted: Dalton Bodenhausen Eagle Project dedication Sunday, Nov. 12, at 11:30 am at Wyatt soccer field.

Pairs & Spares Senior Adult Ministry Thanksgiving Luncheon. meets Tuesday Nov. 14th. Family Life Center (FLC) 11:30 am. Bring a dish to share for the potluck luncheon and enjoy fellowship with friends. Contact Janet Masters (816.916.8956) with questions.

Giant Clothing Giveaway  Annual event at St. John LaLande Catholic Church, 805 NW RD Mize Rd; Nov. 13 through Nov. 15, noon to 6pm; open to the community to shop for free clothing; free will donations also accepted.

The Lutheran Urban Mission Agency Auxiliary will meet on Wednesday, November 15 at Messiah Lutheran Church, 613 South Main, Independence, MO. Registration begins at 9 a.m. with the opening service at 9:30 a.m. .  Please RSVP by Nov 12 to Jane Clark 816-616-3383 / jclark2100@att.net. All ladies of the congregation are invited to attend.

Annual Voters’ Assembly Meeting Jan. 7, 2024, following second service, Wyatt Auditorium.

DivorceCare meets Mondays, 6:30-8 pm at RD Mize, Room 102.

GriefShare Thursdays, 6:30-8 pm, at RD Mize, Fireplace Room.

Donations Requested: Clean plastic bags and reusable cloth or plastic bags, if available, are appreciated for the staff at Lutheran Urban Mission Agency Auxiliary(LUMAA) to package food for its clients. Please place donations in clear tub in RD Mize mailbox area. Thank you very much!

Food Donations November As has been a tradition for quite some years, Timothy can help provide food for a holiday meal for recipients  at Jesu El Buen Pastor (The Lutheran Church of Jesus the Good Shepherd) in Kansas City.  Brown grocery sacks with attached food list are available in the grocery cart in the lobby at each site.  Filled sacks can be returned on any Sunday in November.  THANK YOU for sharing with those in need.

Sunday Morning Adult Bible Study “The Gospel of Luke”; 10:15-11:15am, Fireplace Room (302), RD Mize; led by Fritz Barlag & Dale Russell

Monday Evening Adult Bible Study (1st & 3rd Mondays) 6:30pm fellowship; 7pm study; Fellowship Hall, RD Mize; led by Roxanne Kerwood

Tuesday Morning Men’s Bible Study “The Gospel of Mark”, 6:30-7:30am, Fireplace Room (302); led by various men

Tuesday Morning Women’s Bible Study Joshua: Winning the Worry Battle; 9-11 am, Room 111, RD Mize; led by various ladies

Tuesday Morning Adult Bible Study “1st and 2nd Samuel”; 10-11am, Fellowship Hall, RD Mize; led by Pastor John

Wednesday Night Sr High; Youth Room(506); 6:30-8 pm; Confirmation; 6:30 -8 pm; Room 501

Thursday Evening Women’s Bible Study (Women of Thursday) Book study; 6:30-8pm; Youth room (506), led by Miriam Lindemann

Saturday Morning Moms Bible Study (1st & 3rd Saturdays) 9-10am, 4 G’s Wyatt; led by Kaye Gray

Do You Have A Story To Share?
If you have an article or celebration you would like to share with the members of Timothy, please submit it to
Diane Mayfield (click on either) or
Doug Fleck 

Please keep your submission between 200-250 words.

Timothy Connects Friday Nov. 4, 2023

By |2023-11-03T10:13:37-05:00November 3rd, 2023|Timothy Connects|


Sunday 9:00 am, RD Mize Campus
Sunday 10am, Wyatt Campus

Worship info on Timothy’s website
(www.timothylutheran.com/worship/ )
Live Stream worship on YouTube – Sundays 10am
Recorded Worship Services at RD Mize

As We Gather for Worship This Weekend
” Lavished Love”

Today’s readings turn our attention to the future. John reminds us that one day, not only will we be face-to-face with Jesus, but we will be like him, transformed fully into the people God always meant for us to be. And the reason why is because we are children of God, something we became because God lavished His incredible, unending, indescribable love upon us!

Devotion: “A Roadmap for When You Don’t Know

What to Do”

Be still in the presence of the Lord and wait patiently for him to act.
Don’t worry about evil people who prosper or fret about their wicked schemes. Psalm 37:7

This was a tough week. God has placed our family on a roller coaster with my seventeen-year-old grandson’s health: lymphoma, kidney infection, not seen in a child this age, tentacles, mass. I feel confused, burdened and simply paralyzed as we wait for the tests. But I am certain there is Hope in the Lord.

Whether you find your heart burdened today by what’s happening around the world, what’s happening inside your home, or even in the confines of your own heart, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed… paralyzed… confused… and unsure of how to move forward. Thankfully God understands. He knows this world is full of trouble and heartache, and He provides everything we need to navigate our uncertainty.

Psalm 37:1-9 provides direction when we just don’t know what to do. They guide us to: not worry, trust, take delight, commit, stop! See how God graciously guides us through the steps of surrendering our worries and placing our trust back where it belongs — in Him alone.

All Saints Sunday
In Memory of Our Faithful Departed

This Sunday we celebrate All Saints Sunday in both services. We pray that our member brothers and sisters in Christ departed during the past year rest in peace in the hands of Jesus. You are welcome to access the video in their honor by clicking on this link:  https://youtu.be/JDIwQmgHApU

Jean Hyde

Roger Maisch

Alexa Bragg

Rex Thompson

Wyan Stockdell

Linda Staller

George Averill

Robert Mueller

Bart Prather

Ken Robbins

Tom Nowiszewski

Wes Powers

Lavona Dittmer

Veterans Day Program

Sunday Morning Pancakes

New Timothy members Brad and Kathy Elledge arrived before 9am last Sunday at Wyatt and set up two griddles in the music room to make well over 100 pancakes. This was a special treat in addition to the regular donuts and coffee members enjoyed before service. An additional round table was set up to accommodate all the parents and kids enjoying the warm pancakes, butter, syrup, and chocolate chips.

More than just a special treat, Brad and Kathy’s act of service was a reminder of the love and community that we share as a church family. It was a tangible expression of the Gospel message, which calls us to love and serve one another. We are so grateful to Brad and Kathy for their generosity and kindness. Their pancake breakfast was a wonderful way to start our Sunday morning, and it set the tone for a day filled with praise and worship.

LWML Annual Nut & Candy Sale

It’s that time of year to stock up on nuts & candy for your holiday celebrations and gifts! Stop by the LWML table in either lobby this weekend for an order form or order online on Timothy’s website (www.timothylutheran.com  Click on Events) starting Monday, Nov. 6th.  Filled orders can be picked up the week following placement of the order. This year, proceeds will be designated for mission mites (10%) and security & safety upgrades at Wyatt (90%). This year’s sale runs until Sunday, Nov. 26, so do not delay! Thank you!

Support TLS While Christmas Shopping

Would you like to support TLS while Christmas shopping? Purchase a card at face value thru scrip, and a portion of the proceeds is given back to the school for its Scholarship Fund. Pretty cool!

  • If your budget is $450 for Amazon, order an Amazon gift card for $450 from the school to use for placing your order.
  • Do you know where you shop on Black Friday? Buy a gift card to use at those stores.
  • Going to use gift cards as Christmas presents and stocking stuffers? Order from the school.

The list of retailers includes places like Amazon, Home Depot, Walmart, Ulta, Panera, Casey’s, and so many more. Check out the complete list of participating retailers at https://www.raiseright.com/brands .

To place your order, contact Kristen Anderson at 816-228-5300 ext. 8017 or at kristena@timothylutheran.com. Orders will be placed weekly, depending on the number of orders that come in! Delivery time is about a week. Thank you for supporting our school!

TLS Trivia Night

Please join us November 17 at Elks Lodge, 6 pm for some Trivia. Tickets are available to purchase online at the school’s website: www.timothylutheranschool.com. Just click on the Trivia Night advertisement.
Cost is $20/person or $150/team of 8. The theme is “Let’s Make History!” All proceeds go to the Scholarship Fund.

Thanksgiving Eve Service

Make plans to attend the Thanksgiving Eve Service on Wed, Nov. 22, at 6pm at RD Mize. As is traditional at Timothy, the offering that evening is designated for Timothy’s Emergency Assistance Fund. Thank you for your ongoing generosity.

A Prayer Evening

All Timothy ladies and their friends are invited to the annual Women of Hope “A Prayer Evening” on Friday, December 1, from 6-8pm in the Fellowship Hall at RD Mize.

We welcome guest speaker Jennifer Huecker who will share insights and reflections associated with two books, Holy Moments and God’s Winks. A member of Zion Lutheran in Lone Elm, MO, Jennifer is an active member in LWML where she has served many faith-filled women as MO District LWML President, LWML Vice-President of Christian Life, and preparer of many Bible studies, conferences, and conventions. Diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease in 2014 and recently completed chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation for breast cancer, she has been blessed with the outpouring of God’s love through so many sisters and brothers in Christ.

Ladies will enjoy broccoli cheese soup, vegetable soup, pinwheels, and Christmas sugar cookies. Please RSVP by Nov. 22 by calling church office (816.228.5300), or clicking this link (https://timothylutheran.shelbynextchms.com/external/form/27283b98-56e1-41e4-b624-09a4ba79d332) to help organizers in planning.

TLS Christmas Wonderland Shop

Again this year, the TLS Parent-Teacher League (PTL) is organizing a Christmas Wonderland Shop for TLS students to shop for gifts for their parents.

The congregation is invited to support this project by picking a gift tag from a Christmas tree in each lobby through November 19.

The unwrapped gift items may be returned to the bin next to the tree before Nov. 19 so that the Christmas Wonderland Shop can be set up for students to shop the week of Dec. 4th. Thank you for your support!

CSL “Christmas Barrels”

An additional opportunity to benefit those in need, as identified by Community Service League, is the Christmas Barrels. Barrels will be set up the first week of November at both lobbies with lists of possible items. These should be returned unwrapped to the barrels anytime before December 15. Please note: This is a separate opportunity than the Christmas Giving Trees for the annual Journey to the Manger. Thank you for your generosity.

OASIS Family Ministry

Timothy’s family ministry has hit the ground running as the first two events had over 100 folks (!!!) join us for a meal, fellowship, and time with Jesus! As this new OASIS program keeps rolling, we need some help! We are looking for groups or individuals willing and able to serve a meal and clean up. The meal is catered, so the clean-up is minimal. Volunteers need to show up about 5:45pm to get ready, and the meal is served from 6-6:30pm. Then you should be out of there by 7pm. OASIS is the second Wednesday in November (RD Mize), January, April, and May (last 3 in Wyatt Auditorium). If you’d be willing to help one or more nights, contact Pastor Ryan  (816.228.5300 Ext. 8046) or Clancy (816.228.5300 Ext. 8047).

Surviving the Holidays:  DivorceCare

Timothy’s DivorceCare support group invites members and their friends to the annual Surviving the Holidays: DivorceCare session on Monday, Nov. 13, from 6:30-8pm in the Fireplace Room at RD Mize, led by Kathy Wildschuetz and Christine Shaffer. This session will include practical suggestions and encouragement for managing the holidays after separation or divorce. Topics include What to Do with Your Holiday Emotions; Having a Plan; and Tips for Surviving a Social Event.

For more information, contact Sandy Gregory in the church office (816.228.5300 Ext. 8040) or go to Divorcecare website at divorcecare.org/holidays. You can register online at https://www.divorcecare.org/holidays/events/46737

“Thankful & Grateful”

Timothy’s GATHER Commission encourages you to consider the many ways in which God blesses you, your family, and your friends. At either campus during November, feel free to stop by the interactive Grateful backdrop in the lobby and grab a leaf to write something you are thankful for. Then hang it up on the backdrop! The backdrops will be displayed through Thanksgiving. Thanks!

Worship Attendance October 29:  RD Mize 190, Wyatt  

Oct 29
Weekly General Contributions:  Actual $12,649.46 vs Budgeted $28,868
Weekly First Fruits Contributions:  Actual  $45.00 vs Budgeted $2,075

Timothy is invited to celebrate with Amazing Grace Lutheran Church in Pleasant Hill, MO, for their 25th anniversary of ministry on Sunday, Dec. 3, at 10am. A light luncheon reception will follow the service. Please RSVP by Nov. 21 to amazinggraceph@embarqmail.com or leave a message at 816.540.5150.

Card Club will meet at Janeatte Robbins’ house from 1pm to 3pm on Friday, November 10, 2023.  Please bring a snack to share. Hope to see you there.

Bleachers Dedication memory of Pastor Ted: Dalton Bodenhausen Eagle Project dedication Sunday, Nov. 12, at 11:30 am at Wyatt soccer field.

Pairs & Spares Senior Adult Ministry Thanksgiving Luncheon. meets Tuesday Nov. 14th. Family Life Center (FLC) 11:30 am. Bring a dish to share for the potluck luncheon and enjoy fellowship with friends. Contact Janet Masters (816.916.8956) with questions.

Giant Clothing Giveaway  Annual event at St. John LaLande Catholic Church, 805 NW RD Mize Rd; Nov. 13 through Nov. 15, noon to 6pm; open to the community to shop for free clothing; free will donations also accepted.

Nominating Committee Update The congregation is urged to nominate themselves or other members (18 & older) to serve as Elected Elders or Commission Leaders (GO and GIVE). Please contact Ben Ryan (816.405.9348), Rick Little (816.213.8526), or Joe Sauter (816.516.9060) by October 15 to share your suggestions and to ask questions. Thank you!

The Lutheran Urban Mission Agency Auxiliary will meet on Wednesday, November 15 at Messiah Lutheran Church, 613 South Main, Independence, MO. Registration begins at 9 a.m. with the opening service at 9:30 a.m. .  Please RSVP by Nov 12 to Jane Clark 816-616-3383 / jclark2100@att.net. All ladies of the congregation are invited to attend.

Annual Voters’ Assembly Meeting Jan. 7, 2024, following second service, Wyatt Auditorium.

DivorceCare meets Mondays, 6:30-8 pm at RD Mize, Room 102.

GriefShare Thursdays, 6:30-8 pm, at RD Mize, Fireplace Room.

Donations Requested: Clean plastic bags and reusable cloth or plastic bags, if available, are appreciated for the staff at Lutheran Urban Mission Agency Auxiliary(LUMAA) to package food for its clients. Please place donations in clear tub in RD Mize mailbox area. Thank you very much!

Food Donations November As has been a tradition for quite some years, Timothy can help provide food for a holiday meal for recipients  at Jes’us El Buen Pastor (The Lutheran Church of Jesus the Good Shepherd in Kansas City).  Brown grocery sacks with attached food list are available in the grocery cart in the lobby at each site.  Filled sacks can be returned on any Sunday in November.  THANK YOU for sharing with those in need.

Sunday Morning Adult Bible Study “The Gospel of Luke”; 10:15-11:15am, Fireplace Room (302), RD Mize; led by Fritz Barlag & Dale Russell

Monday Evening Adult Bible Study (1st & 3rd Mondays) 6:30pm fellowship; 7pm study; Fellowship Hall, RD Mize; led by Roxanne Kerwood

Tuesday Morning Men’s Bible Study “The Gospel of Mark”, 6:30-7:30am, Fireplace Room (302); led by various men

Tuesday Morning Women’s Bible Study Joshua: Winning the Worry Battle; 9-11 am, Room 111, RD Mize; led by various ladies

Tuesday Morning Adult Bible Study “1st and 2nd Samuel”; 10-11am, Fellowship Hall, RD Mize; led by Jon Kraft

Wednesday Night Sr High; Youth Room(506); 6:30-8 pm; Confirmation; 6:30 -8 pm; Room 501

Thursday Evening Women’s Bible Study (Women of Thursday) Book study; 6:30-8pm; Youth room (506), led by Miriam Lindemann

Saturday Morning Moms Bible Study (1st & 3rd Saturdays) 9-10am, 4 G’s Wyatt; led by Kaye Gray

Do You Have A Story To Share?
If you have an article or celebration you would like to share with the members of Timothy, please submit it to
Diane Mayfield (click on either) or
Doug Fleck 

Please keep your submission between 200-250 words.

October 2023

Timothy Connects Friday, October 27th, 2023

By |2023-10-27T15:20:18-05:00October 27th, 2023|Timothy Connects|


Sunday 9:00 am, RD Mize Campus
Sunday 10am, Wyatt Campus

Worship info on Timothy’s website
(www.timothylutheran.com/worship/ )
Live Stream worship on YouTube – Sundays 10am
Recorded Worship Services at RD Mize

As We Gather for Worship This Weekend
Take 10: Truth … Free!

Lies can be a prison that traps us just as much as physical prison bars. We can be trapped in lies about ourselves, each other, or God. We need a jailbreak. What sets us free is the living Truth of Christ. He is the truth that sets us free through His death and resurrection.

Devotion: “What’s on Your List”

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Jeremiah 29:11 NIV
I am a list maker. You have probably seen me with my small legal pad and noticed there are some items crossed off. When I set down my pad, I begin again mentally recalling what’s on my to-do list, and God will nudge me, so I remember something important. It’s easy to put coming to God with our burdens or spending time with Him on the back burner.
Even in the fullness of life, there are everyday moments where we can come to Him — while we’re washing dishes, folding laundry, walking to get the mail, or doing whatever work He’s called us to do. God has been reminding me lately that we matter above any to-do item we’ve been given. It’s important to remember that our worth isn’t found in what we accomplish or in what we think others think of us. Our worth is found in Jesus as children of the King.

Confirmation students / Prayer Pals

Approximately 50 Confirmation students and their Prayer Pals met on October 25th to join Jesus on His Mission during a servant event. The group assembled sack lunches for the homeless at Metro Lutheran Ministries and then enjoyed ice cream sundaes while they got to know each other.

Veterans Day Program

All-Church Volunteer Workday

Mark your calendars to volunteer a couple hours on Saturday, Nov. 4, 8am-noon, to help move boxes, tubs, and other items from RD Mize church building/garage to Jon & Vicki Kraft’s barn (near Wyatt Campus) and to temporary storage containers at Wyatt (will be delivered Oct. 30).

Men, women, and teens will all be helpful and much appreciated. It is recommended to bring/wear gloves. Please contact Louie Wilbers (816.988.6059) or church office (816.228.5300) if you can help!
Thank you very much!!

Please click here to let us know you’ll be serving.

Thanksgiving Eve Service

Make plans to attend the Thanksgiving Eve Service on Wed, Nov. 22, at 6pm at RD Mize. As is traditional at Timothy, the offering that evening is designated for Timothy’s Emergency Assistance Fund. Thank you for your ongoing generosity.

A Prayer Evening

All Timothy ladies and their friends are invited to the annual Women of Hope “A Prayer Evening” on Friday, December 1, from 6-8pm in the Fellowship Hall at RD Mize.

We welcome guest speaker Jennifer Huecker who will share insights and reflections associated with two books, Holy Moments and God’s Winks. A member of Zion Lutheran in Lone Elm, MO, Jennifer is an active member in LWML where she has served many faith-filled women as MO District LWML President, LWML Vice-President of Christian Life, and preparer of many Bible studies, conferences, and conventions. Diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease in 2014 and recently completed chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation for breast cancer, she has been blessed with the outpouring of God’s love through so many sisters and brothers in Christ.

Ladies will enjoy broccoli cheese soup, vegetable soup, pinwheels, and Christmas sugar cookies. Please RSVP by Nov. 22 by calling church office (816.228.5300), or clicking this link (https://timothylutheran.shelbynextchms.com/external/form/27283b98-56e1-41e4-b624-09a4ba79d332) to help organizers in planning.

TLS Christmas Wonderland Shop

Again this year, the TLS Parent-Teacher League (PTL) is organizing a Christmas Wonderland Shop for TLS students to shop for gifts for their parents.

The congregation is invited to support this project by picking a gift tag from a Christmas tree in each lobby through November 19.

The unwrapped gift items may be returned to the bin next to the tree before Nov. 19 so that the Christmas Wonderland Shop can be set up for students to shop the week of Dec. 4th. Thank you for your support!

Christmas Giving Trees

Now is the time to start thinking of families who may need some extra assistance at Christmas. If you know of an individual or family from our congregation or school who would be a candidate for our Care Ministry Giving Tree, please submit their name(s), address and phone number in a sealed envelope and place in Sandy Gregory’s mailbox in the RD Mize Communication Center or contact her at 816.228.5300 (8042). Deadline to submit names is October 30 for the team to coordinate all necessary steps for a successful 2023 Giving Tree ministry.

A Giving Tree will be displayed at each campus starting Wed., Nov. 22nd, for members to choose tags and return the suggested gifts on Sunday, Dec. 10th, for Timothy’s annual Journey to the Manger. Gifts will be distributed to families suggested by Timothy members, Community Services League, Immanuel Lutheran in KC, and Our Redeemer in KC. Thank you for your generous support in the past. We look forward to this year’s gifts of love.

CSL “Christmas Barrels”

An additional opportunity to benefit those in need, as identified by Community Service League, is the Christmas Barrels. Barrels will be set up the first week of November at both lobbies with lists of possible items. These should be returned unwrapped to the barrels anytime before December 15. Please note: This is a separate opportunity than the Christmas Giving Trees for the annual Journey to the Manger. Thank you for your generosity.

Pancake Breakfast

Everyone in the congregation is invited to a free pancake breakfast THIS SUNDAY in the lobby before the 10am service. Come early! The normal donuts will also be available. Timothy thanks new members Brad & Kathy Elledge for providing this fellowship opportunity!

OASIS Family Ministry

Timothy’s family ministry has hit the ground running as the first two events had over 100 folks (!!!) join us for a meal, fellowship, and time with Jesus! As this new OASIS program keeps rolling, we need some help! We are looking for groups or individuals willing and able to serve a meal and clean up. The meal is catered, so the clean-up is minimal. Volunteers need to show up about 5:45pm to get ready, and the meal is served from 6-6:30pm. Then you should be out of there by 7pm. OASIS is the second Wednesday in November (RD Mize), January, April, and May (last 3 in Wyatt Auditorium). If you’d be willing to help one or more nights, contact Pastor Ryan  (816.228.5300 Ext. 8046) or Clancy (816.228.5300 Ext. 8047).

Surviving the Holidays: GriefShare

As the holidays approach each year, Timothy’s GriefShare Group offers special help to those who are hurting. The “Surviving the Holidays” session will be Thursday, Nov. 2, 6:30-8pm in the Fireplace Room at RD Mize, led by Lois Warren and Susan Ready. All who grieve the loss of a loved one at any time in their lives are encouraged to attend and bring family and friends.
The event begins with a 35-minute video that will help you feel understood and encouraged. You will be given a Holiday Survival Guide full of tips on how to navigate the season, including coping with painful emotions, handling social events and traditions, and more.

Contact Sandy Gregory in church office (816.228.5300 Ext. 8042) with questions and to request childcare. Register online at: https://www.griefshare.org/holidays/events/46736

Surviving the Holidays:  DivorceCare

Timothy’s DivorceCare support group invites members and their friends to the annual Surviving the Holidays: DivorceCare session on Monday, Nov. 13, from 6:30-8pm in the Fireplace Room at RD Mize, led by Kathy Wildschuetz and Christine Shaffer. This session will include practical suggestions and encouragement for managing the holidays after separation or divorce. Topics include What to Do with Your Holiday Emotions; Having a Plan; and Tips for Surviving a Social Event.

For more information, contact Sandy Gregory in the church office (816.228.5300 Ext. 8040) or go to Divorcecare website at divorcecare.org/holidays. You can register online at https://www.divorcecare.org/holidays/events/46737

Hillcrest Update

After several months of vacancy in Timothy’s apartment at Hillcrest Transitional Housing, Timothy’s Hillcrest Team learned this week that new resident, Cordell, has moved is and getting settled. Single with no children, he is employed at Price Chopper. Please keep Cordell in your thoughts and prayers as he begins the Hillcrest program. Thank you for your support of this vital ministry!

If you would like to send a card of encouragement, his address is:
501 SW Mission Rd,
Lee’s Summit, MO 64063
ATTENTION < Cordell Apt 507C>

Staff Appreciation Gift for Christmas


Dear Timothy Family and Friends,

Once again, as the Advent and Christmas seasons approach, we rejoice in the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. It is also appropriate to thank and praise God for Timothy’s wonderful staff as they shepherd and assist us in all facets of our faith walk. We again look forward to presenting a monetary Christmas gift to Timothy’s staff, who will be acknowledged during worship services on Dec. 10th.

The Board of Elected Elders and Executive Board appreciate your participation in this opportunity. Please consider one of the following ways to contribute by Sunday, November 26th:

  • Placing a pew envelope or ordinary envelope clearly marked “Staff Christmas Gift” in the offering plate between October 24th and November 26th.
  • Dropping off or mailing to the church office (425 NW RD Mize Rd., Blue Springs, MO 64014) before November, 26th, clearly printing “Staff Appreciation Gift” on memo line of check
  • Submitting electronically by visiting Timothy’s website (www.timothylutheran.com), clicking on “Give,” and following the listed instructions

Thank you for prayerfully considering your gift to these dedicated servants. They work tirelessly to make Timothy Lutheran Ministries the incredible House of God that it is. Your gifts are appreciated!

Serving Him,
Tary Krahenbuhl
Acting Director, Board of Elected Elders

Diane Mayfield
Congregational President

Click Here to give online

Wyatt Outdoor Bleachers Dedicated to Pastor Ted

The congregation is invited to celebrate the completion of Timothy member Dalton Bodenhausen’s Eagle Scout Project on Sunday, Nov. 12, at 11:30am at the Wyatt soccer field. Dalton chose to design and complete all facets concerning the construction of a set of aluminum bleachers on a concrete pad for fans to enjoy while watching practices or games on the Wyatt soccer field.

A special part of the brief ceremony will be the dedication of the bleachers in memory of Pastor Ted Schubkegel, a dear friend of Dalton and an associate pastor at Timothy from 1988 until going to heaven in March 2014. Members of the Schubkegel family plan to attend.

Timothy thanks Dalton for enhancing Timothy’s property and honoring Pastor Ted.

         Theodore Schubkegel Obituary (1948 - 2014) - Blue Springs ...

Consolidation Update

Over 200 people attended the first Town Hall Meeting in person last Sunday.  A recording of the 80-minute discussion and the PowerPoint presentation can be accessed on home page of Timothy’s website or click here (https://www.timothylutheran.com/) for video and slides.

A second Town Hall Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, Dec. 3rd, at 11:30am in the Wyatt Auditorium, to share additional information as it becomes available over the next month. Look for weekly updates here in Timothy Connects as well.

Since last Sunday, the following questions have been submitted:
1. Regarding amortization, will the interest rate change when we do this? If it goes up, shouldn’t we stay with current plan? Treasurer Joe Sauter forgot to report at the Town Hall that the interest rate will not change. The intent is to keep the same payment, which is dependent upon giving.

2.  Why don’t we continue to make the same payment schedule (instead of reducing payment) and reduce the debt faster? This is preference of Executive Board, again dependent upon giving to support ministry.

3.  We used to have an 8am service. Wouldn’t that be better than moving the traditional service to 10:30am? Shouldn’t we do a survey of the RD Mize parishioners? The service schedule, which is not “set in stone,” was approved by the Board of Elders after much discussion. This decision was predicated upon the goal of providing what is necessary (at this point) for both worship services to have proper time to offer quality and God-honoring worship. Surveying the entire congregation about service times as well as other implemented consolidation considerations may be possible as we navigate the first 5-6 months of 2024.

4.  I had trouble hearing because of the echo in the big room (auditorium, during the Town Hall). Have we considered adding additional sound panels to the walls, or making individual sound packs available like we did a long time ago at RDM?  This consideration has not been part of discussions to date, but it will be taken under advisement.

5. Are we going to hang the former/current pastors’ pictures (on the brick wall outside sanctuary) at Wyatt?  Yes, that is the goal.  Exact location is still under consideration.

6.  Was there ever a succession plan before the departure of Pastor Steensma? If so, present it. If no, was one formulated after his departure?  Pastoral succession plans are not officially documented as in the corporate world. Each LCMS district has resources to follow for local congregations in calling pastors. Since pastors may be called by churches at any time, the general practice is to allow time for the divine call process to take place. Once a called pastor accepts another call, the church assesses the needs for next steps. With Pastor Steensma’s departure, the vacant position was the Senior Pastor position, so there was no question concerning the need to fill it. The elders were notified on 06/16/18 of Pastor Rich’s decision to accept the call to Minnesota. Within 6 days (06/21/18), the elders held a special elders’ meeting to discuss the transition period and to initiate the call for a senior pastor. On 06/25/18, the elders contacted MO District President Hagan to start the call process. Unfortunately, Timothy’s situation as a two-site church along with COVID and other factors resulted in several calls to Timothy being declined.

7.  Was there ever a succession plan for Pastor Rod’s retirement? If so, present it.  If not, was one formulated after his retirement?  There was no succession plan following Pastor Rod’s retirement. There are several reasons for not filling this unique position (part-time Special Ministry Pastor—SMP), including the need to fill the vacant senior pastor position first.

8. What happened to the final reports prepared by the various Next Generation task forces in 2019-2020, such as the Review of 2020 Vision and Ministry Review?  With the arrival of COVID just as the reports were finalized and the resulting changes in worship and moving forward in general as well as other factors, the consolidation process was paused. Regarding Vision and Ministry Review specifically, the current Strategic Planning Committee has been meeting since early May to focus on a one-year (2024) and five-year plan (2024-2028) regarding staffing, discipleship, consolidation, and financial. The final plan will be presented to the congregation in January. The other reports from the original Next Gen task forces will be updated to coordinate with Timothy’s current consolidation efforts.

9. What are the plans for storing equipment now housed in the garage at RD Mize (lawn equipment and Festival Committee equipment)? As shared at the meeting, the generosity of members to offer their barns and the acquisition of two 40’x8’x8’ temporary storage containers (scheduled for delivery on Oct. 30, weather permitting) will address this situation for the immediate future.

10. What are the plans to provide for current regular RD Mize activities? As shared at the meeting, Timothy is partnering with our sister congregation, Pointe of Hope on North Highway 7, for its GriefShare, DivorceCare, Tuesday AM Adult Bible Study, Ruth Circle, and smaller Bible Studies. All other RD Mize evening activities will occur at Wyatt.

The congregation is urged to submit questions on Timothy’s website by clicking on Church, then Next Generation, or by clicking on submission button on congregational email sent  on Monday, Oct. 9, at 10am.

Worship Attendance October 22:  RD Mize 168, Wyatt  180

Oct 22
Weekly General Contributions:  Actual $22,185.00 vs Budgeted $28,868
Weekly First Fruits Contributions:  Actual  $1,170.00 vs Budgeted $2,075

Giant Clothing Giveaway  Annual event at St. John LaLande Catholic Church, 805 NW RD Mize Rd; Nov. 13 through Nov. 15, noon to 6pm; open to the community to shop for free clothing; free will donations also accepted.

Nominating Committee Update The congregation is urged to nominate themselves or other members (18 & older) to serve as Elected Elders or Commission Leaders (GO and GIVE). Please contact Ben Ryan (816.405.9348), Rick Little (816.213.8526), or Joe Sauter (816.516.9060) by October 15 to share your suggestions and to ask questions. Thank you!

Thrivent Choice Dollars Don’t forget to direct your Choice Dollars to organizations and causes you support. Timothy Lutheran Church and Timothy Lutheran School are approved organizations to receive these donations. Your participation in the Thrivent Choice program helps Thrivent Financial distribute these funds effectively. Thank you!

The Lutheran Urban Mission Agency Auxiliary will meet on Wednesday, November 15 at Messiah Lutheran Church, 613 South Main, Independence, MO. Registration begins at 9 a.m. with the opening service at 9:30 a.m. .  Please RSVP by Nov 12 to Jane Clark 816-616-3383 / jclark2100@att.net. All ladies of the congregation are invited to attend.

Annual Voters’ Assembly Meeting Jan. 7, 2024, following second service, Wyatt Auditorium.

DivorceCare meets Mondays, 6:30-8 pm at RD Mize, Room 102.

GriefShare Thursdays, 6:30-8 pm, at RD Mize, Fireplace Room.

Donations Requested: Clean plastic bags and reusable cloth or plastic bags, if available, are appreciated for the staff at Lutheran Urban Mission Agency Auxiliary(LUMAA) to package food for its clients. Please place donations in clear tub in RD Mize mailbox area. Thank you very much!

Food Donations during the month of October are designated for Hillcrest. Always needed are pasta, boxed potatoes, tuna and canned meat,  cereal, crackers, cake mix and frosting. Sugar, flour, cooking oil, coffee, tea, salt, pepper and spices are especially appreciated.   Thank you, Timothy, for continuing to remember those in need.. Drop off in grocery cart at either campus.
November As has been a tradition for quite some years, Timothy can help provide food for a holiday meal for recipients  at Jes’us El Buen Pastor (The Lutheran Church of Jesus the Good Shepherd in Kansas City).  Brown grocery sacks with attached food list are available in the grocery cart in the lobby at each site.  Filled sacks can be returned on any Sunday in November.  THANK YOU for sharing with those in need.

Sunday Morning Adult Bible Study “The Gospel of Luke”; 10:15-11:15am, Fireplace Room (302), RD Mize; led by Fritz Barlag & Dale Russell

Monday Evening Adult Bible Study (1st & 3rd Mondays) 6:30pm fellowship; 7pm study; Fellowship Hall, RD Mize; led by Roxanne Kerwood

Tuesday Morning Men’s Bible Study “The Book of Philippians”, 6:30-7:30am, Fireplace Room (302); led by various men

Tuesday Morning Women’s Bible Study Joshua: Winning the Worry Battle; 9-11 am, Room 111, RD Mize; led by various ladies

Tuesday Morning Adult Bible Study “1st and 2nd Samuel”; 10-11am, Fellowship Hall, RD Mize; led by Jon Kraft

Wednesday Night Sr High; Youth Room(506); 6:30-8 pm; Confirmation; 6:30 -8 pm; Room 501

Thursday Evening Women’s Bible Study (Women of Thursday) Book study; 6:30-8pm; Youth room (506), led by Miriam Lindemann

Saturday Morning Moms Bible Study (1st & 3rd Saturdays) 9-10am, 4 G’s Wyatt; led by Kaye Gray

Do You Have A Story To Share?
If you have an article or celebration you would like to share with the members of Timothy, please submit it to
Diane Mayfield (click on either) or
Doug Fleck 

Please keep your submission between 200-250 words.

Timothy Connects Friday, October 20, 2023

By |2023-10-23T09:07:11-05:00October 23rd, 2023|Timothy Connects|


Sunday 9:00 am, RD Mize Campus
Sunday 10am, Wyatt Campus

Worship info on Timothy’s website
(www.timothylutheran.com/worship/ )
Live Stream worship on YouTube – Sundays 10am
Recorded Worship Services at RD Mize

As We Gather for Worship This Weekend
Take 10: The King Is Coming”

Throughout human history, God pictured the coming redemptive King through various images of His promise, providence, provision, and protection for His people. We could easily become down and out because of the evil of our world, and quickly give up because of the constant bad news. But hope, peace, joy, and love is the promise of our God for His people. Christ is the King of Glory! The Gospel is our only hope, as the King of glory comes in, with, and through the Gospel, as we were buried with Him in Baptism and raised with Him to a new life!

Devotion: “The Lie You Need to Kick to the Curb Today”

During times of trauma, we sometimes feel we are disposable! No one has to actually say those words, but in the upheaval and grieving we can be left with that feeling. During this time of transition at Timothy, there were times I told myself those words: You are disposable! You don’t matter! You are insignificant! As I look around on Sunday at my church family and listen to the message God has for me, I hear a different message. I matter. I am seen. I am valued. I am heard.

When we feel vulnerable, invisible, or forgotten, remember that God not only sees us, but comes alongside us and cares for us. Matthew 6:26 reminds us:

“Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?”  

When lies try to deplete us, we can ask the One who sees us to remind us of our visibility, our value, and our significance, bringing us back to the truth. Rehearse truth’s song. Turn up the volume. You matter. You are seen. You are valued. You are heard.

LWML Sunday

Timothy’s annual observance of LWML Sunday will be celebrated this Sunday at both campuses. This year’s theme of “The King Is Coming” will be shared in the sermon message and at the display tables in the lobbies. Be sure to stop by to learn about LWML and how you can participate in proclaiming its mission of joyfully sharing Christ, supporting missions, and equipping women to honor God by serving.

Lift up your heads, O gates! And be lifted up, O ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. Who is this King of glory? The LORD, strong and mighty, the LORD, mighty in battle! Lift up your heads, O gates! And lift them up, O ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. Who is this King of glory? The LORD of hosts, he is the King of glory! (Psalm 24:7–10)

Staying in the Boat

I have often wanted to write a devotion about John 21, staying in the boat.

Then the disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, “It is the Lord!” As soon as Simon Peter heard him say, “It is the Lord,” he wrapped his outer garment around him (for he had taken it off) and jumped into the water. The other disciples followed in the boat, towing the net full of fish, for they were not far from shore, about a hundred yards.” John 21:7-8

Our faith, at times, asks us to step out into the water, but sometimes we need to stay in the boat and row to shore. There are those who faithfully serve, making sure the fish can be counted, the miracle is acknowledged, and God’s message can be shared.

We at Timothy have many servant hearts, and one of them is Gayl Calvin. She is stepping down from playing organ
more than 60 years in various congregations. During worship this Sunday, we will take a moment to rejoice at this life of service and her dedication to share His Word through the gift of music for so many years.

Veterans Day Program

Lutheran Urban Mission Agency Auxiliary (LUMAA)

The Lutheran Urban Mission Agency Auxiliary will meet on Wednesday, November 15 at Messiah Lutheran Church, 613 South Main, Independence, MO. Registration begins at 9 a.m. with the opening service at 9:30 a.m. The speaker will be Lu Ann Ross from Hillcrest Transitional Housing. The Mission of the Month collection is winter necessities for food pantries: men, women and children’s socks, gloves, hats, scarves, new coats, long underwear for men/women and new blankets/quilts (full and queen). Lunch will be served. Please RSVP by Nov 12 to Jane Clark 816-616-3383 / jclark2100@att.net. All ladies of the congregation are invited to attend and all donations for the Mission of the Month collection are appreciated. Thank you!

Children’s Fall Harvest Party

 All Timothy children and their friends are invited to a fun Harvest Party TONIGHT from 6-8pm at the Wyatt Campus. They will be treated to pizza, games, prizes, and opportunities to make new friends! Plan to attend!

Middle School Falloween

Tomorrow, Oct 21, 5:30-8 pm, all middle schoolers and their friends are invited to Falloween at RD Mize Campus. They will be treated to pumpkin carving, dinner, games, and prizes.
Bring your own pumpkin to the Falloween. Plan to attend!

TLS Christmas Wonderland Shop

Again this year, the TLS Parent-Teacher League (PTL) is organizing a Christmas Wonderland Shop for TLS students to shop for gifts for their parents.

The congregation is invited to support this project by picking a gift tag from a Christmas tree in each lobby from October 18 through November 19.

The unwrapped gift items may be returned to the bin next to the tree before Nov. 19 so that the Christmas Wonderland Shop can be set up for students to shop the week of Dec. 4th. Thank you for your support!

Christmas Giving Trees

Now is the time to start thinking of families who may need some extra assistance at Christmas. If you know of an individual or family from our congregation or school who would be a candidate for our Giving Tree ministry, please submit their name(s), address and phone number in a sealed envelope and place in Sandy Gregory’s mailbox in the RD Mize Communication Center or contact her at 816.228.5300 (8042). Deadline to submit names is October 30 for the team to coordinate all necessary steps for a successful 2023 Giving Tree ministry.

A Giving Tree will be displayed at each campus starting Wed., Nov. 22nd, for members to choose tags and return the suggested gifts on Sunday, Dec. 10th, for Timothy’s annual Journey to the Manger. Gifts will be distributed to families suggested by Timothy members, Community Services League, Immanuel Lutheran in KC, and Our Redeemer in KC. Thank you for your generous support in the past. We look forward to this year’s gifts of love.

Pancake Breakfast

Everyone in the congregation is invited to a free pancake breakfast on Sunday, Oct. 29, in the lobby before the 10am service. Come early! The normal donuts will also be available. Timothy thanks new members Brad & Kathy Elledge for providing this fellowship opportunity!

GriefShare: Surviving the Holidays

As the holidays approach each year, Timothy’s GriefShare Group offers special help to those who are hurting. The “Surviving the Holidays” session will be Thursday, Nov. 2, 6:30-8pm in the Fireplace Room at RD Mize, led by Lois Warren and Susan Ready. All who grieve the loss of a loved one at any time in their lives are encouraged to attend and bring family and friends.
The event begins with a 35-minute video that will help you feel understood and encouraged. You will be given a Holiday Survival Guide full of tips on how to navigate the season, including coping with painful emotions, handling social events and traditions, and more.

Contact Sandy Gregory in church office (816.228.5300 Ext. 8042) with questions and to request childcare. Register online at: https://www.griefshare.org/holidays/events/46736

Surviving the Holidays:  DivorceCare

Timothy’s DivorceCare support group invites members and their friends to the annual Surviving the Holidays: DivorceCare session on Monday, Nov. 13, from 6:30-8pm in the Fireplace Room at RD Mize, led by Kathy Wildschuetz and Christine Shaffer. This session will include practical suggestions and encouragement for managing the holidays after separation or divorce. Topics include What to do with Your Holiday Emotions; Having a Plan; and Tips for Surviving a Social Ev

For more information, contact Sandy Gregory in the church office (816.228.5300 Ext. 8040) or go to Divorcecare website at divorcecare.org/holidays. You can register online at https://www.divorcecare.org/holidays/events/46737

Consolidation Update

The contract between Timothy Lutheran Church and Harvest Baptist Church was signed by leadership from both churches last Friday, Oct. 7, 2023. Closing of the sale will occur between Jan. 2 and Jan. 12, 2024.

Please plan to attend the first of two Town Hall Meetings THIS SUNDAY, Oct. 22, immediately following the 10am worship service in the Wyatt Auditorium.  Leadership and staff will be available to provide updates regarding worship services, auditorium changes, meeting & storage options, and financial impacts upon consolidation. There will be an opportunity for additional questions or further information regarding questions submitted to date. The second Town Hall will be Dec. 3rd after the 10am service as well.

Questions submitted since last week’s issue of Timothy Connects include:
1. Being involved in early meetings about Wyatt, I am wondering what happened to the original talks of a sanctuary.  By “original talks,” current leadership assumes the question refers to time Wyatt was originally built rather than the current phased construction plan in place for expansion. A new sanctuary was in the original plan, and current leadership feels it just changed internally. Over time it was felt the school was a priority, and that’s the direction the congregation supported as Timothy moved forward.

2.  Will there really be a traditional service?  Yes, a traditional service will be one of two offered each Sunday in the Wyatt Auditorium.

3. What time will the services occur? At its meeting on October 9th, after much discussion the Board of Elected Elders approved a contemporary service starting at 9am and a traditional service starting at 10:30am. This plan will be evaluated during the first few months of 2024 as will all plans regarding consolidation.

4.  If some activities are not possible at Wyatt, what is the plan for them? For daytime activities, leadership is in discussions with Pointe of Hope Church on North 7 Highway and possibly another local church. Most evening activities can be accommodated at Wyatt, except GriefShare and DivorceCare (by choice due to confidentiality considerations connected to those ministries) which are also in discussions with Pointe of Hope.

5.  What will happen to the beautiful cross presently on the stage at Wyatt? As of now, a decision about this cross has not been made.

6.  As the school makes adjustments for one building, I’m curious when Mr. Holland will receive his call as principal of Timothy? We are excited to celebrate with him. When and how can the school begin to plan for Ken’s installation? Who makes the decision? Mr. Holland has completed all colloquy requirements to be a LCMS rostered principal. The current Call Committee and Executive Board will plan the details of asking the congregation to approve a call to Ken as the rostered TLS principal.

The congregation is urged to submit questions to expedite the discussion. Those can be submitted on Timothy’s website by clicking on Church, then Next Generation, or by clicking on submission button on congregational email sent on Monday, Oct. 9, at 10am.

Men’s Pickleball

All skill levels are invited to JourneyMen’s Pickleball event – beginners welcome, too! Don’t
have a paddle? That’s OK, we have some to share. All guys 14 and older are invited (14-16 need to be with dad, grandpa or mentor). Feel free to invite a friend.

Worship Attendance October 15:  RD Mize 181, Wyatt  191

Oct 15
Weekly General Contributions:  Actual $21,052.33 vs Budgeted $28,868
Weekly First Fruits Contributions:  Actual  $45.00 vs Budgeted $2,075

Job Opportunity  Full-time (40 hrs/wk) Business Manager; click here for position description; available Jan. 1, 2024; send resume to Diane Mayfield (dianem@timothylutheran.com).

TLS Dinner Night Out Not interested in cooking dinner this coming Monday night? From 4-9m on Monday, Oct. 23, you can visit Vito’s Original Pizza at 110 Highway 7 in Blue Springs to order anything on the menu for dine in, carry out, Door Dash, etc and mention Timothy Lutheran School when you order for 10% of your total sale being donated to the TLS Scholarship Fund.

Graveside Service for former member Eunice Hafemeister tomorrow at Swan Lake Memorial Gardens has changed to 10 am.

3rd Quarter Contributions Statements were emailed yesterday. Please check for accuracy. Contact Chris Krenz (816.228.5300 ext. 8013) with any questions.

LWML KC South Zone Rally Oct 24, at Timothy. Contact Kim Duffy (913.488.7677) with questions

Giant Clothing Giveaway  Annual event at St. John LaLande Catholic Church, 805 NW RD Mize Rd; Nov. 13 through Nov. 15, noon to 6pm; open to the community to shop for free clothing; free will donations also accepted.

College Student Ministry Families of Timothy’s college students are encouraged to contact the church office (816.228.5300) with their student’s name and mailing address by tomorrow. The GROW Commission plans to send notes of encouragement and a small gift. Thank you!

Nominating Committee Update The congregation is urged to nominate themselves or other members (18 & older) to serve as Elected Elders or Commission Leaders (GO and GIVE). Please contact Ben Ryan (816.405.9348), Rick Little (816.213.8526), or Joe Sauter (816.516.9060) by October 15 to share your suggestions and to ask questions. Thank you!

Thrivent Choice Dollars Don’t forget to direct your Choice Dollars to organizations and causes you support. Timothy Lutheran Church and Timothy Lutheran School are approved organizations to receive these donations. Your participation in the Thrivent Choice program helps Thrivent Financial distribute these funds effectively. Thank you!

Called Staff Appreciation Month Please keep all of Timothy’s staff in your prayers and extend words of thanksgiving, encouragement, and appreciation as you have opportunity.

Annual Voters’ Assembly Meeting Jan. 7, 2024, following second service, Wyatt Auditorium.

DivorceCare meets Mondays, 6:30-8 pm at RD Mize, Room 102.

GriefShare Thursdays, 6:30-8 pm, at RD Mize, Fireplace Room.

Donations Requested: Clean plastic bags and reusable cloth or plastic bags, if available, are appreciated for the staff at Lutheran Urban Mission Agency Auxiliary(LUMAA) to package food for its clients. Please place donations in clear tub in RD Mize mailbox area. Thank you very much!

Food Donations during the month of October are designated for Hillcrest. Always needed are pasta, boxed potatoes, tuna and canned meat,  cereal, crackers, cake mix and frosting. Sugar, flour, cooking oil, coffee, tea, salt, pepper and spices are especially appreciated.   Thank you, Timothy, for continuing to remember those in need.. Drop off in grocery cart at either campus.

Sunday Morning Adult Bible Study “The Gospel of Luke”; 10:15-11:15am, Fireplace Room (302), RD Mize; led by Fritz Barlag & Dale Russell

Monday Evening Adult Bible Study (1st & 3rd Mondays) 6:30pm fellowship; 7pm study; Fellowship Hall, RD Mize; led by Roxanne Kerwood

Tuesday Morning Men’s Bible Study “The Book of Philippians”, 6:30-7:30am, Fireplace Room (302); led by various men

Tuesday Morning Women’s Bible Study Joshua: Winning the Worry Battle; 9-11 am, Room 111, RD Mize; led by various ladies

Tuesday Morning Adult Bible Study “1st and 2nd Samuel”; 10-11am, Fellowship Hall, RD Mize; led by Jon Kraft

Wednesday Night Sr High; Youth Room(506); 6:30-8 pm; Confirmation; 6:30 -8 pm; Room 501

Thursday Evening Women’s Bible Study (Women of Thursday) Book study; 6:30-8pm; Youth room (506), led by Miriam Lindemann

Saturday Morning Moms Bible Study (1st & 3rd Saturdays) 9-10am, 4 G’s Wyatt; led by Kaye Gray

Do You Have A Story To Share?
If you have an article or celebration you would like to share with the members of Timothy, please submit it to
Diane Mayfield (click on either) or
Doug Fleck 

Please keep your submission between 200-250 words.
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